Palpation Based Acupuncture Meets YNSA
Darrel Wallace and David Euler will present and demonstrate a very effective and powerful treatment strategy combination of body acupuncture and reflex zones.
The art and practice of Palpation-Based Acupuncture for the release of neck, shoulder, and back pain will be discussed on a constitutional level; starting from the feet, with the fulcrum treatment of Yin Qiao mai and Yang Qiao mai imbalance, through the balancing of the hip and sacroiliac joints in relation to the occiput (“Acupuncture Carnio-Sacral Treatment”) all the way to the opening of the neuro-muscular structures of the neck. These powerful and effective treatments yield immediate results verifiable by palpation.
The genius of Dr. Yamamoto’s New Scalp Acupuncture is extremely useful for anchoring and supplementing the effects of the body acupuncture as well as addressing pains and restrictions not yet reached by the body acupuncture. As a stand-alone treatment the YNSA is extremely useful in clinical settings where the patient and/or the practitioner do not have enough time to complete a full treatment, or when the patient can not lie down for a period of time do to various anatomical or physiological reasons.
In this seminar the combination of both disciplines is presented as one synergetic, complementary system. We are very proud and happy to have Darrel Wallace, who studies directly with Dr. Yamamoto for well over a decade and has over 20 years experience using Palpation Based Acupuncture on a daily base teaching together with David Euler who has 30 years of acupuncture experience as well as international lectures and published acupuncture textbooks.
Addressing the topic of neck, shoulder and back pain naturally includes discussion of regulating the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems (internal Zang-Fu and Shen well-being) as well as anatomical, structure imbalances. We chose this topic do to the abundance of life stress (modern world survival, news bombardment, etc.) as well as physical stressors to the head, neck and back (cellphone, computer posture, etc.).
We are sure that by the end of this practical seminar, the practitioner will be able to use the Palpation-Base Acupuncture ideas and the Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture to successfully treat patients who present with neck, shoulder, and back problems from a constitutional as well as an acute clinical point of view.
This course is approved to credit 13 CEU’s (NCCAOM) as well as 13 CME’s (ACCME).
We have applied for CA CEU’s
This course is approved for CME’s and/or CEU’s if taken in person, or as a Live Stream - online (you can interact and get live feedback to your questions posted), and/or at a later date, as an unedited post at your convenience.
Early registration discount apply to all participation options if registration is complete by February 1, 2020.
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