Pakistan Telecommunication Co. Ltd.
On this Pakistan Day I want remind to Board of Members of PTCL this company listed in PSX last 26 years during this period PTCL performance " ZERO " due to Financial Cost and Impairment Loss on Trade & Contract Assets and Employee Retirement Benefits.
As per Balance Sheet for the year 31-12-2020
Finance Cost : 9.3 Billions during this year
Impairment Loss : 3.3 billions during this year
It's mean @ 2.40 earning reduce due to these cost and suffer by shareholders due to stop dividend and all other expenses Administrative
and operating Expense doing well by PTCL but shareholders dividend stop last closing 31-12-2020.
I request to management kindly consider this matter very seriously and take any action how balance sheet improve and also take decision how this company bring rank NO.1 in Telecom Sector because PTCL biggest company in Telecom and share price trade under face value and also under value due to no improvement and every body dislike share of PTCL in Pakistan Stock Exchange.
I request kindly release stop dividend as early
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