

Thank you for the welcome you gave to my previous videos. Thank you for your likes, for your shares and especially for your constructive feedback.


Today's video is a little special, since it's my birthday.

?In short, a lucky day for taking up a position that I take very seriously.

?In the first part of today's video, I introduce myself so that you understand the purpose of this script, written in the form of a parable.

?After this story, we will see how to change the social contract.


Who am I?


I have already introduced myself in several ways. Today, I am doing it in a different way again.


I am the daughter of the late Robert, a storekeeper born in 33, who started working at the age of 14; and Jacqueline, born after the war, retired from public hospitals who had a full career as a nurse.


In my family, we have 3 Pierre(Peter or stone) :

? A patriarch who represents our link with tradition and the past.

? Then, a father in the prime of life.

? And finally, a young man who represents the future that the new generation carries.


My name is Nathalie Croz.

My name is in the Bible. I asked Pope Francis for the dating of this passage specifically. It is written in a different way compared to the rest of the text. It seems appropriate to me to know the exact dating of this passage.


As for my first name, it is that of a Saint who refused to wear the veil for a religion that was not hers.

This first name is quite appropriate in our time. We will see that another time.


I will not dwell today on all the pitfalls that our Creator put in my path to train me for this somewhat unusual role.

This first wave of explanations already shows you why I decided to tell you this story in the form of a parable. Know that this is a true story.




Now that you guess who I am, you can understand that the experience I had on Friday evening could not have happened to me by chance.

Let me tell you what happened.


In a bit of a hurry, I go shopping at the supermarket.


There are 3 stores near my home.

For what I must buy, I feel almost obliged to choose the one I like the least.


Well, that I liked much less, until then. It has improved a lot.

?Its employees are starting to smile, which is already a clear improvement in customer service. They have really taken a step forward since Covid.


Anyway, I do my shopping.

I head to the checkout.

A small miracle. You know what it is: there is a checkout where the line is shorter.

I even ask the cashier if he closes after the last woman, I'm so surprised.


I stay in the queue for about a minute or two.

Then a man comes along and approaches me in the most unpleasant way possible:

- You shouldn't take that, it'll make you fat, he tells me.

Nice, right!?

For those who know my generous curves, you can imagine that this man must have been either dazzled or totally unconscious not to see the enormity of what he had just told me!

Do you have to be so blind not to see how beautiful I am in every way!?

No way! He's also badly brought up, the man!


Anyway, normally I would have laughed about it, but on Friday I was in a hurry, and I wanted to make a point. After all, I too have the right to be empathetic while setting my limits in the face of this kind of deliberate aggression.

Yes, I weigh my words, it was deliberate! He smiled cheerfully, the lout!


Hey, between us, ladies, which one of you would not have been offended by such an affront?!

And you gentlemen, I hope that your approaches are a little more subtle than this one.


Anyway, whatever the case, less than a minute later, seeing that I was offended, this gentleman could have found a way to apologize.

Not at all! He outbids himself in his heaviness.

Can't we see him directly asking the cashier to go first? Without further ado, he starts pushing my things without asking me anything in passing.


He could have taken the lady's place before me; but he preferred to make a hole between his things and mine.

Of course, I protest. Then he pulls out his disabled card. Even if basic politeness would have required him to ask me first, I must give in.


I was in a hurry that evening.

I quickly pack up my things and head to the self-service checkouts.

I don't like going to the self-service checkouts. It deprives our entire society of jobs that could help us.

But hey, after what just happened, I don't really have a choice. So, I go there quickly.


Still annoyed, I talk about it with the man who is waiting his turn before me.

"Yes, good manners are the rarest thing, especially these days," he tells me.

Mmm. How right he is!


A little stroke of luck, I finish paying before the charming, unpleasant man who cut me off in this way. So, I go to see him to give him some feedback:

- Sir, your bad manners are perfect, really!

And I turn on my heels.




Before you come and ask me what disability this gentleman suffered from, you'll see, it's not the most important thing in this story.


Let's draw a parallel with the French State.


It's not for nothing that what happened to me happened to me. I remain at peace about 95% of the time. When I come out of this state of consciousness, it's because there is something to learn from it.

You'll see, it'll make you happy!


Let's look at the roles of each:

?? The unpleasant gentleman is the State. The State that imposes its administrative burdens. The fact that he is disabled is not really a problem. Each of us could end up disabled, but it's the lack of politeness and consideration that is tiring!

He could have asked me nicely to move. I would have done it.

He could have asked me if I was disabled myself. Not all disabilities are visible, and I hadn't noticed his.

Not to mention that the French medical profession considers a high IQ to be a source of disability. See the mess. But hey, we'll get to that another time.


To get back to this gentleman or the French State, the problem is that he never considered the possibility that I might be a being endowed with empathy. A free and responsible adult.


He's not used to being around good people. He's not used to acting like a good person himself. He assumes that I wouldn't be either.


That's the truth!

He deprived me of the possibility of acting as I could have done, with all kindness!


?? In this table, we then have the citizens. The citizens are the lady in front of me; the second gentleman, and myself.


3 ways to react:

? The lady remains silent, probably for fear of reprisals. You never know? Nowadays….

? The gentleman decides to laugh about it. When you can't do anything about it, you might as well laugh about it, it's always better for your own health.

