A Paradigm Shifting Presidency
Oligarchy now rules the USA
Americans will wake up after the 2024 election realising that their democracy is now owned by the megalomaniac Musk. If you don’t know about Musk’s plans, this video will inform you. EXPOSED: Elon Musk’s Master Plan For America. Musk will possibly be aided and abetted by his rich pals Peter Thiel, Jeff Bezos and all the other plutocrats with their vested interests. They might soon plot amongst themselves to remove a few snouts from the trough. This is the type of manoeuvre that gets men into such positions of overall power in the first place. No doubt some of them will be well-versed as to how to achieve the thinning process. They have all watched how Putin achieved his autocracy.
In a democracy, our chosen political leaders reflect our overall desires. Clearly the majority of Americans wish to have power and money. Along the way, they have forfeited their ‘democracy’ with this addiction to power and money. Authors like Matt Kennard and John Mearsheimer have been pointing this out for some time now. In the 2024 election, those Americans who would have preferred not to endorse genocide were not offered any seriously viable alternative. The same applied in the recent UK election.
Speaking as someone who has been pushing for four years for paradigm shift to equitable economic Degrowth; I am hoping that the election result in America will serve as a wake up call. A Harris win would have put the ecocidal ‘green growth’ agenda into hyperdrive. Most people are aware of the climate crisis but ignorant of ecosystems collapse. Most people would have seen Harris win and subsequently breathed a sigh of relief. They would have incorrectly assumed that the climate was in safe hands. Our complacency about ecosystems collapse, and our addiction to growth economics are our greatest enemies. Kamala Harris was never going to break through that addiction, quite the reverse, she would have lulled everyone back into their false sense of security.
Musk and his mates will now get busy redirecting assets of every description into their dystopian techno-dreams. Military expenditure will likely be slashed. They might even decide to quit NATO. This would be a good thing, for NATO is the reason for the war in Ukraine. Equitable economic Degrowth can only be achieved within a peaceful world. The election of Trump in 2024, may have nudged the world towards the realisation that we all suffer when we allocate power to wealth supremacists like Trump and Netanyahu.
Putting Wealth Above Law and Politics
Trump’s team will soon set about deciding how to decimate that part of our legal system that exists to protect the minority and the vulnerable. The plan is to ensure that the wealthy lie beyond the law completely. A regime of techno-feudalism is envisaged by Musk. This is already partially in place. The economist Yannis Varoufakis explains the concept in his book ‘Technofeudalism’. Politicians like Trump were never more than a tool in the hands of the plutocrats. Trump is ultimately disposable. Physically and mentally, he may well not last a full term. They might choose to cut-out the middle-man and put Musk in charge.
My suggestion for a Global Aspiration for Ecological Justice becomes ever more relevant. As I explained in my previous article, aspirations eat legal systems for breakfast, especially when they are fascist aspirations.
A UK Perspective as Trump is elected
The UK now finds that its strongest political ally is in fact an asset-grabbing, power manic, that is likely to continue supporting the genocide in Israel. The USA is likely to soon become a fully-fledged authoritarian fascist confederation of states. This is no surprise to those of us who could see the dangers of the wealth supremacy hierarchy into which we were born. Very few of us have been walking around with our eyes open in recent decades. The USA election will be a major wake-up call for all those arrogant academics at prestigious universities who thought that they had the socio-economic crisis under control.
Time for Paradigm Shift?
Will Americans lie-down quietly and accept autocracy? Will the UK be content to be close allies with a fascist dictatorship? They are nearly at that stage, sadly. My hope is that the wealthy in the UK are slightly less anaesthetised than those in the USA. My hope is, that they might be ready to face up to a few glaring realities: like climate breakdown, ecosystems collapse, overconsumption, and overpopulation. Some universities and institutions might be willing to build an altruistic Anthropocene, guided by a Global Aspiration for Ecological Justice.
From People To Planet - Human #CocosIsland?? to #PlanetMars?? #The18SDGs #The10Principles #TheMillenniumDeclaration #GameChanger?? #TrendSetter?? #Agriculture #Commodity #Pharmaceutical #Semiconductor #Space
4 个月2017 - 2020 vs 2021 - 2024 vs 2013 - 2024 vs 1987 NOT 1967 #truth actually very #simple and #straightforwad Only #Real #victim #witness #survivor The Truth Doesn't Mind Being Questioned, But... A Lie Does and Ain't Afraid To Show It. Time Will Always Reveal That Truth, and Karma Doesn't Miss A Soul. #JusticeDelayedIsJusticeDenied “Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave.” - Frederick Douglass Should be glad, still could remain to be #human never turn to be like those perpetrator's cicle. #JusticeDelayedIsJusticeDenied #ThatTruthCrossesItsOwnIdeologyAndPrinciple #RuleOfLaw “If you want to know what it’s like to survive hell and still come out shining brighter than the sun, just look into the eyes of a woman who has survived intense damage and refused to allow it to destroy her softness.” - ?? HISTORY.IDENTITY.DIGNITY When it comes to human dignity, we cannot make compromises. - Angela Merkel “To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.” - Nelson Mandela