Palm Sunday Homily

Palm Sunday Homily

Dear Friends,

+ Such a long Gospel requires a long homily…or does it require a very short homily?  I think the latter, so let’s get to the bottom line quickly. 

“Not as I will, but as You will.” What was God’s will, to which Jesus was obedient? 

Was it really his suffering and death? Or was his suffering and death the price that he was willing to pay in order to accomplish God’s will? 

Jesus accepted the destiny of the Messiah, as ordained for him by God. He did it in a way that disturbed and confused most people. 

Today we see Jesus as he approaches his destiny with all the dignity that comes from integrity. 

He will be reviled, abandoned by his best friends, betrayed, and executed in the most filthy, humiliating way possible. Rather than concentrate on the horror and physical agony he suffered (The Passion) we ought to examine ourselves.  

What is God’s will for you? Remember Christ’s words,” Not as I will, but as You will.” 

Also remember what he gave his disciples, his body, and blood in the Eucharist at The Last Supper. We Catholics take those words of Jesus literally. So, when we receive Holy Communion, we sacramentally receive the living Risen Lord himself. And we believe the souls of those who died in faith live joyfully with the very Christ we receive. 

Are you willing to follow a messiah who may not fit your expectations: one who exhorts to self-emptying rather than self-fulfillment; obedience rather than willfulness; openness to new insights, seeking truth rather than stubborn adherence to outdated concepts? Are you willing to stand up for the truth regardless of the price? Are you willing to take up your cross and follow Jesus? +


Fr. George SJ


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