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[Entity: Unknown.

Similarity: Parasite.

Classification: Energy based life-form.

Nutrients: Bonding energy, bioelectricity.

Weakening agents: Iodine, iodized compounds.

Alleged Origin: Extraterrestrial

Terrestrial Origin: Polokwane, South Africa.

Symptoms: (I) itching, rash, burns, fever (II) nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (III) dementia, aggression, autophagia (IV) cellular disintegration, tissue wastage, hemorrhaging, (V) organ failure, death.

Infected person’s life expectancy: 6 - 12 hours.

Year of occurrence: 2115 AD.

Duration: 18 months

Estimated fatalities: 800M~1.2B

Current status: Eradicated

Eradicator: Venture Garden Group.]


No one knew what it really was, or how exactly it came to inhabit this world. It could have been through a solar wind, meteor impact, a failed experiment, a bioweapon, an extraterrestrial invasion or an ancient pestilence which suddenly resurfaced after eons of dormancy.

The first contact or Patient Zero was one of two cases reported on August 12, 2115, at a location east of Polokwane in South Africa. It was a place which harbored a nature reserve of outstanding beauty and vibrant wildlife with tall grasses which were damp and moist near the roots and sheltered from the searing heat that burnt the tip of the blades, a biological haven.

It transpired that a young couple had been hanging around the nature reserve. They had a picnic, but not in the tall grasses of the reserve, they apparently chose a small clearing of about 20 feet in diameter. At first they were elated upon finding the ideal spot, and then they were curious…

The spot was completely devoid of life whatsoever, no plants or animals (including insects), just earth, and they could feel a faint vibration as they dined in the reserve. It was so faint that half the time they were together they assumed it was just due to the effects of intoxication as they consumed an alcoholic beverage during the picnic. Also, it appears they had intercourse afterwards, making their skin to come in partial contact with the anomaly.

It is only in hindsight, however brief that was, that the cause of their demise and the tragedy that followed was half-known.

Half an hour later, it began with an itch…

The couple began scratching at a small patch of reddened skin that burned the back of their necks. It spread quickly of course, until their bodies where covered in tiny red blisters and the urge to scrape the skin raw was intolerable.

They were admitted to the Polokwane city hospital and soon quarantined and observed. Apparently the infection was unlike anything that had ever been encountered in history. The infection was largely mistaken to be fungal or viral in nature as it showed similarities to the common ringworm and measles virus, but treatment proved otherwise, it wasn't even the elusive prion. The “infection” seemed to defy conventional medicine, it seemed otherworldly.

The infected couple however, began to exhibit other symptoms a few hours later; fever, nausea, vomiting and acute diarrhea. They then began to display hostility and aggression towards each other, and the man depicted signs of dementia. The woman on the other hand, exhibited autophagia as she desperately bit into her infected skin, with the notion of devouring it.

The medical officials swiftly rushed into the quarantine chamber and separated them. They were placed in two separate chambers but they both started displaying similar symptoms shortly after. They died within 8 hours, after displaying signs of severe hemorrhaging. Their death was not swift.

The corpses were extracted from the quarantine chambers and a necropsy was conducted. The reports were troubling. Their skin showed signs of severe tissue damage and multiple organs in their systems had failed, hence causing their deaths, but those weren't what frightened the medical officials. It was what was happening to their bodies afterwards.

Numerous tiny holes were observed occurring on their skin surface and organs, as though they were slowly being eaten from the outside in, or inside out by minute organisms. But the multiple tests that were carried out always failed to identify the pathogen. The cause was still a mystery.

And also the means in which the mysterious contagion spread because soon afterwards, almost all the medical staff started itching…

Suffice to say, the hospital did not survive the admission of those two young patients. The infection, if we should call it that, spread unmanageably. It wasn’t long before there were no doctors or medical professionals at all, in the whole state of Polokwane, as the wave of terror spilled quietly into the surrounding states, breathing slowly in all four directions as the infection began to spread…

Within two weeks, the “infection” had already made its way to three South African states. And as the death toll began to increase, so did the anarchy it had stirred up. It finally got noticed globally.

News reporters were more of a hindrance than a help in identifying the cause of the outbreak, the invasion.

Speculation arose that it was some mutated form of Smallpox or Black death. Religious enthusiasts described it as a plague, wiping out the evil that had inherited the earth. Scientists at the Pentagon had tried to reassure the South African public that it was containable and that there was no need for panic…

Within 2 months, the South African population had been decimated by the contagious entity despite martial law, but it had already infected the other neighboring African states as it seemed to be spreading north, slowly engulfing the continent…

As the flesh-eating plague swept the nations, there were those whose first instinct was to loot and riot, fueling the chaos and making organization extremely difficult. The western hemisphere along with other countries worldwide watched as the African continent was slowly being destroyed by the plague. Out of curiosity, they sent human aids to assist them and gather information, but when they learnt more about the horrible infection, they vowed to keep it away from their nations.

