Pakistani Mangoes Exports & Climate Change

Pakistani Mangoes Exports & Climate Change

Due to climate change and low production the Mango exporters have reduced export target to 100,000 tonnes against 125,000 tonnes exported during the last financial year. Last year the exports target was set at 125,000 tonnes however the shipment remained at 100,000. Pakistan exported 145,906,540 Kgs of mangoes valued at Rs.24,265,019,000 (USD 290.5 million) In 2021-22. Pakistan ranks the sixth (6th) largest mango producer in the world following countries like India, China, Thailand and Indonesia.

Pakistan produces 1.8 million tonnes of mangoes. Punjab is the major shareholder with 70% of the total production. Sindh contributes 29% and KP 1%. Due to climatic change Pakistan has reduced its exports target for the last three years. Last year mangoes were successfully exported by road on experimental bases to Turkey, Russia, and China. China and Russia are the biggest consumers markets however these countries have imposed bane on Pakistani mangoes. Export to China and Russian has been started last year. This year Iran, China, Russian and Central Asian Republics are the markets in priorities.

The government is focuses to increase exports of non-traditional products. Fruits and vegetables are among the 18 focused non-traditional exports sectors identified in the Strategic Trade Policy Framework(STPF) 2020-25 and National Priority Sectors Export Strategy (NPSES)-2023-27. The exporters are focusing on the value-added markets like USA, China, Turkey, Japan, Iran and Afghanistan. Central Asian Republics are also included in the focused markets for mangoes exports.

The value added sector for the mangoes is included Mangoes Processing, Packaging and Warehousing. High charges of Electricity, Gas, Transportation, Pesticides are causing the competitiveness of the mangoes in the international market.




Asif Amin Farooqi

Chairman / Former President of Executive Committee in the Pakistan Association of the Deaf

5 个月

*Congratulations on the New Executive Committee.* #PAD #EC #BOARD #OFFIXEBEARER #ExecutiveCommittee


