Do Paper Work Orders get stuck, lost, or misplaced?
Paperwork is needed from the moment a customer calls, all the way down to when a Field Worker is dispatched to the site. One Work Order involves so many people in the back office for it to be completed and closed.
These papers are passed into different departments for important updates. And with a hundred more customers, you could imagine the paperwork back log.
These papers run the risk of being lost or misplaced. The unnecessary delay will cost you time in invoicing and even more delays in receiving payments.
How Companies Typically Handle Work Orders
The field worker receives information, gets to the site, does most of it but may not remember everything to complete the order. He turns in his paperwork anyway. A couple days later, his paperwork goes into the bottom of the dispatcher’s stack of work orders to be closed out.
When the dispatcher catches that the field worker didn’t follow specific instructions, they could potentially send the field worker back to get it right. If they do send them back, this will more than likely not be billable. If the dispatcher doesn’t catch it and process it as it is, it could be caught after it’s invoiced and sent to the customer.
This could be anywhere from the 9th day to 30+ days out. By this time, everyone’s forgotten what was done except for what’s on the paperwork. This creates a huge disconnect with the customer.
Removing the Paper Dilemma
Being able to immediately send Work Orders back and forth to the people involved will reduce these issues. The right tool could also allow for quick invoicing and faster receipt of payments.
This is where Field Service Solutions play a vital part. The right solution would connect to your existing processes and improve it in terms of efficiency and effectiveness.
The Modern Empowered Field Service Technician
Having access to this information empowers your technician to do things faster, smarter, and better than they ever have before. Linking the systems together both mobile and your business system, allows you to extend information to the field. Simultaneously, it reduces the time it takes for you to get things done as well as reducing the effort needed to get it done.
Think of how you currently do it versus how getting it out to the right people at the right time would be paramount.
Helping you turn slow, clunky processes into quick, nimble, easy“Zero-Code” mobile applications.
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Step 1: Make an appointmentwith our experts
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