Entry into western, European and Asian countries by Africans was strictly prohibited by the world powers. Advanced anti-aircraft weaponry like SAM and laser guided Javelin rockets were deployed around the borders to prevent illegal entry by air.

Also, multinational fleets of naval units like battleships, frigates, cruisers, U-boats and destroyers were deployed in the Arctic sea, Mediterranean, Atlantic and Indian Ocean and ordered to sink any vessel attempting to sail out of the condemned continent. The few vessels that attempted this were sunk by the multinational fleet. No one was spared.

As the plague of terror slowly began to destroy the continent, Venture Garden Group (VGG), a huge Nigerian organization of technological advancements, was hard at work assessing the situation. From the reports they had gathered from the cyberspace, they doubted it was pathological in nature, as the infection spread and killed too quickly. Also most pathogens require an incubation period which may span from days to weeks before manifestation ensues.

They decided to halt their observations and assumptions on it being pathological. They began seeing it as a syndrome, just symptoms of a disease but not caused by one, perhaps as a form of mutation caused by exposure to some alien element. But that didn't explain its infectivity. Mutations aren't contagious, especially not by skin contact and even air. The organization needed more information, and they knew how to get it. Always.

But they first needed to extract that data before it could be processed to yield any meaningful results, and that meant starting from the alleged source, South Africa.

Apparently human resources were extremely valuable and personnel couldn't be sent to the nation for the extraction. South Africa was already a black hole, anyone going there had little chance of survival. It had to be through “Artificial” means. Avitech had it covered.

The Skeeter hawk, a five metre long, high altitude solar-powered dirigible, was the automaton that accomplished this. Equipped with a twelve metre wingspan and vertical take-off maneuvers, efficient flight was guaranteed. Also with its state of the art navigation systems and dual prehensile robotic arms, extractions were taken care of. The unmanned aerial vehicle had the vague appearance of a dragonfly. This exterior design, however, did not come about by chance as the dragonfly is the current fastest insect in the world, hence, the drone's name.

The Skeeter hawk was launched from the aviation unit in Lagos and began its journey to the South. It was controlled and observed from the central command of Venture Garden Group codenamed Vibranium Valley.

During the drone's journey, it picked up strange, disturbing and horrifying sights…

Thousands of migratory birds were heading North and off-continent. Albatrosses, godwits, curlews, even pigeons, some in small flocks but most in large ones that eclipsed the sun momentarily. It was biblical!

Also, it observed a large number of human activity as hundreds, maybe thousands of vehicles, both terrestrial and marine (through rivers), were heading north. The rush and lack of organization were birthing chaos at certain points as fights and fires could be observed at various locations. People were escaping the syndrome, the plague, but this only expanded its field of terror as some people were already exhibiting signs of infection…

During the drone's twelve days journey to South Africa, it detected very faint but strange readings similar to that of ionized radiation. It didn't appear to be coming from any specific direction; it was just in the background as if the air itself was slightly radioactive. And it appeared to be getting stronger as the drone headed further South…

As the drone approached Botswana it relayed a gruesome sight. The entire nation was in total chaos: most of the buildings had been destroyed by accidents or weapons, vehicles lay overturned or burning on the streets, fields and grasslands were being ravaged by wildfires but these weren't what the officials at Vibranium Valley were horrified at. They were horrified by the thousands of bodies that littered the streets, all in various forms of decay. A few survivors were spotted, but they seemed broken and roamed aimlessly, they wouldn't last long and they knew it, they were all in various stages of infection. At this point the radiation readings were quite prominent, could it be…

The drone finally crossed the border and arrived at South Africa. It then began to make its way to Polokwane, the alleged origin. Botswana might have been a failed state on the verge of total annihilation, but South Africa seemed… dead.

Vehicles and building structures lay in ruins, corpses also littered the streets but most were skeletal remains as the strange infection devoured their bodies like a mutated form of Hansen's disease.

The drone traveled on, scanning the landscape below. Not a single sign or indication of life could be observed. Just destruction… and silence, which was constantly broken by the drone's engines as it approached Polokwane. South Africa had been annihilated by the syndrome, probably along with Lesotho and Swaziland. The officials at Vibranium Valley watched with heavy hearts.

At this point, the strange radiation-like readings were so high that some sensitive minute electronic components in the drone were starting to glitch, time was running out…

The drone arrived at the Polokwane nature reserve and scanned almost frantically for something, anything that could be of major importance in conquering the pestilence. The radiation readings had reduced in the reserve. Strangely, the radiation readings only seemed to increase with respect to the number of corpses in the area.

