A Parade For Preserving Pavement
Performance Hydroblasting, INC. has been working hard for 17 years to deliver the finest available results for Airfield and Highway removal of markings. We will soon introduce what we call our Spec uP Campaign. Spec uP is for specifiers, Airfield Maintenance, Airfield Ops, Project Engineers, Contracting Officers, Specification writers, State and Municipal Highway Department Engineers, and Other Industry Professionals to understand how the Industry's current written specifications might be Currently and unintentionally weakened from within. Certain terms currently in use, have limited the written specs in their ability to consistently deliver the best possible outcome.
While our "Curriculum" will be presented and illustrated in layman's terms for a field understanding, we believe the engineers and executives will enjoy peering into this subject from a mechanic's perspective. As an owner/ operator and innovator of 17 years, I am excited to help the transportation community achieve more consistent results and much more satisfying results through simply educating the customer.
It is my hope that with a clearer spec we will see a virtual parade of highly improved projects , especially where existing site conditions challenge the flexibility of the written spec.
Watch for our Full Page Invitation in the October/November Issue of The Airport Improvement Magazine. We will launch our Campaign and make the information available On or before October 1st to coordinate with the Ramps and Runways feature.
There is a complex interplay of related elements which directly impact the results of marking removal and the effects on pavements. The written specifications have been adapted, adopted, edited, and borrowed terms over the years which terms are specific to dated technologies but do not translate well into todays operations.
We look forward to hearing from you in October !