Paper lead times for web offset
Some of the fallout in the last year or so in the turbulent world of web offset has been the extended lead times for bespoke reel sizes or sizes for larger web presses. What used to be 4 weeks or so has now gone up to 6, 7 and even 8 weeks for makings in bespoke sizes. Publishers and catalogue producers love non-standard trim sizes like 290 x 220 rather than A4 but need to be aware of these lengthening times when planning schedules. Paper order dates are really important and printers need to make sure their clients are aware otherwise a let down is on the cards. Stockholding is one answer but that assumes the client will use up stock based on particular papers and reel sizes, which we know isn't always the case. Standard papers for standard reel sizes are usually available at relatively short notice but the lure of A4 is much reduced these days!