October 11 - 13, 2024
Wash., DC - To our dear friends at the Portuguese American Leadership of the United States (PALCUS); award recipients; and the Luso-American Community,
As an organization located in the Washington, DC Consular Area, in the great Commonwealth of Virginia, areas which I take immense pride in representing; as a Counselor on the Council of the Portuguese Communities (CCP) and Advisor to the Embassy of Portugal, here in the nation's capital, I take great delight in congratulating - PALCUS - our national organization on its remarkable record - 26 years - of accomplishment and contributions to the 1.4 million Portuguese and Luso-Americans calling this exceptional nation - The United States of America - our home.
PALCUS' successes are too many to capture here.
After all, where do you go after the Secretary General of the United Nations - the Hon. António Guterres - accepts to be your keynote speaker? Perhaps invite the next President of the United States? I leave you with a challenge. Why not?
I, for one, am always personally enriched and made smarter by the works the organization offers the community.
I'll mention just two.
Cultural Newsletter
Where else can you read about a former presidential candidate and Vice President of the United States - the Hon. Al Gore - being of Portuguese descent?
The PALCUS' Cultural Newsletter:
PALITICUS - The Community's Megaphone
Where can an aspiring public servant express his opinion on transatlantic issues and electoral reforms? PALITICUS:
So, I do encourage all who can attend the Gala, to do so and enjoy.
I also ask all who can - to consider joining this important institution:
If you haven't done so already, please complete the PALCUS Index National Survey. The data gathered from this national snapshot - is invaluable to tell the nation and the world who we are.
I am optimistic that my colleague on the CCP will approve my resolution on this matter.
It's that important.
Award Recipients
Finally, let me also extend my personal and warm congratulations to all of the leadership award recipients - past and present. You exemplify the best of our community. May your success open doors for others to enter and dream dreams even bigger.
As you excel and rise to new heights, always, always remember for give back to our community. As my favorite saying goes: "to whom much is given, much is expected."
It is in that vein, and if you'll permit me, that I ask you to consider joining the nascent Washington, DC Consular Area Advisory Council and/or work with my fellow Counselors across the US.
Together we are better and stronger!
God willing, we'll be together for the 27th Gala.
In the interim, I offer my good offices to collaborate with PALCUS leadership to promote the best our community has to offer.
Warmest regards,
Mário Francisco da Costa Ferreira
(Frank Ferreira)