Panel Presentation - Fixing Seattle's Bricks: Developing a Mandatory Seismic Retrofit Ordinance
Meet Your Speakers: Here's a look at an exciting panel featured at NDRC23

Panel Presentation - Fixing Seattle's Bricks: Developing a Mandatory Seismic Retrofit Ordinance

With more than 1,100 unreinforced masonry buildings and structures that are vulnerable to collapse in an earthquake, Seattle is working to reduce its earthquake vulnerability through a complex balance of public safety, affordable housing, and historic preservation. By developing a minimum retrofit standard and mandatory retrofit ordinance, they hope to increase safety for the families, individuals, and businesses occupying these vulnerable structures.

Register now and be one of the many NDRC attendees who will gain insight into the technical aspects of seismic resilience and the social and equity implications associated with the new ordinance.

Amanda Hertzfeld - City of Seattle

Amanda Hertzfeld is currently the Unreinforced Masonry (URM) Program Manager for the City of Seattle where she is working to develop a mandatory earthquake retrofit policy for the city’s 1,100 collapse prone URM buildings. Amanda began questioning delays in URM retrofit legislation during her undergraduate “Rocks for Jocks” class after the professor described the Cascadia Subduction Zone scenario as the “Katrina of the PNW”.

Amanda pursued a graduate degree in Urban Planning from the University of Washington where she focused on Hazard Mitigation Planning and helped to develop WA’s tsunami vertical evacuation tower planning process. She then worked for FEMA Region 10 for twelve years, supporting response to the Tohoku Tsunami (2011), planning for the Evergreen Quake Exercise (2012) and two flavors of Cascadia Rising Exercises (2016, 2022), lead Mitigation Planning and Hazus Earthquake trainings, supported response and recovery to the 2018 Anchorage earthquake, was a key contributor to?the Wasatch Fault URM Risk Reduction Strategy, and facilitated recommended improvements to the seismic structural BCA tool. She is passionate about earthquake risk reduction and expanding the national conversation on resilience to include seismic building performance.?

Kevin Solberg, PE, SE - City of Seattle

Kevin Solberg, P.E., S.E. is a licensed structural engineer at the City of Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections. He has been involved with the development of a seismic retrofit standard that will form the technical basis of the City of Seattle’s mandatory retrofit program for unreinforced masonry buildings. In addition, he leads a team of structural engineers responsible for ensuring buildings comply with the structural requirements of the building code. Kevin holds an undergraduate Civil Engineering degree from the University of Washington and a Master of Engineering degree from the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. He has been active in the field of seismic resilience of structures and damage avoidance. He has published a variety of peer-reviewed research papers and participated in the development of performance-based seismic design guidelines for tall buildings.

Kevin has 15 years of experience as a structural consultant at Magnusson Klemencic Associates in Seattle, WA where he managed the structural design of over $1B dollars of construction value. His portfolio of projects includes the design and retrofit of historic structures, hospitals, and residential towers in high-seismic zones. Kevin is dedicated to improving public awareness of seismic performance and educating building owners on strategies for improving seismic resilience of buildings.

Registration is open; don't forget to secure your spot today! For more information and to see the full agenda, visit?

Join us November 6-8 in Clearwater Beach, FL, for the 2023 National Disaster Resilience Conference - the premier peer-to-peer networking and knowledge-sharing conference for disaster resilience leaders.?


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