Paper 7: Decarbonising process heating - Developing a compelling business case
This paper provides a structured checklist to develop a compelling business case to invest capital to decarbonise process heating.
These investments should be addressed as opportunities to achieve a step change improvement in energy productivity, working conditions, plant reliability and reduced maintenance, and flexibility and responsiveness. And in preparing the business case for change, it is critical to capture and quantify all these benefits aside from the change in energy costs.
The process for building a decarbonisation project business case should start with developing a long term decarbonisation roadmap to provide context for the project. This helps ensure that planning for major factory upgrades necessarily incorporates carbon savings projects to ensure you don’t miss change-out opportunities for boiler plant approaching its economic replacement life. Some 40% of the industrial boilers in Australia are more than 25 years old and due to be replaced within the next 5 years. It is also worth challenging boiler life expectations in your plant, as it that when you address all the reliability issues, maintenance costs and the impacts of disruption to total plant productivity associated with the whole boiler and steam system, the boiler may already be past its economic life.
A typical process for developing you decarbonisation business case will be to do some high level options testing, examine sources of external funding support and iterate this with increasing detail and accuracy before embarking on a detailed engineering design study and budget costing exercise.
This paper focuses on the elements of a decarbonisation business case. Looking at these individually:
2.????? Determine the optimal technical and technical economic solution.
Defining the best solution for electrifying your process heating is not a trivial task. You won’t get to an economical solution by just replacing like with like – i.e. fossil boiler with heat pump doing same duty. Heat pump COP is dependent on lift temperature, so economics depends on matching heating with the real end use temperature needed. So, an electric solution for a facility will typically be distributed heat pumps, not a central single heat pump. I presented a more detailed paper on some issues involved in defining the most economically attractive solutions in Paper 2:?Decarbonising Manufacturing. Options for displacing natural gas.?19 Jul 2024
The dot points on the summary diagram note some of the key issues and tools. Each of these is a major topic in its own right:
A quick deviation about how to choose the right advisers to help you with this design work: There is a very limited field of specialist advisors with the capability to do this design work competently. It is a new challenge and requires higher levels of a combination of process and electrical skills than generally exists in energy audit companies who will typically want to exchange like with like as it is easier. Government energy agencies (and I) can refer you to some of these practitioners. There is an urgent need for an academy to upskill energy and process engineers to do this work.
3.????? Defining Capital Costs for the optimal solution from step 2.
Businesses are often reluctant to replace boilers well within their expected life - if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it mentality, but as discussed earlier, it is worth challenging the economic life of this equipment and look at the total economic case including all benefits from the change.
The expected utilisation of new capital equipment is always critical to achieve a good ROI. This is one potential downside of distributed and local heating, limiting it to high operating hours processes.
High efficiency appliances for business method:
???????? Product performance needs to be modelled, and configurations can be registered. Configurations up to 169 kW heat pump have been registered.
???????? Incentives range between 15 and 20% of the total cost.
Measurement and verification method
???????? Bespoke or large-scale hot water upgrades can create certificates under Project Impact Assessment with Measurement and Verification (PIAM&V) method.
???????? PIAM&V is more complex, but incentives can be higher.
The NSW government is also running a heat pump feasibility pilot at present.
4.????? Operating Cost Issues
Purchased electricity costs more than natural gas on a straight energy/MJ basis (3-5 times), but electricity can do work, and a heat pump typically will typically provide a COP of 3-in 5+ and if used for heating and cooling simultaneously can do significantly more than that again. See sources like A2EP for more info on heat pump COPs and price ratios, but in Australia the ratio may shrink a bit in the next 5 years due to gas supply shortages on the East Coast, though purchased electricity prices are unlikely to contract despite the lower operating costs of renewables (due to the massive investments required to firm and connect large scale wind and solar). On-site generated solar is the best supply option for your process heating, offering minimal long term marginal operating costs.
In Australia, unlike New Zealand and 28 other countries, we have no carbon tax to advantage decarbonisation projects.
Of course, to decarbonise your process heating, you must not only electrify but the electricity used also needs to be zero carbon, which means generating solar PV on site or purchasing green power.
Many solar suppliers (including energy retailers) will finance solar PV on an EAAS basis. Otherwise, you will need to make a capital allocation for the solar investment which is justifiable in its own right with projects typically less than 5-6 years payback.
Many companies take advantage of green power purchasing agreements, effectively buying renewable energy certificates. Note that the definition of zero carbon electricity is now coming under challenge as supply is not time matched to demand, and there may be higher costs in future for green power if there is a requirement for time matching of certificates.
While there is often a focus on energy savings, the key point is that you need to capture and quantify all productivity, reliability and other benefits of the electrification projects, and when you look at the total productivity story these projects can look a lot more attractive. Often you will have the opportunity not just to remove a boiler, but the entire unwieldy and inefficient steam and condensate system, with all the attendant labour, maintenance and reliability benefits. ?
5.????? ROI and Ways to Enhance It
·??????? Use the right corporate hurdle rate for the project, considering its carbon savings and other environmental and OHS benefits and make sure you are aware of mandates and corporate commitments that might benefit the project.
·??????? ?Take advantage of all suitable R&D and demonstration project funding to de-risk projects, including contributions from RACE for R&D elements, and ARENA for feasibility studies and capital funding, and any other specific incentives from state or federal governments.
·??????? Apply for R&D tax credits and recognise the opportunities for legal double dipping.
I will not cover all the current incentives here, but you need to know about them. Talk to State government e.g. Sustainability Advantage in NSW and specialist consultants (like RSM). ?Note that I discussed the need for greater Government incentive support for decarbonising process heating in Paper 4 and concluded that there is a case for some $1B/year incentives for next 10-15 years to get the job done.
After bringing all this together, you will have the basis for a compelling business case to attract a positive business decision.
Future Energy Lead
1 个月Great summary Jon