Unlike Traditional Marketplaces And Social Media, PalUpNow! Is Designed To Nurture Your Mental Health
Be a pal or get a pal. #PalUpNow!

Unlike Traditional Marketplaces And Social Media, PalUpNow! Is Designed To Nurture Your Mental Health

Unlike Traditional Marketplaces And Social Media, PalUpNow! Is Designed To Nurture Your Mental Health

What we do

We improve accessibility for every human, and create economic opportunities for those who can help.

How we do it

We connect people, who need assistance on flights and for life essentials, with pals.?

Check out this 5-min introduction.

So, why should you care?

Here are some differentiators with traditional marketplaces and social media platforms.

1. Our services are end-to-end

PalUpNow! for flights ?? provides an end-to-end experience on flights and in the airports that’s superior to disjoint airline/airport services that take you from one point to the next and then leave you to fend for yourself through the rest of the journey.

PalUpNow! for rides ?? provides another end-to-end experience with life essentials, where the ride pal isn’t just a driver picking you up or dropping you off. They stay with you, help you accomplish what you set out to do, and then bring you back home.?

Read the founder’s note for details.

2. We design for the weak and vulnerable

We appreciate your feedback, and even when we can’t address all of it, we let you know what’s going on. While we’ve shaped the platform largely with our vulnerable users in mind, we’ve been clear on what we can not and will not do.

Scroll down to the bottom of the About Us page to see our feedback kanban which we keep in public view for transparency. We also send periodic email updates to users, who’ve given us their inputs, to keep them in the loop.

3. We understand the pain of forgetting and resetting passwords

The app makes things easier for #people, who aren't savvy with technology and/or have weak eyes, and are grappling with the abrupt thrust towards everything #digital. We understand that not everyone has friends and family who can help them navigate their accounts and reset passwords - time and time again. So, we’re not just #serverless but #passwordless too.?

It’s simple. Sign up to be a pal or to get a pal, and receive email match alerts once you’re matched. If and when you're ready, upgrade to Premium. Period.?

4. We use anonymized profiles to protect your personal information

Once you sign up, we don't showcase your profiles publicly on the internet, since we don't want you to be contacted either inadvertently or maliciously by random people. We anonymize your profiles, whereby we take out the PII (personally identifiable information) like name, email, phone number, age group, and pronouns. We share your personal information only after you’re matched.?

Also, we aren’t into your exact age and gender. Even then, we’ve made age groups and pronouns optional.?

5. We let pals keep ALL of their earnings, and don't take a percentage

PalUpNow! Basic lets the pals keep ??% of their service fee paid by people seeking pals. Yes, all of it. We’ve deviated from contemporary marketplaces who tend to keep a (sometimes significant) percentage from their helper #community.

We also enable pals to donate to charities?? around the world, who invest in accessibility, children, education, environment, mental health, and physical health.

6. We let you upgrade from Basic to Premium at your own pace

PalUpNow! Premium?? takes a fee so that our users can run background checks. Who initiates your background check? You do! Be in control, and upgrade at your own pace. Get started with PalUpNow! Basic and there’s no pressure on you to upgrade to PalUpNow! Premium.?

And we don’t cut you short with a trial period for PalUpNow! Basic that ends before you’ve gotten a chance to take things for a spin. Nah, no rush. Take your time.

What happens if you never upgrade? There are people who prefer verified partners, and may not work with you. Does that matter to you? That’s your call to make.?

Also, we’ve deviated from some traditional marketplaces that focus on background checks only for the helper community and not for the community seeking help. We enable everyone to initiate their own screening, since we believe in the pal’s security as much as we believe in the security of people seeking pals.

7. We keep costs low, and pass the savings on to you

We keep costs low. We invest regularly in automation so that we can lower our administrative and management overhead, and we ruthlessly prioritize only what's essential. Less is more.

8. You're beautiful already, and there's no profile picture needed to prove it

We love your profile pictures and yet, we make it optional for you to provide us with any. Unlike some traditional social media, we don’t focus on pretty faces and appearances. Looks can be deceptive anyways, so why bother. You’re beautiful in your own way.?

There’s no peer pressure to like and comment on posts, blogs, profile pictures, or anything else for that matter. Be a pal or get a pal, and help make our community stronger. And when you do, help spread the good word and leave a review to share your experience with other potential users.?

9. We let you take a break and rejoin whenever you want to

We don’t keep you hostage. When you want to take a break, or want to disengage altogether from our community, you let us know, and we deactivate your profile so that you don't show up in match alerts. No strings attached.

Come back later - when you’re ready to be a pal or get a pal - and pick up from where you left off.

10. We care for your mental wellbeing

We don't monetize your online presence on palupnow.com, since we understand the downside of such morally bankrupt business strategies and their negative impact on the wellbeing of our society. DISLIKE!!! ????

You visit palupnow.com only when you want to, and not because we lure you with constant alerts and notifications??. If anything, we partner with wellness coaches, who invest time in your mental and physical health.

In Summary

If our vision and mission resonate with you, and if you want to hear from us periodically, subscribe to our newsletter, and give us a follow on social media:?

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Thank you!

PalUpNow! Team.



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