Pandemic Progress
I recently stumbled upon a quote that said, "By the end of July, you will either have four months of progress or four months of excuses." This pandemic has given some of us four months to turn our lives around. This made me think about all the progress that could have been made during this pandemic time period and about taking a risk on another passion of mine.
I had recently made some decisions to launch a new business. Starting a business takes a lot of research and planning. I knew it normally would have taken close to a year, but I decided to make an effort with my partners and advisors and laid out a strategy to efficiently launch my business in this four month time span. As an entrepreneur, I recognize that I need to be the driving force behind my success. Four months can be the make or break of a new venture.
Although it was a risky venture, I had hope in my passion and my team. I worked everyday, hit all my small milestones and targets. These smaller goals maintained the organization and eliminated the risk of getting overwhelmed, and all played a role in my ultimate goal. It's easy to let excuses take over and mask real effort in spite of difficulties. As a business owner and an entrepreneur, I know that I am the only person wholly capable of making my passion a reality.
Even while working from home, we can all find a way to achieve our business goals. Plan out the progress you want to achieve with the valuable time that we had been given. There is always time to make progress. The past four months might have been the push you needed to realize your life's passion. Now it’s time to set that plan in motion. What will you have accomplished in the next four months? It all starts with setting, and achieving, those small incremental goals.