The drone finally detected the 20-foot barren patch in the grasslands and considered it as an anomaly, it swooped down to investigate.

Upon landing on the patch, the radiation readings rose sharply for a moment, then faded completely, as though its source had suddenly been extinguished somewhere beneath the surface. The Skeeter hawk extracted a few samples of the now plain dirt for analysis and took-off…

Back at Vibranium Valley, however, a huge debate was going on concerning the latest development. Apparently the strange radioactive readings had something to do with the infection, and it seemed to increase around corpses, therefore leading to a hypothesis that the corpses were radioactive of some sort. This finally debunked the assumption of it being pathological. If this was truly the case, then it means the infectivity could be deduced and halted along with the infection itself, but this was what sprung the debate. A corpse or a human sample was needed for verification.

This split the Garden into two factions, those who supported the notion of extracting a corpse for further study with the promise of success, and those who didn't.

The unsupportive faction strongly insisted against it. They stated that if the corpse was brought into their facility and there was a containment breach or fundamental flaw with the tests, that they could be the destroyer of themselves, their nation and others bordering it.

The supportive faction, however, pointed out that the infection was gradually heading north and will eventually hit the nation irrespective of security or precautions as the infected people will certainly find a way into Nigeria. It was inevitable. They further stated that they still didn't fully understand the syndrome and time was running out.

After much deliberation, the supporting faction prevailed.

The Skeeter hawk was ordered to extract a corpse with the least amount of decay which it did by swooping down and picking one off the streets of Rundu, Namibia, which was another black hole. It then resumed its journey back home…

The drone finally arrived and touched down in an isolated airtight facility with lead and concrete walls to contain the mysterious radiation. Two Edutech’s ET.E (Emergency Testing and Extraction) robots called omnidroids, were deployed into the facility to collect blood and tissue samples from the corpse and to assess the radiation being emitted. The Skeeter hawk was quarantined and denied access to all personnel.

Upon analysing the samples, the medical team was baffled by their results. The cells of the infected corpse weren't being destroyed by any visible foreign body, but by themselves! It seemed as though millions of cells were self-destructing by shedding their protoplasm along with cell water and other viable nutrients, causing most to shrivel up rapidly and some to even implode. It seemed as though the cells were predated on by an unseen entity, they appeared to be constricted. But then again, no pathogen was observed.

This kept the medical crew clueless for weeks as they couldn't identify the reason the infected cells were undergoing cellular disintegration, and also, why only the dying cells were emitting low-level radiation and the dead ones weren't. But as they pondered on this, the threat kept approaching…

Then on November 18, 2115 a breakthrough arrived in the form of a frivolous speculation.

A technician thoughtfully speculated that what if the infection was indeed pathological but not by a carbon-based organism but by a life-form composed of pure energy, based on the observation that a life-form will feed on materials suitable for sustaining its existence with accordance to its initial constituents. Simply put, a carbon-based life form will derive energy by feeding on organic materials, so likewise, an energy-based life-form will likely rely on the energy generated by the thermodynamic system of an organism.

This, however, was just a hypothesis, as the existence of a creature composed of pure energy remained theoretically possible, but certain specialists at Venture Garden Group considered it empirically possible. It sparked an idea.

More blood and tissue samples were brought by the ETE and a series of thermodynamic tests were conducted on the samples. The results were astonishing.

The scientists at Vibranium Valley observed that the disintegration and tissue wastage increased tremendously after the samples were energized. They discovered that the bonding energy linking the atoms of the individual cells were being absorbed or “consumed” by something which generated lethal radiation as a waste product.

They also discovered that if healthy tissues from homeothermic organisms are brought within the proximity of the infected tissue's radiation field, they too will be infected by the electromagnetic waves which the alleged energy-based life-form uses as a medium for propagation.

After months of study and research, the crew at Venture Garden Group finally understood what they were dealing with – an energy-based parasitic life-form which feeds on the bonding energy of homeothermic organisms, and then kills by radiation sickness and organic wastage. Now the main challenge was “How do you kill something composed of pure energy?” By the very basis of its nature: Radioactivity.

Energy was once believed to be indestructible by mainstream science. It couldn't be destroyed but could transcend from one form to another. Now, that theory has been discredited; energy can be created and destroyed in nuclear reactors.

VGG's team of scientists and engineers went to work building advanced healing devices known as Miracle pods.

These large oval-shaped contraptions were designed for the purpose of radiation shielding and treatment, along with energy absorption.

The exterior was composed of a very superior composite material which was an allotrope of Lead fused with Demron (a material which consists of a polyethylene and PVC based polymer fused between two layers of woven fabric).

The interior was then filled to 75% capacity with a complex chemical solution with major chemicals like potassium iodide, iodine-125 and 131 along with other complex organic proteins.

