Panasonic servo motor-Daner(HK) Marketing Supply Co.,ltd
Panasonic servomotor
Classification:DC servo motor and AC servo motor.
FoldingPanasonic DC servo
Usedas a micro-motor for actuators in automatic control devices. Also known as theexecution of the motor. Its function is to convert the electrical signal intoangular displacement or angular velocity of the shaft.
Servomotor is divided into two types: DC. The AC servo motor works in the same wayas an AC induction motor. The stator winding Wf and the control winding WcoWfwith two phase spaces displaced by 90° are connected to a constant AC voltageon the stator, and the purpose of controlling the operation of the motor isachieved by the change of the AC voltage or phase applied to the Wc. The ACservo motor has the characteristics of stable operation, good controllability,fast response, high sensitivity, and strict non-linearity index of mechanicalcharacteristics and adjustment characteristics (required less than 10%~15% andless than 15%~25% respectively). The working principle of the DC servo motor isthe same as that of a general DC motor. Motor speed n is
n=E/K1j=(Ua-IaRa)/K1jwhere E is the armature counter electromotive force; K is a constant; j is themagnetic flux per pole; Ua, Ia is the armature voltage and armature current; Rais the armature resistance . Changing the Ua or changing φ can control thespeed of the DC servo motor, but generally the method of controlling thearmature voltage is used. In the permanent magnet DC servo motor, the fieldwinding is replaced by a permanent magnet, and the magnetic flux φ is constant.
TheDC servo motor has good linear regulation and fast time response.
Servo:The word comes from the Greek word "slave". People want to use the"servo mechanism" as a handy tame tool, subject to the requirementsof the control signal. Before the signal arrives, the rotor is stationary;after the signal arrives, the rotor rotates immediately; when the signaldisappears, the rotor can stop itself. Named for its "servo"performance.
Generallydivided into DC servo and AC servo.
ForDC servo motors
Advantages:precise speed control, torque speed characteristics are very hard, simpleprinciple, easy to use, price advantage
Disadvantages:brush commutation, speed limit, additional resistance, resulting in wearparticles (for clean rooms)
ForAC servo motors
Advantages:good speed control characteristics, smooth control in the entire speed zone,almost no oscillation; high efficiency, more than 90%, no heat; high speedcontrol; high precision position control (depending on which encoder); ratedoperation Constant torque in the area; low noise; no brush wear,maintenance-free; no wear particles, no sparks, suitable for dust-free, violentenvironment
PanasonicMINAS A4 SERIES Panasonic Digital AC Servo System DIGITAL AC SERVO MOTOR &DRIVER
FoldingPanasonic AC servo
Theoutput power of the AC servo motor is generally 0.1-100 W, and the powerfrequency is divided into 50Hz, 400Hz and so on. It is widely used, such as invarious automatic control, automatic recording and other systems
■Miniaturized design
1)Miniaturization by optimal thermal analysis of the drive, 75% by volume and 80%by weight compared to the past
2)Using the new die-cutting process of thin-die steel plate, the iron loss isgreatly reduced, the motor length is shortened (the past 70%), the drive modelis reduced,
Convenientstocking and maintenance using current classification method, one driver adaptsto multiple motors, automatic identification
■Increase the type of motor to adapt to more occasions
1)Increased high-speed ultra-small inertia motor for more occasions
Foldingservo motor
2)For Chinese OEM customers, increase the low-power increase inertia motorencoder to save the wiring line 5; the absolute 7-line adapt to the Chinesepower grid capacity improvement main circuit design reference to the Chinesepower grid situation, specially designed single-phase 200V, Single/three-phase200V driver with simple, high-performance self-contained operation panel foreasy parameter adjustment, status monitoring, fault prompting and analysis,powerful and intelligent automatic adjustment function makes the professionaland complex debugging process easy
■High speed and high response speed response frequency up to 1kHz; highperformance mechanical adaptability. Can receive pulse commands up to 2Mpps.Built-in instantaneous speed observer for fast and high resolution detection ofmotor speed
■Ultralow vibration
1)Adaptive filter, which automatically adjusts the notch filter frequencyaccording to different mechanical resonance frequencies
2)Two manual notch filters to suppress mechanical resonance
3)Two-channel vibration suppression filter to suppress mechanical remotevibration The Earth environment pays attention to the ROHS directive and useslead-free solder.