? And me, who tries to find an alternative solution while saying what I think. Naively perhaps, I imagine that everyone can want to progress.


?? We can attribute to the cashier the role of the deputies. The State turned to them to validate if it is OK, without asking the citizens of civil society if it is appropriate or not.

?? And in this table, we also have the mayors of France, since a lady from the store was, with the cashier, next to the "so charming" gentleman when I came to tell him my way of thinking.


This lady was not as protected as the cashier behind his counter, she was certainly afraid of taking a stray blow. It's so common these days.

Of course, neither the cashier nor the lady intervened, as sheepish as they were.


?? Finally, let's note that in the face of this incident, I was able to find an alternative method, the automatic checkouts.


It's just like in our beautiful country, France. There are so many solutions when you take the trouble to look for them.


Moreover, the State, assisted by the lady in charge of the automatic checkouts, could have moved forward more quickly and at lower collateral costs.


?? In this picture, I do not forget of course the crucial role played by AI, which observed me through the cameras, but which is useless, since no one (apart from Gen Z) knows how to use it.


?? The supermarket chain represents all the public services that have taken a few courses to improve customer satisfaction.

That's not so bad... But it's not much use since the centralized state refuses to give its approval for comprehensive consultations that would allow all of civil society to actively participate in building our common future.


Yes, in the face of change, there is nothing like action to avoid stressing out all alone in your corner!

Let's not forget that a citizen who participates in the proper functioning of the state is incapable of trying to destroy it.

This would therefore mean:

? Less collective and individual spending

? More general satisfaction


The change of social contract


Jean-Jacques Rousseau himself could admit that work no longer brings dignity to the Man who works.


And there, my children, our whole society goes to pot!


Since "vices do not belong so much to man as to the man who is badly governed.", it is appropriate to change governance.


There are 7 different poles of improvement that are all linked to each other.


I want to emphasize entrepreneurship, agriculture, and individual property.

As a society, we must ensure that everyone succeeds. As JJ Rousseau said:

"The condition is equal for all; and since the condition is equal for all, no one has an interest in making it onerous for others?.


Thus, to make this condition equal for all, we must ensure that we facilitate:

?? Entrepreneurship, with an adapted France Travail service, assistance for changing one's life and conditions equivalent to salaried employment.

?? Agriculture with financial and temporal assistance to move towards the ecological transition;

?? And access to property is what is being achieved thanks to the new conditions of isolation.


Here are the 7 areas for improvement:

? We are nearing the end of any form of false Republic since the current Republican practice is the opposite of the democratic spirit. Everyone must be able to express themselves and act. Organizing regional comprehensive consultations is a prerequisite for the return of harmony in our country.

? To gain fluidity in our exchanges, there is nothing better than a varied education covering all possible and unimaginable subjects. Confronting our own mistakes is the fastest way to gain discernment. Thus, we set up a system of mutual education at all stages of our lives, which will facilitate multicultural and intergenerational transmissions.

? The codes of laws have governed our interactions until now. However, these codes do not reflect real Life. They often go against common sense. I see 4 examples here. There may be others:

o lightening the codes thanks to integral consultations.

o the right to make mistakes.

o the right to protect another human, when necessary, must be clear in everyone's mind.

o the right to be forgotten is essential for effective restorative justice over time.

? Most illnesses and conflicts are due to a lack of financial means to invest in one's own well-being, in so-called holistic medicines and finally in all areas of Life that interest us.

Before the end of year celebrations, it would be wise to allow everyone to receive adequate financial compensation to cover necessities. This will be the beginning of universal income and we will adjust in 2025.

? Secularism must be questioned since it goes against the natural right of acceptance of all religions. I refer you to my various articles. Secularism is a cult of non-Life. To be able to bring peace is to be able to dialogue on all sacred Texts as well as all profane Texts. I repeat here, the Word of our Creator has slipped everywhere we can look. Each of us must therefore be able to gain discernment. To succeed in doing this, there is no better method than dialogue.

? Order can only be imposed in a punctual and targeted manner, otherwise it would turn against those who would like to impose it. This transition in the History of Humanity is colossal enough to generate conflicts. I am thinking of armed conflicts with drug dealers in the cities or of human trafficking and paedophilia networks. Know that every country on the planet is being secured.

There are many therapies to allow the end of all addictions. No one will need to dealer anymore.

? We are all human beings from a particular education and environment. What we have just experienced has made it possible to establish a map of mentalities. There is no judgment to be made on one way of thinking rather than another. Extracting oneself from the mentality transmitted by our education takes time and perseverance. Some have already taken this path.

It is to them, mediators, and facilitators, that the task of organizing the integral regional consultations will be entrusted.

To be Fair, the new governance must guarantee omni-partiality, whatever the disputes, and the parties present.


You can guess that there are links between the different poles mentioned here.

Each of us can contribute to the improvement in one or more of these poles during the consultations.

Furthermore, since real links are essential to humans, everyone should have at least one and if possible, up to 5 reference humans to guide them in their individual learning.


Thank you for the welcome and sharing you give to this message.

I am happy to answer all your questions.

I will see you very soon.


Nathalie Croz

Nature: Human, equivalent to the 8 billion other humans

Function: Spiritual, political and organizational guide


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