The interior of the pods also possessed a complicated thermal life support system which had the capability of sustaining the infected during treatment.

The pod's purpose was to absorb the energy-based life-form from the infected and trapping it in the complex solution, which also provided treatment for radiation sickness to the infected. Once the infected was purged of the life-form and radiation free, they would be extracted swiftly from the pods, leaving the solution energized by the presence of the life-form.

The life-form will probably manifest as heat or electricity in the solution, which would then be disposed of in the following ways;

(I) CRYOGENY: By subjecting the energized solution to extreme subzero temperatures, it was theorized that the life-form would be destroyed, since it would likely manifest as heat. However, this method of disposal was largely unadvised by the scientists, since the life-form has been known to manifest as other forms of energy besides heat. It could convert itself into an electric charge and lay dormant, only to resurface should the solution be heated again.

(II) ASSIMILATION: Since the entity is energy-based, in theory using up or expending that energy would be the end of that life-form. However, for this to be implemented, it would have to manifest as electricity to be assimilated and even at that, it could still exist as heat.

(III) RADIOACTIVITY: By subjecting the life-form to transmutation or heavy “radio-bombardment” in a fusion reactor, it could crush its existence by converting its energy form to matter -- an element to be precise. This method was chosen.

All these, however, were still theories. They still remained untested, although five Miracle pods had already been built.

Vibranium Valley had run out of infected blood and tissue samples. It needed more for further research, or rather, it needed another corpse.

The Skeeter hawk was finally examined and decontaminated for traces of radiation after months of being quarantined. It was time for another assignment.

But first, an update on the infection was sought. The infection had spread as far as Sudan, Ethiopia and the democratic republic of Congo. Fortunately what had been hindering its speed was the banning of commercial air travel and a new development concerning its severity.

Medical practitioners discovered that consuming foods or nutrients rich in protein and iodine, reduced the risk of infection to a degree and seemed to slow down its manifestations, therefore increasing the infected's maximum longevity to twelve hours -- A positive development that sparked the interest of the healthcare unit at Venture Garden Group. They began to research on it…

The Skeeter hawk was finally prepped and took-off to recover more samples, while Powertech worked on the Thermal bombarder -- the reactor capable of destroying the alien pathogen, but unfortunately, they faced certain challenges. The materials needed for the construction were mostly of Western and Eurasian origin including the radioactive elements, and since the world powers had quarantined the entire continent, they were inaccessible. Without the reactor, they couldn't destroy the life-form. Or so they thought…

Some suggested the other two alternatives as time wasn't a luxury and they also pointed out that reactors were very costly in price, construction and management. Powertech agreed but still worked on improvisation. The drone arrived after five days with another “sample”; it didn't have to travel far.

Then the breakthrough the continent desperately needed was born in the form of a vaccine called The Shield.

The healthcare unit had finally cracked the pathogen's shell for good with the help of the preexisting Miracle pods. It was observed, that the complex iodine-based solution in the pods greatly weakened the pathogen to the extent that it could manifest as a form of electrified complex salt with mild toxicity if it was present in a host with the solution from the pods.

The toxic salts were then broken down into harmless proteins by the host's healthy liver and excreted with the uric acid, destroying the entity completely! The lymph nodes of the organism then produces certain compounds that shields the body from the effects of the life-form by converting its radiation-like energy form, into the preexisted complex salts, it is then broken down and excreted. Making the organism totally immune!

The entire crew at Venture Garden Group was elated at this latest discovery but The Shield had only been tested on animal subjects and not on humans. Although it showed 94% effectiveness on the subjects, its potency and adverse effects on humans still remained unknown.

The Federal government was contacted for the requisition of condemned criminals as human subjects in the final fight against the scourge. They consented.

Five condemned criminals, who were willing to be test subjects on a signed agreement that their sentence would be lenient if the experiment succeeded, were vaccinated then constantly exposed to the deadly alien life-form for twenty-four hours in their quarantined chambers. They exhibited no signs of infection!

They were then observed for a full week for any form of side effects. None was found.

The entire crew at Vibranium Valley and the whole of Venture Garden Group were greatly elated. They had succeeded, they had prevailed. Their diligence and tireless efforts had finally paid off!

As The Shield was mobilized throughout Africa with the help of Nigeria and other West African States, the infection rate and death toll dropped drastically until the 4th of February 2117, when Africa was finally declared SAFE.

4th of February from then onward became an African holiday, a day to remember and to honour the Nigerian organization that gave its all to saved Africa, even humanity, from extinction – Venture Garden Group.


WRITTEN BY: Maarifa Writers.


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Chidinma Afamefuna

Software Engineer at Goldman

5 å¹´

Great read!!


