The capitalist ventures purported by Elon Musk of Karl Marx reveals Karl’s self- contradiction. This is demonstrated by a close psychological understanding of Karl Marx the man and his historical biography. He was a man riddled by trauma, driven by self-impressed omnipotence, and absolute selfishness. I recommend watching Thomas Sowell’s historical biography of his life as well as other sources of information on Marx, the man. Also, I will add the following understanding irony helps us as reasonable animals weed out paradoxes that reveal misalignment between our actions and concepts or notions of how we are as individuals. The more intentionally reflexive we become with our thinking the more self-aware we become. Openness to our internal conflict presupposed the latter. Karl Marx wrote his doctrine through the venom of resentment. Therefore, his intellect and resultant epistemology were developed through the skewed lens of emotion, and that inverted his insights leading to an overwhelming paradox. These paradoxes lead to inevitable poor results and as historical content demonstrates – totalitarian rule, the latter leading to over 100 million deaths in the 20th century alone. The outcome of his contradictory ideology is that his followers also think, process, and act from emotion as well as having never read his literature cannot see their own self-negations. These are the 99% of the troops, e.g. foot soldiers everyone improperly calls “the radical left.” The latter is self-defeating rhetoric because it reveals the lack of self-awareness of those using the label and a misunderstanding of the importance of interaction to convert ideology (sales). The 1% Marxist’s, e.g. intellectuals who have and do study Marx, I would argue like Marx are misaligned in their conceptions and actions. This is represented by their life which would be in the cozy environment of a laboratory or academic hall driving a Lexus and living in suburbia while preaching for socialism…never having to give up their property in the interim...
All of what I just expounded on is not specific to Marx, the “radical left” or Marxism, communism, etc., but is non-partisan and is equally proportional to the right. This is why truth is unveiled in the interaction of that duality. This is why truth changes and is unveiled to the human-animal through interaction and perpetuation of conflict through our historical epoch. However, in our current culture, it is too polarized for the moderates to moderate. Therefore, the truth is stunted, and we are regressing in all contexts culturally. Moreover, freedom of speech is negated by enslavement to virtue signaling and shame and more deconstruction of all parties occur. All parties are irresponsible up to this point and we have yet to see leadership to unify the culture. All in all, this stems from a lack of emotional education, knowledge of the world in general, our decadent culture fueled by technology, a globalized world with very different views to American constitutional ideals, and the assimilation of our elites into those international conceptions. This will all continue to spiral out of control if leaders on at least one side of the spectrum cannot develop emotional capabilities and work out their own naturally developing paradoxes of being.
This is why emotional education is vital, however, I believe it is misguided and self-proclaiming due to a misunderstanding of actualization and awareness which is presupposed by our free-market capitalist structure and the cultural programming that comes with the naturally developing juxtaposition of entitlement and resentment. Karl Marx saw these negative traits of free-market capitalism and thus developed a misguided narrative to solving its symptoms rather than its fundamental problems therefore creator more problems. This is once again demonstrated by the empirical data of how his theories have worked out in practical use since there original inception. All in all, entitlement and resentment are the perfect fuel for the intellectual inversion which limits self-awareness and turns knowledge into a weapon for the individual wielding their wisdom or a shield. This they are in perpetual internal conflict and tribalism is inevitable...