A Paradigm Shift...A Dramatic Change In Approach To Reduce Brand Anxiety.
Shekhar Badve
Founder Director Lokusdesign I Keynote Speaker I Transformation Leader I Juror Cannes Design Lions I TEDx Speaker I Juror India Design Mark I Govt of India I CII’s National Committee on Design I President NIDAA
We are all contended, happy & joyful today. Aren't we?
We believe it because our satisfaction & happiness is validated by trophies, tokens and appreciation by others.
Then why do we still keep looking for it (and why do we have to perpetually keep fighting for it...,) because if we need to look and keep fighting for it, then we haven't really found it.
Being hard wired and trained to be someone else, will we be able to know ourselves ever? The fundamental reason that we haven't found satisfaction and joy is because we keep looking outside...outside which is changing, outside which is beyond our control...listening to changing opinions, comparing ourselves, unnecessarily competing… trying to build something on a shaky ground and watch it crumble every time…
Brands and organisations are also hard wired to set their reference points outside of themselves: be it their competition, often confused customers, or even the business environment. These are fickle variables and beyond anyone’s control; but often form the basis of their critical decisions. This is where the deepest insecurities stem from. It is the principal source of anxiety that brands and organisations are perpetually consumed by.
This chaos (Entropy E-) cannot be resolved using the same thinking that once created it.
There has to be a paradigm shift...a dramatic change in our approach... a change from outside/ variable to inside/ constant...Maybe we need to look where we never look.... and the only place beyond our eyesight is within...
Brands need to distance themselves from the frenzy (Entropy E-) and discover their positive valence (P+), the basic building block that is authentic, inherent and inspiring. Then build on their positive valence to the fundamental needs (there are only 6 fundamental human needs) of its customers and create true value, making the brand more meaningful. This instills a strong sense of confidence among all stakeholders resulting in lasting relationships and better growth prospects.
Shekhar Badve
Founder Director