The ‘Paracelsus Healthy Ageing Programme’

The ‘Paracelsus Healthy Ageing Programme’

Original article: Rau T. (2014) Gedanken zur Aufbau- und Abbaukraft des Menschen Die Wechseljahre des Mannes - ein Tabuthema SANUM Post 114; 7-12

What is Healthy Ageing?

Healthy Ageing is the process of promoting and maintaining the functional capacity that enables well-being in old age. We are talking about maintaining quality of life.

Menopause’ in men is not a taboo subject, but can be actively addressed as a multidisciplinary ageing process.

At the Paracelsus Clinic in Teufen near St. Gallen, a highly effective biological medical programme has been developed and practised for the past 25 years with the aim of

- alleviate the symptoms of degenerative diseases

- optimise the regeneration of health after an illness

- to deal with chronic diseases and their evolution

- massively improve well-being

- slow down the ageing process (anti-ageing).

After taking a thorough medical history and exhausting many diagnostic possibilities, biological medicine can be used to strengthen the organism and slow down the ageing process.


Men also go through different phases in their lives, which can cause physical and psychological changes, especially with increasing age, and which are based on profound hormonal changes. For example, sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH) increase, while testosterone (normally secondary) decreases, as do the adrenal hormones cortisol, adrenaline, DHEA and serotonin.

Male ageing and ‘menopause’ are therefore not only a problem of the gonads and testosterone, but also to a large extent of the liver, depending on the toxin load, the intestines and the pituitary gland. The adrenal glands are depleted and at the same time antibodies against thyroid hormones (Hashimoto's) and insulin often increase. On the other hand, heavy and light metals burden the organism and influence enzyme activity and hormone production. Liver disorders are more frequent and the vegetative balance is shifted in favour of the sympathetic nervous system and to the detriment of the parasympathetic nervous system, which has a detrimental effect on erections, among other things. All these phenomena can be verified by modern holistic laboratory diagnostics.

Symptoms of glandular weaknesses are

  • often indifferent mood disorders and physical symptoms such as imperative fatigue and loss of performance;
  • listlessness and loss of interest, decreased sexual performance and usually possible spontaneous morning erections;
  • hair colour and hair growth are affected, which is hormonal, constitutional, but also due to reduced amino acid metabolism;
  • symptoms are often accompanied by hypertension, weight gain and a low tolerance to alcohol as a sign of a decreased detoxification capacity of the liver.

5 groups of SANUM remedies to support the restorative powers of the organism

1. Isopathics for the downward development of the endobiont and to build up the intestinal flora, to be administered on a long-term basis; the basic remedies are MUCOKEHL? D5 Tbl. 1x 1 in the morning and NIGERSAN? D5 Tbl. 1x 1 in the evening.

2. Immunobiologicals to activate the immune cells for a specific antibacterial reaction; these preparations also act as metabolic stimulators.

3. Physiological carboxylic acids for deacidification, as they homeopathically influence and remove organic acids formed by the high valences of endobionts, e.g. lactic acid, citric acid, formic acid, tartaric acid.

4. Haptenes to mark cell wall deficient bacteria (FOC) as antigens and eliminate them (FOC as a cause of chronic diseases).

5. Milieu therapeutics such as alkalis, minerals, trace elements, etc. This so-called ‘orthomolecular therapy’ is becoming more and more important due to the increasingly massive deficiencies of trace elements in people. Since the body is in a constant state of reorganisation, reconstruction and degradation, the aim of the therapy must always be to strengthen the body's restorative powers, because after 7 years no cell is the same as before. The body is constantly and continually renewing itself!

A central focus of the therapy is the intestinal reorganisation according to the SANUM scheme (Fig. 1) with an additional dose of REBAS?, which activates the immune system, the Peyer's patches. The intestinal therapy stimulates and strengthens the body's etheric growth forces in the sense of Rudolf Steiner. It is extremely important to soothe the intestinal tract by means of a hypoallergenic diet, as recommended by Dr. Werthmann and Dr. Rau, and to provide it with the necessary nutrients, and on the other hand to rebuild the healthy flora, e.g. by means of suitable isopathics (FORTAKEHL?) and probiotics (PROBIKEHL?).

Fig. 1 SANUM therapy scheme for intestinal rehabilitation

Only with SANUM therapy and a cow's milk-free diet is it possible to accumulate Bacteroides bacteria in the intestine, which cannot yet be replaced by any probiotic. The liver is closely linked to the intestine and intestinal physiological processes via the enterohepatic circulation and must therefore be treated in any case, e.g. by administering SILVAYSAN?, TARAXAN SANUM? D3, HEXACYL? and SANUGALL?.

