Papa, you are the world to me!
Riya Thakkar
Making electric cars safe| Enabling eco-friendly world via marketplace | Sustainable Event Curator
In recent times, I spend my mornings in filling up my dream journal. I love how it throws a light on the importance of the association. The kind of people you hang out with, the types of books you read, and the content you consume helps build your character. Using this logic, it makes sense that every parent holds the highest power of shaping a child's identity. As part of the sibling race, lord Ganesha had said below lines to his parents.
"You are the world to me; so when I went around you thrice, it was equal to going around the world."
In today's article, I am happy to share the top four character-shaping attributes that I imbibed from my world, my father. These lessons act as a HACK to any and every problem I have faced. I hope this article brings you the inspiration, positivity, and courage it has brought to me.
1. Hustle- The dictionary meaning of this word is to be in a state of great activity. Also, this single world seems to the most favorite of the successful influencers and entrepreneurs I follow. However, it is my dad who has taught me the real meaning behind finding it or following it. From my earliest memory, I can recall that my dad loved doing what he was doing. Therefore, it did not matter to him the number of hours he would spend on it.
Honestly, I do not have a single memory of him waiting for the weekend or complaining about Monday blues. In reality, he hardly considered it work. Therefore, he could enjoy his hustle and help many others develop theirs (main or side) too. From his humble beginnings, he has gone on to create three businesses of his own, un-officially consulted for 50+ brands and continues to be the cement that holds the family together. His life is truly signified by the above quote from Rob Hill Sr.
2. Ambition: In these COVID times, I got the chance to unravel the mystery behind my father's successful life by shooting him with multiple questions.
One of them was whether he always knew where he would be at his current age. It was no brainer that for many years he had aspired and worked towards his current life. But the specifics he mentioned were unimaginable, for instance, he exactly knew the size and shape of his current house. I loved his theory behind the aspiration the one that anyone can reach where they want to be irrespective of their starting point. They just need to take the first step with the determination, and everything else will follow. His drive for a bigger and better future for himself and the family made him take the journey from the bicycle to his dream car Honda City.
3. Confidence- I have always felt that my father has won many battles because of his self-belief. This particular ingredient is like a magical potion that can do wonders when mixed with the above two.
However, when not taken in the correct proportion, it can result in a negative result as well. Due to the trickiness of this characteristics, I have had difficulties in fully imbibing it. And here is where my hero has always come to my rescue. Sometimes with his sweet self-assuring talks and other times with his hard-hitting questions. To my amazement, he shared that the key to attaining confidence is to know how to deal with self-doubts. When in doubt he would do self-interrogation, vet out all possible solutions, and only stop when the path is visible.
4. K(C)reate: How can one fail if he did hustle hard every day for his high goals with all the confidence in the world? He may not but, the probability of his success becomes even higher when he knows the why behind his efforts.
My father keeps on stressing the importance of creating with purpose. He believes each one of us is a born creator and should use it to our maximum advantage. And while creating, one should learn from the biggest creator, nature. To stay true to his creative self, he keeps on creating better avenues for his business associates, family members, and himself. I loved how the adjacent quote aptly described his personality and his wish for everyone surrounding him.
My father possesses all the above traits and much more. As rightly pointed by the poem below, I am most thankful to my hero for believing in me. Because with his belief and blessings, I will strive towards winning life's race.
Founder and CEO - Focus Group | Focus Engineering
4 年Riya , well written. More than seeing this article I see the power or actions and the transformation that your dad has inculcated in you. The skill of bringing someone to the next level Is always done from parents. Even for my my dad is the role model who just build a life from nothing. Being a van driver he gave us good education and the values of hardwork, sincerity and work is worship You have the power of articles . Hope to see few books from you in the near future. Best wishes
Professor of Practice & Former Sr Dy Director at ARAI & Former CEO of COEP Bhau Institute, Consultant & Chair-ASDC Expert Group on EV; Advisor-BAJA SAEINDIA; Working on Road Safety, Hydrogen, EV & Autonomous Mobility
4 年Inspiring