It all started here:
Grate Britain granted the zionists a homeland that belongs to others, Palestinians.
The Balfour Declaration, issued on 2 November 1917, is one of the most influential documents leading to the establishment of the state of israel. The text itself is only a paragraph long, part of a letter from Great Britain's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Walter Lionel Rothschild. A copy of the original document hereunder which you can find it online too.
There was Palestine. It existed before the birth of Judaism and Christianity.
In 1897 zionism was established to gather the jews of Europe and create a jewish homeland. They chose Palestine. They started building history, creating myths and stories to convince the world that Palestine was their God promised land.
?In 1917 sir balfour of britain gave the zionists a promise to give Palestine as a homeland to the jews. A land that Britain occupied, never owned. That was a reward to the zionists for helping britain in the first world war.
Jews started migrating and refuging to Palestine where they were welcomed by the Palestinians. Palestinians never thought that those jews were Zionists in disguise.
Few years later, zionists created the hagana gangs (zionist militias), killing and displacing Palestinians, armed and protected by britain.
1948 zionists exorcised over 750,000 of Palestinians out of Palestine to the surrounding countries. Palestinians went through ethnic cleansing and genocide besides displacement. Same year, zionists declared “the state of israel” over most of the land of Palestine.
So many UN resolutions condemned israel and confirmed the right of Palestinians to their homeland Palestine. No one listened. Since 1948 till date, still most Palestinians refugees live in camps in Jordan. Syria and Lebanon under UNRWA. Its always been the USA or the UK Veto against any resolution in favour of Palestinians.
1967, the rest of Palestine (which is now called West Bank/Palestine Authority) was taken over and occupied by what so called israel. Again, hundreds of thousands were exorcised out of Palestine to the surrounding countries.
?1993, Palestinians and israel had an agreement in Oslo saying that the Palestinians shall recognize that the lands occupied by the zionists in 1948 is now israel, and that they shall not fight to get it back. In return, israel shall let the Palestinians create the state of Palestine. Israel never respected that and kept seizing lands and building illegal settlements in Palestine till today.
?17 years ago, Gaza was, till today, under siege by israel who controls water, food imports, medicines, monetary transactions, fuel, and all necessities of life. They turn then on and off the way they like. Gaza is considered the world’s largest open-air prison.
?Killing, committing genocide and ethnic cleansing, exorcism, arrests for no reason, farms destruction, trees uprooting, demolishing houses, building illegal settlements, all those terrible acts against Palestinians were committed on daily basis by israel idf and jewish armed settlers. those acts never stopped since 1917 till date.
?Since the 1920s zionist militias, israel idf and the zionist armed settlers never stopped committing massacres against Palestinians, all documented, some of those: Dir Yassin, Kafr Qasim, Jabalya, Qana, Sabra & Shatilla, Qabatya, Khan Younis, Balad Alsheikh, Saasaa, Saliha, Lydda, Halhool, Sarafand, Tanturah, …. a very long list, and now Gaza.
What would you do if someone kicked you out of your home, had you to live in a tent under poverty, controlled your water, food, medicine and all necessities of life, kills and arrests your family and people for the sake of fun, kills children on their way to school for fun??Would you fight back or surrender? And, if you fight back, are you called a terrorist or a patriot? That was what Hamas have done, an up-rise against terror.
?I can provide you with videos of israel soldiers killing children, women, elderly, pissing on and kicking killed Palestinians, ...etc. If you can handle the images, then please ask.
?FYI, the third and fourth pillars of Muslim faith is to believe in all Prophets and Books of God. Muslims are not against Jews or Judaism or Christianity, but against zionists and israel.
?Note: References are available upon request. You cant challenge true history.?