Pandemic Blessings
“When markets shower you with cash, you consider it your just rewards, but when they withdraw their blessings, you holler that the game is rigged.”
Oh, Monday, how are you? You look great; I’m sure you hear that from everyone. Let me take your hat, your coat and leave your Birkenstocks by the door; I was just making coffee and sitting a spell while I make some morning soup. I like that blouse; where did you get that sexy piece of fabric?
Let’s talk about the vaccine. My father got his shot on Saturday, my sister and her husband, a dentist, got it Friday, my mother has indicated she will not be getting it for fear it might kill her. I think at 81, she can make up her mind. I believe in individual liberty, to each his own.
We headed up to see my parents yesterday; we met my daughter and her husband, Alex. GG came over for brunch; we sat around the dining room table. Mom made some fantastic food, we dined and chatted. After brunch, we had our Christmas; I got my annual Chex mix; thank you, Sis. I got a burrito blanket, one I shall cherish for the rest of my life.
We hung out for a couple of hours, then headed to see our Wise friends. We sat in their living room and dined on a refreshing drink of fruit and booze. We had a couple of drinks before hitting the road home, a lovely drive. Once home, we had a chat with our friend Matt giving us an update on our mountain home. It looks fantastic three months from the start date to completion, impressive work.
The Queen planned our trip to Mexico. Once everything is booked, we will invite our friends; some will join, others will pass, it will be a collection of remarkable individuals connecting south of the border, it’s time to get on with our lives.
We were asked if we would take the vaccine. We will, no worries from us, but I’m going to let those in need get the magic shot first. We never stopped living; the virus could not catch up with us; if you move often, eat righteously, and don’t live in fear, the virus bounces off you like bullets hitting wonder woman’s wrist bands.
I would think it will take a few months to get the vaccine to those in need, the elderly, those with compromised immune systems, and then once all that want it to get it; we’ll procure our dose. I prefer to get it in a suppository form, but no word when they will make that medical breakthrough might just have to get the shot. I’m a big fan of the suppository.
My Queen has me taking about 20 pills these days. I’m not sure what I’m taking, it could be an extended play to poison yours-truly, but she claims they are probiotics; all I know is I ingest a lot of pills these days. If I die of poison, let this be the written record of my downfall. Et Tu Brute?
But alas, I feel good, well, great. Today begins our 72-hour sober run, no booze, good clean fuel, a few days of rest, movement, and cleansing of our minds and bodies. It’s our new program, three days of goodness paired with four days of ornery. Congrats to the Bills and Browns, a couple of franchises that got a win after 25 and 26 years of not winning a playoff game. Great season by our Colts; the big question is who will be our quarterback next year; we seem to have a pretty solid team.
What? How is Parker Van Halen? Thank you for asking; she is an excellent addition to our family; she’s getting big, has kangaroo feet and hands, she is always happy to see us even if we leave the room. We will go on a walk today, run in the park; she’s curious, as are we.
Today is an E-learning day for me. I have a couple of appointments, but I try and carve out a day to learn new things. I’m taking a master class and working on some new softward tools to gain knowledge to help train my team and others. People clamor for free college; it already exists with all the free classes online. The more I learn, the better I can navigate life, don’t waste time; learn until your brain is full.
I’m doing a new program on how to escape “The Matrix.” I crafted it for a program I did fourth quarter last year and will present it to others. It’s my personal story of how I made some small changes in my habits to get clarity on life. The long and short of it is the online world is not reality; we live in a pretty damn nice place, and if you are living through a device, it might be time to put down that plastic metal portal and engage with those around you. If you want to see something interesting, the next time you are in a public place, look at the people; 90% will be consumed by a 2.5 x 6-inch piece of plastic connected to a world that does not exist. If your group needs something a little unique, let me share my journey, it might open a few eyes.
I’ve done a few Ted Talks in my time; I was hired by an insurance company a few years back to do my 19-minute program on modifications I had made at the time. Things like removing email from my phone, working not sans office, something that now seems a little Nostradamus in nature, my life was Covid friendly years before COVID.
We have learned much this past year, we were forced to find a new way to work, and for many of us, it was a time of reset and glorious coming to terms with a new, better reality. I look back just one year ago how I was living and working and think, what the hell was I thinking. And then, my friend the bat showed up and forced society to change. Is it possible, aside from the deaths and small business loss, that this pandemic was a blessing?
“When markets shower you with cash, you consider it your just rewards, but when they withdraw their blessings, you holler that the game is rigged.”
Insurance and related fields professional
4 年Thanks for the soup, but gotta say, this batch was on the salty side, to me. Seriously cannot find any aspect of the pandemic that could move it into the "blessing" column. Friends and family with small businesses that had the life choked out, friends that literally died along with 300K+ others. Can't see loved ones that have transitioned into the senior care system, limited contact with those we love the most, our children and grandchildren. Add to it those that sought to overthrow our republic partly over blatantly false narratives about whether this pandemic is real or a hoax. The optimist in me (and you) says 2021 will be better. So far it's off to an excruciatingly slow start, but I have faith that we'll all soon see beautiful sunrises - like the ones you so often write about from your mountaintop retreat. Thanks for making me think about and look forward to the better days that are surely to come!