The general regenerative power can be further improved with the remedy CHRYSOCOR?, a homeopathic preparation based on pig placenta. As the spleen is also closely linked to this rapidly renewing cell system and its restorative powers, treatment of the spleen should also be considered, for example with PINIKEHL? and LARIFIKEHL?.


The internal environment is characterised by

  • Acid-base balance
  • Protein content of tissues and body fluids
  • Functioning of the intestine and its ‘annexed organs’ (liver, gall bladder, pancreas) and the spleen, as well as the integrity of the intestinal flora
  • availability of minerals and trace elements

Regulation of the acid-base balance is achieved by a hypoallergenic diet, avoiding in particular cow's milk products, sugar and products containing gluten. Food allergies or intolerances are known to destroy the mucosa of the small intestine, causing a sharp increase in histamine concentration in the tissues.

The following symptoms may be an expression of these changes in the internal environment:

- depression

- chronic inflammation,

- eczema,

- asthma

- headaches,

- susceptibility to infections and

- allergies

By avoiding food triggers, the production of histamine in the body can be reduced. This is important because histamine influences the production of neuroendocrine hormones in case of hyperacidity. Serotonin, GABA and dopamine, in particular, are only available in reduced amounts and therefore support the ageing process.

Sufficient amounts of tryptophan and tyrosine must be available together with B vitamins and other substances that stimulate enzyme activity to produce serotonin and dopamine. However, since the greatest proportion of serotonin is formed in the gut, an optimal diet without disturbing factors is just as important.

In addition to a healthy diet, this regulation disorder can also benefit from naturopathic medicines such as ALKALA? N, ALKALA? S, ZINKOKEHL?, MAPURIT?, vitamins (especially vitamins C and B), L-glutamine, SANUVIS?, RMSTropfen Biofrid, LIPISCOR?, SILVAYSAN? and TARAXAN SANUM? D3.

While the protein intake of the population has increased by about 200-300% over the last 60 years, the mineral intake in the diet has decreased to about 25% of the 1950 level in the same period, which has a significant impact on the cell membrane potential (reduction), the fluidity of body fluids and the gel-like or solid state of the interstitium (hyperproteinised film).

Lack of minerals, vitamins and trace elements on the one hand and hyperproteinisation on the other hand are the most common causes of chronic diseases, the so-called ‘diseases of civilisation’.

The problem of cow's milk and gluten:

Due to the high-yield breeding of cows and the industrial processing of milk, milk is nowadays one of the foods particularly responsible for allergies, but also for dysbiosis. The consumption of cow's milk and cow's milk products promotes the over-colonisation of the intestine with clostridia, which are obligate neurotoxins.

Gluten-containing cereals also harbour considerable allergenic potential. Today's bread wheat is highly genetically engineered and contains four times as much gluten as it did 50 years ago. The frequency of gluten allergies is increasing dramatically. In addition, cereals, as well as maize and soya, are heavily contaminated with pesticides, which are suspected of causing certain chronic diseases such as multi-chemical syndrome (MCS). Excess protein, for its part, is thought to be responsible for fibromyalgia, obesity, impotence and hypertension.

The gastrointestinal tract plays an important role in the regulation of acid-base balance. Protons are channelled out of the body via stomach acid, bile acids and the acidic flora of the intestine. The flora bacteria Bacteroides, Bifidus and Lactobacilli play a special role in this process. To take advantage of these natural deacidification opportunities, the activity of the liver, bile production and bile flow must be stimulated and the natural acidifying flora created.

The liver and bile are activated, for example, with Absinthium (Ceres), TARAXAN SANUM? D3 and many bitter substances. Humic acids (Activomin?), isopathic FORTAKEHL?, PEFRAKEHL?, SANKOMBI? and probiotics such as PROBIKEHL?, SymbioLact? (SymbioPharm GmbH) or Lactobact? (HLH Bio Pharma Vertriebs GmbH) can be used to activate or increase the anaerobic deacidifying flora of the intestine.

Probiotics should only be taken in the short term, as the real long-term effect comes from isopathics. Figures 2a and 2b show a corresponding treatment plan used in the Paracelsus clinic.

Fig. 2a: Isopathics and intestinal flora

Fig. 2b: Isopathic structure of the intestinal flora

ACUPUNCTURE POINTS to stimulate cell and organ regeneration

The first point to mention is the 23rd point of the bladder. It is situated at the level of the lateral process L2. It can be described as the cardinal point of stimulation for cell therapy. It stimulates the adrenal glands, the pituitary gland and the kidneys. The injection also has a stimulating effect on bone formation and in general has an anabolic effect!

One ampoule is injected at this point:




- Hypophysis suis Injeel (Heel)

- Ubiquinone comp (Heel) and

- Procaine*, 1 %,

which in itself has a particularly anabolic effect.