1. Theservo is mainly positioned by pulse. Basically, it can be understood that whenthe servo motor receives one pulse, it will rotate the angle corresponding toone pulse to realize the displacement. Because the servo motor itself has thefunction of emitting pulses, the servo Each time the motor rotates by an angle,a corresponding number of pulses are emitted, so that it responds to the pulsereceived by the servo motor, or called a closed loop. In this way, the systemknows how many pulses are sent to the servo motor, and how much is received.The pulse is returned, so that the rotation of the motor can be controlled veryaccurately, so that precise positioning can be achieved, which can reach 0.001mm.
2. ACservo motor is also a brushless motor, which is divided into synchronous andasynchronous motors. At present, synchronous motors are generally used inmotion control. It has a large power range and can achieve a large power. Highinertia, the highest rotational speed is low, and it decreases rapidly as powerincreases. Therefore, it is suitable for applications with low speed and smoothoperation.
3.The rotor inside the servo motor is a permanent magnet. The U/V/W three-phaseelectric motor controlled by the driver forms an electromagnetic field. Therotor rotates under the action of the magnetic field. At the same time, theencoder feedback signal from the motor is supplied to the driver. The driveraccording to the feedback value. Compare the target value and adjust the angleof the rotor rotation. The accuracy of the servo motor is determined by theaccuracy (number of lines) of the encoder.
Themain advantage
Sincethe 1980s, with the development of integrated circuits, power electronicstechnology and AC variable speed drive technology, permanent magnet AC servodrive technology has developed prominently. Famous electric manufacturers fromall over the world have successively launched their own AC servo motor andservo drive series. The product is constantly being refined and updated. ACservo system has become the main development direction of modern high-performanceservo system, which makes the original DC servo face the crisis of beingeliminated. After the 1990s, the AC servo system that has been commercializedin various countries around the world is a sinusoidal motor servo drive withfull digital control. The development of AC servo drives in the field oftransmission is changing with each passing day. Compared with DC servo motors,permanent magnet AC servo motors have the following main advantages:
(1)There are no brushes and commutators, so the work is reliable and themaintenance and maintenance requirements are low.
(2)The stator winding heat dissipation is convenient.
(3)The inertia is small, which is easy to improve the rapidity of the system.
(4)Adapted to high speed and large torque working conditions.
(5)Smaller volume and weight at the same power.
Sincethe Indramat division of Rexroth in Germany, MANNESMANN officially launched theMAC permanent magnet AC servo motor and drive system at the Hannover Trade Fairin 1978, which indicates that this new generation of AC servo technology hasentered the practical stage. By the mid-to-late 1980s, companies had a completerange of products. The entire servo market has turned to the AC system. Earlyanalog systems lacked in such aspects as zero drift, anti-interference,reliability, accuracy and flexibility, and could not fully meet therequirements of motion control. In recent years, with the application ofmicroprocessors and new digital signal processors (DSPs) A digital controlsystem has appeared, and the control part can be completely implemented bysoftware, which is called a permanent magnet AC servo system.
Sofar, high-performance electric servo systems mostly use permanent-magnetsynchronous AC servo motors, and the control drivers mostly use fast andaccurate positioning of all-digital position servo systems. Typicalmanufacturers are Siemens, Germany, Kollmorgen, and Panasonic and Yaskawa.
Thesmall AC servo motor and driver introduced by Matsushita Electric ManufacturingCo., Ltd., the large inertia series is suitable for CNC machine tools, and themedium inertia series is suitable for robots (maximum speed is 3000r/min,torque is 0.016~0.16N.m). A small inertia series has also been introduced. Inthe 1990s, the new A4 series and A5 series were introduced. Driven by the oldseries of rectangular wave drives, 8051 microcontroller control, sine wavedrive, 80C, 154CPU and gate array chip control, torque fluctuations reducedfrom 24% to 7%, and improved reliability. In this way, it took only a few yearsto form a complete series of eight series (power range 0.05~6kW), whichsatisfied the working machinery, handling mechanism, welding robot, assemblyrobot, electronic components, processing machinery, printing machine, Differentneeds of high speed winders, winding machines, etc.