As the Pandemic Still Continues, How do you tackle the Mental Health of Seniors?
As the pandemic continues people are affected in every way possible both physically and mentally in terms of health care. Thus it is more important to concentrate on mental health especially of our senior loved ones. Even though approximately 15% adults aged 60 and over suffer from mental disorders, people often get frustrated and that further elevates their mental health issues. Hence importance should be given and periodic actions should be taken to prevent the elderly from suffering with the impacts of pandemic.
Problems faced as one age:
1.Physical weakness includes instable mobility that makes their life miserable since they will always need assistance in their daily activities.
2.Depression or anxiety, feelings of guilt, worthlessness and helplessness
3.Insomnia, early morning wakefulness or over sleeping, pessimism or suicidal thoughts
4.Digestive problems that often arises if the diet is not maintained properly, over eating or appetite loss.
5.Sensory impairments that affects mainly vision or hearing senses as one ages.
6.Malnutrition because of inappropriate diet plan.
7.Forgetfulness that often makes seniors miss their medication chart cycle properly and leads to respective illnesses.
As one age, the above mentioned problems barge in one by one; where as this existing pandemic situation makes it even harder for them to tackle. So definitive remedial measures should be taken and proper care should be given to prevent the mental well being of the seniors under this crucial environment.
Effective ways to ensure the mental well being of seniors:
Here are few possible tips to make sure our loved ones stay healthy mentally and making their aging process less difficult this pandemic,
SENIOR’S YOGA: With decline in traditional fitness approach of this modern era, seniors are demanding methodologies that take an integrated approach to physical fitness, thus so many already knew yoga fits the bill across the board. Yoga is a holistic practice that combines physical poses that helps senior in flexibility and stability along with mindfulness, breathing techniques and meditation that helps seniors keep their mind stable. With various researches over several years, yoga has proven to even reduce the cardio vascular diseases, improves sleep quality, manage diabetes, facilitate the grieving process, and manage depression and anxiety that mainly will help seniors tackle the constant fear of existing pandemic situations.
MUSIC THERAPY: Music therapy is especially used as a treatment for the improvement of cognitive function in seniors. This in particular improves the memory power, lower agitation and definitely improves the cognitive skills. Music is also proven to retune the memory to remember certain tasks of daily life and it calms the mind from external pressure.
INDOOR ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAMMES: Indulging in indoor activities will help seniors distract from outside problems and help them stay calm. Playing indoor games like brain teaser puzzles can serve as a foundation for senior mental health. Researches prove that mental stimulating games have positive effects on intellectual and social well being of senior adults. Games like solving crosswords or jigsaw puzzles that keeps the mind focused and engaged, which in turn reduces the risk of depression or other illness.
Seniors can also be involved in craft activities, painting, drawing, doodling etc., in order to keep their mind engaged in positive way and stimulate their creative impulses to get rid of anxiety, depression or other mental illness.
HEALTHY DIET: Maintaining proper diet is a must for senior health care. Intake of proper nutrition will help maintain both body and mind. With proper assistance in diet plans, seniors will acquire a healthy aging process. As the pandemic requires strength both physically and mentally, proper attention should be given to senior’s diet chart and keep them in check.
AEROBIC EXERCISES: Any exercise that pumps blood to the larger and smaller working muscles can be considered as an aerobic exercise. Senior adults can involve in Brisk walking, Jogging or running, Swimming, Cycling and Gardening. This aerobic exercise particularly known as cardio workouts focuses on improving blood circulation that enhances sleep cycle (which calms the mind), lower the effects of asthma, maintains blood pressure level and boosts cardio vascular health.
Thus with proper measures taken either with the help of people at home or with the home care services available these days, it’s easy to help senior adults tackle this pandemic situation with proper health both mentally and physically.