A second special stimulation point is the Ma 11 point of the stomach meridian, which can be described as the thyroid point. It serves to stimulate the thyroid gland and the pituitary gland, as well as general energetic activation. It is worthwhile to inject the following Heel preparations at this second most important cardinal point of cell and organ stimulation:

- Thyreoid comp.

- Ubiquinone comp.

- Hypophysis suis Injeel

- possibly Engystol? N instead of Ubichinon comp (all Heel)

- Procaine, 1%.

The third, very important and cardinal access point of the whole abdominal system is the Ma 25 point, 2 fingers transverse to the left and right of the umbilicus.

The neural therapy is administered deep (down to the peritoneum) and with a very fine needle; RECARCIN? D6, FORTAKEHL? D5 and lidocaine 1%.

This ‘wonderful’ neural therapy provides a strong stimulus to the regulatory power of the entire intestinal system.


Hormones play a fundamental role in human health throughout life, and neurotransmitters play a major role in mental and physical balance. The following neurotransmitters are important - Histamine - Serotonin - Dopamine - Acetylcholine - Noradrenaline - Insulin - GABA - Melatonin.

An imbalance can cause the following symptoms: sleep disorders, excitability, pain, hormonal imbalances, fatigue and listlessness.

To compensate for these imbalances, natural hormones can be administered in substantial and homeopathic formulas. Under no circumstances should chemical hormones be administered in any form, because they cause considerable side effects, overload the liver's detoxification capacity and are suspected to be carcinogenic.

The above-mentioned laboratory test for SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) indicates that ‘xenohormones’, i.e. synthetic hormones or hormone-like substances such as phenols, pyrethroids and pesticides, cause a reduction in effective hormones!

So-called bioidentical hormones are produced from plants, are very well tolerated, are effective even in the smallest doses, do not carry liver and thrombosis risks, are not carcinogenic and cannot be distinguished from natural hormones in laboratory tests.

The following bioidentical hormones are used at the Paracelsus Clinic in combination with CHRYSOCOR? and are shown in Fig. 3a.

Fig. 3a: Bioidentical hormones at the Paracelsus Clinic

DHEA and testosterone

The hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is considered a ‘miracle hormone’. It is produced in the adrenal glands and is the precursor of many sex hormones. DHEA is particularly important for muscle building and is often referred to as the ‘anti-ageing hormone’. Its deficiency causes, among other things, fibromyalgia and muscle weakness, fatigue and depression, loss of libido and hair loss. The ‘typical’ male hormone, testosterone, promotes libido in both men and women. Its secretion, as well as the erection of the male member, depends on a parasympathicotonic state of the organism. Testosterone is bound in the body by SHBG, the concentration of which in the tissues depends on liver function and exposure to xenohormones. For the treatment of testosterone deficiency symptoms, it is best to use pregnenolone, approx. 50-100 mg per day. If testosterone is absolutely necessary, the dose of bioidentical hormone should be a maximum of 10-50 mg/day.

Fatty acids

A deficiency or imbalance of fatty acids can be the cause of catabolic states in the metabolism. These catabolic changes can be observed in chronic inflammation, reduced strength, osteoporosis and neurological disorders. In fatty acid profile analyses, linoleic acid, arachidonic acid and palmitic acid are often increased and omega-3 fatty acids are decreased. Fatty acid deficiencies and imbalances have an unfavourable effect on the patient's pain situation and promote the chronification of symptoms. High levels of the three fatty acids linoleic, arachidonic and palmitic acid promote inflammation and destruction of cell membranes and myelin sheaths. A concomitant deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids also weakens the lipophilic components of the cell wall. In summary, higher amounts of saturated fatty acids, trans-fatty acids and hydrogenated fats, omega-6 arachidonic, palmitic and omega-6 linoleic acids are as harmful as many lipophilic preservatives, DDT, etc. in terms of cell degradation and promotion of inflammation.

In contrast, phosphatidylcholine and serine, alpha-lipoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (LIPISCOR?), evening primrose oil and other substances have a positive, neurotropic effect. (e.g. Burgerstein EPO evening primrose oil capsules, Biofrid Plus capsules), soya lecithin (EPALIPID?), alpha-linolenic acid (linseed oil) and fat-soluble vitamins D, A, E and K.


Cholines are necessary for fat metabolism and the construction of cell membranes. They are essential for liver metabolism because they support and build fat metabolism-dependent functions. Among the phospholipids or lecithins, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine are the most important substances for brain metabolism. Phosphatidylcholines are anti-ageing substances. They act as methyl group donors (cell wall metabolism) and are cell wall stabilisers. Phosphatidylcholine (Lipostabil?) 2-3 g per day or soy lecithin (EPALIPID?) 10-20 g per day are administered as a substitute for therapy or prophylaxis.


