David Lewis MBE OStJ
Experienced strategic problem solver, executive leader and decision maker.
Its not often that one gets to have breakfast in a setting as unusual as the Chapter Hall of the home of St John, in London. It is rarer still to enjoy Shrove Tuesday pancakes there. These two happy opportunities came together this morning when I joined a number of friends and supporters of the St John family for a most enjoyable networking event.
Our host for the morning was Surgeon Rear Admiral Lionel Jarvis CBE KStJ DL, Prior of England and the Islands and Chairman of St John Ambulance, who gave guests an overview of the work of the organisation, before introducing Martin Houghton-Brown, our CEO.
Mr Houghton-Brown gave an insight into the popularity in which research had shown St John to be held, and the very high level of recognition in enjoys with the public. He also explained what an important part our supporters, and sponsors, play in enabling the organisation to improve and expand our resources and operations. He went on to disclose how valuable it had been to him, in his CEO role, to have trained as one of our First Aiders, and joined in our frontline service to the public.
A former Cadet member of the organisation spoke about the benefits they had derived from their service, when our special guest Sir Kenneth Olisa OBE CStJ, Lord Lieutenant of Greater London, outlined his early years in Nottingham. He expressed his view of the very great value of the St John family’s efforts in reaching out to youth in London.
Our final inspirational speaker was Raisa-Mihaela Stefanescu, an outstanding London Cadet, who spoke movingly about her experiences, the wide-spread concerns of young people around the rise in knife crime, and the positive attitude of youth to learning about First Aid in response to their experiences and the desire to help others. Her contribution to the event was a wonderful counterpoint to the negative image of young people often aired in the media.
Both St John folk, and our corporate guests, greatly appreciated this opportunity to join together to explore what we can do to advance and support the work of the organisation into the future.