Panorama: A new embedded analytics experience for Open edX staff and students

Panorama: A new embedded analytics experience for Open edX staff and students

Starting from version 16.3 (Palm release), Panorama incorporates a seamless integration with Open edX thanks to its new micro-front-end architecture.

In addition to the stand-alone version of Panorama, staff users can access Panorama directly from the Open edX instance in the same browser tab, with the same login.

Students also benefit from Panorama analytics, which offers them a dedicated dashboard with information relevant to them, like course enrollments, grades, certificates, etc.

Accessing Panorama from Open edX

Accessing data analytics from within Open edX has never been easier. Just click on the link in the header of the learning experience.

Access Panorama from within Open edX

Panorama for Students

This revamped approach allows Panorama to offer the widely demanded student view, in addition to the analytics reports available for administrators.

Panorama Student View Dashboard.

This feature stands on the student’s point of view, to show their own information, including enrolled course dates, grades, certificates, progress, time spent in courses, etc. By default, site administrators will access the traditional reports while the rest will access the student view.

Students can view their information, filter the views and export their own data to track their progress and achievements. All from within the Open edX platform!

Administering Access to Data

In large organizations, multiple teams may have different information needs. With Panorama, site administrators can assign groups of dashboards to users to have better control of access to data. Multiple levels of row level security can be assigned to users to meet data ownership policies, as in data mart environments. Users can be given reader or author role, with or without AI powers. Authors can create their own dashboards and share them to reader users. AI-powered users can ask questions in natural language to get data insights or create complete dashboards.

Site administrators can use the Django’s interface to manage user access to data.

Use the user access configuration page to assign a role and a dashboard group to each user.

Create groups of dashboards and define if they can be included in the student view

Getting Panorama

Panorama can be connected to any Open edX instance, whether provided by Aulasneo or not. All Aulasneo Open edX SaaS customers get Panorama as part of the service. Customers under the Premium plan get the full SaaS version of Panorama, which includes the most used dashboards out of the box.

Panorama Community Installation

Panorama is open source and free to use. Check the source code and installation instructions in our Github account. Or, if you want to save money and time, contact us and we will be happy to help you choose the best option for your business case.

Panorama as a Service

In addition to the community version, we can provide Panorama as a service in the cloud. This is the most convenient option for most of the cases, in terms of infrastructure costs, operation effort and implementation time.

Panorama in your own Infrastructure

If you want to have full control of the data, we can install Panorama in your own infrastructure as a turnkey project. Once installed, you can choose to operate Panorama directly or we can help you under a support contract.

Panorama Maintenance

Panorama is maintained by Aulasneo and is part of our core offering since 2020, which guarantees the sustainability of the project along time. Panorama is available for Open edX releases starting from Ironwood. Panorama micro front-end is available since Open edX Palm release. If your Open edX version is older than Palm, contact us to assess the feasibility of connecting it to your instance.

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