To counteract neurotropic catabolism and promote anabolism, the following is administered

  • Phosphatidylserine 300-900 mg
  • Alpha lipoic acid 600-1200 mg
  • Flaxseed oil 2 tablespoons per day (redo fatty acid profile after 6 weeks, DHA and EPA values should have increased)
  • Phosphatidylcholine 2-3 g daily or soya lecithin (EPALIPID?) 2-3 tablespoons
  • Vitamin B complex
  • Essential amino acids, especially tryptophan 300 mg daily, tyrosine 500-1000 mg daily, additionally L-glutamine 2 g daily
  • CHRYSOCOR? 1 ampoule i.m. per day
  • Fresh cell extracts from brain and placenta Paracelsus 1-3 times a week. In addition, neurostimulation can be achieved with SANUM medication. For this purpose
  • MUCEDOKEHL? D4 Kps. 1-2x 1 per day
  • PROPIONIBACTERIUM Avidum D5 Kps. 2-3x 1 per week
  • GINKGOBAKEHL? Tr. 3x 20 per day.


Due to the deficiencies in our daily diet described above, it may be necessary to replace certain substances. These include trace elements, chromium, magnesium, vitamins (C, B group, E, D), omega-3 fatty acids, L-glutamine, L-carnitine, but also L-cysteine for the formation of neuroendocrine hormones. However, before a dietary supplement is administered, appropriate tests should be carried out to determine any deficiencies. These can be capillary mineral and whole blood tests (minerals), serum tests (vitamins, fatty acids), saliva and serum (hormones) or serum, urine, saliva (neuroendocrine hormones and endorphins). Specific nutritional supplementation is then possible.


Toxic substances can be the cause of ‘menopause’, catabolism and catabolism and, for example, osteoporosis in men.

The most frequent toxic metals are

- mercury

- lead

- arsenic

- aluminium

- cadmium.

They cause impotence, infertility, sterility, abdominal pain, cramps, hyperexcitability and nervousness, neurological problems, hypertension and cancer.

In general, it can be said that heavy metals and other toxins favour the development of pathogenic viruses and bacteria and reduce the body's ability to rebuild itself.

For this reason, the Paracelsus Clinic performs daily to weekly detoxification infusions and alkaline infusions.

Patients also receive

SELENOKEHL? D4 3x 30 tr/day, zinc as a catalyst in the form of ZINKOKEHL? D3 3x 20-30 tr/day. In addition, vitamin C 1-3 g daily orally (DHEA control), algae (chlorella, algae mixture), Alen or Eveliza?, alpha-lipoic acid 300-1,200 mg/day, PLEO CHELATE? 3x 30 tr./day as maximum dose.

Organic chemical compounds such as thioethers, indoles, formaldehydes, phenols and so-called xenohormones cause symptoms similar to those of toxic metals. In addition, blood formation disorders, chronic pain and Mb. Alzheimer's disease. These toxins can be detected by blood and urine tests. Iron/ferritin Iron is a strong oxidant. Elevated ferritin levels are an expression of chronic inflammation, including fibromyalgia. Such values are signs of liver inflammation and risk factors for ovarian and breast carcinomas. Iron levels can be regulated by copper levels. CUPRUKEHL? should also be considered to balance iron and ferritin levels.

Incorporation of iron into the haemoglobin of red blood cells depends on the presence of vitamin C and zinc.

Excessively high ferritin levels are treated with MUCOKEHL? D5 (2-3x 1 tablet per day), SANUVIS? (4x 20 tablets per day), LIPISCOR? (3x 5 capsules per day), SILVAYSAN? (up to 4x 1 capsule per day) and special elimination with PLEO CHELATE? (3x 30 tablets per day).


Like fatty acids, certain amino acids are essential. This applies in particular to branched-chain amino acids. The daily requirement of essential amino acids is shown in Fig. 3b.

These amounts (approx. 20 g) can also be achieved without dietary supplements if, for example, Eveliza? and/or the following foods are consumed: Chicken 2 times a week, beans, chestnuts, lentils, millet, oats, corn daily, tuna or turkey 1-2 times a week; no red meat, sugar or cereals.

Fig. 3b: Essential amino acids and their daily requirements

Content of the article by Dr. Thomas Rau Chief Physician of Paracelsus Klinik Lustmühle AG Battenhusstra?e 12 P.O. Box 162 CH-9053 Teufen AR Switzerland

Irene Blanco Del Río ?

Medicina Integrativa. Máster en Suplementación Nutricional. Especialidad vía MIR MFyC.

3 个月

Enhorabuena, es muy interesante, gracias



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