Haroon Asghar
Sr. High Level Business Executive | Independent Consultant | C-Suit Executive | Business Strategies, Development, Operations | Oil & Gas,Petroleum,Renewable Energy,FMCG,Foods & Agriculture, Livestock & Dairy, Real Estate
·??Published on July 12, 2020
?Published on September 10, 2020
Business related activities remained always major source of income for last many centuries, followed by number of professions linked with state affairs directly or indirectly.????As mentioned above and previous communications, the prime objective is to create awareness in target audience/segment of Pakistan on topic of economy, its concepts and associated links etc. at very basic level that anyone can pick & explain. because each Pakistani must be knowing that how can nation extend support jointly individual level or groups followed by contribution as per capacity and capability with full zeal & zest for Pakistan. This objective accomplishment means people know that what is actually going on with regard to Government & its major pillars activities while having developed minimum common sense that what have they see in field, job of any nature and interestingly time has come that as?along their family members part of economy. The slow development started step wise different phases in sequence have taken outlook/ shape of procedural action for implementation?
Ibn Khaldun?is regarded to be among the founding fathers of modern?sociology, historiography,?demography,?and?economics.
Archiving was a respected position during this time in Islam though most of the governing documents have been lost over time. However, from correspondence and remaining documentation gives a hint of the social climate as well as shows that the archives were detailed and vast during their time. All letters that were received or sent on behalf of the governing bodies were copied, archived and noted for filing. The position of the archivist was seen as one that had to have a high level of devotion as they held the records of all pertinent transactions.
In first four caliph’s rules issues related to economy & its development where there is open & candid form and improvement added with new issues or information.
At present economy base is investment having partnerships. It is free & independent system the concern person/entity can earn money while putting aside religious liabilities, moral values & traditional methods. At present there is no restriction of social or joint liability of any kind. Individual has an edge our joint group of people in this system.
The greed and lust of investors reaches up to the stage that he takes all steps to eliminate from the competition and run the affairs at his own which you can selfishness. The wealth /hard cash became his base line and arrogant behavior or rude attitude developed by the time they don’t care that other wave of hate in labor minds. Peoples are surviving in which condition they also became unfair in dealing with labor which resulted that both went mentally investors/industrialists and labor mental state changes in to superiority & inferiority complex. Further without elimination of individual’s ownerships peaks & troughs can’t be smooth until unless one system exists for all.
The ECONOMY which is now a days being discussed from 4 years child to respectful old age man along with its accuracy, Policy handling almost discussed by famous anchors and not one time there are no of incidents that anchor and guest both became quiet that what should be the next answer as IT is socialized subject neither me nor my any friend who did PhD in any social sciences subject excluding economy pass comments as bit needs to be handled in fragile way and time has come that?it needs to be taken serious actually the best example is your house management in which earning comes & expenses occurred & in sequence we manage on the same line at country level detail planning for short term & long term plan prepared and communicated through Annual budget if anything important it can be announced at any time like Force Majeure clause or pandemic issue.
Brief comments on Economic system introduced by Karl Marks & further taken followed by implementation by lenon. Economic system in Islam at early ages/times.
Economy concept is not at all?new and human being 400 BC were following few guidelines and “Aflatoon” took action after abnormal increase/ decrease & disappointed behavior, established own guidelines in 3rd century UNDER RULE OF PERSON “QABAD” Government another person named “MAZDAK” declared wealth and women joint property & defined new partnership laws and his followers did compliance then in 19th century few people again put life in that economy system and at many places it was heard& some people really tried to implement it across maximum geographic areas but not succeeded.
Then in 1847 a German Jew organized idea of economic activities named “KARL MARKS” who is famous for his comments on religion that it is opium. The 19th century philosopher & revolutionary believed that religion was used to be those in power as a tool keep the people under control. The last sentence is often misquoted as” the opiate of the masses”. Marx’s ideas had a revolution profound effect on the method of Government in Russia after the revolution of 1917and so over the whole of the soviet bloc during the 20th century. According to him religion is sight of the oppressed creature he hearts of a heartless world and soul of soul less condition. It is the opium of the people.
So upper class were further gathering wealth & huge difference created with lower class of Russians who were not only jobless and the other segment agriculturist was worst they were dependent on feudal / this un even balance created lot of issues as industrialist+lamdlords joints hands together & lower class included specially on farmers became against upper-class and talk about retaliation started.
After death of marks, lenon took up challenges & gathered young generation on one platform. The system will be based on investment or contribution from all, both have same purpose to grow economy and both have nothing to do with religion &, moral values.
The idea of economy in Islam is fully aligned with nature and solution of all economic problems. This system is not dependent at all of different experiences and also not built while using talent economist. This is based on usual benefits This system is for all as Almighty Allah is for all it is not made for any specific group, nation, religion or group pf people. Its blessing is same for all either Muslim or belong to any other religion or school of thought.
I will try my level best to cut it short however few things need to be shared. From Islamic point of view all Wealth (in any shape (belongs to Almighty Allah. There are qur’anic verses followed by Hades to understand that if people will get reward in shape of wealth, they have been instructed already that in this wealth/asset, others Muslims have right and portion which you need to deliver. Because Almighty Allah created all things from earth from your benefit. Few points given below in simple form because in paragraph we will lose interest while focusing & understanding.
·????????Anyone with legal ways more or less wealth earns either it is obtained with hard work, trading, or without hard work got wealth through Asset Gift, inherited property, it is clear that to keep balance in the society some portion to be fixed for others who needs it.
·????????Islam economic system based on middle way neither the investors. industrialist will rule over other people based on their wealth nor it is allowed that those people will always be depended on them even they will get some portion from that wealth.
·????????Islam give us lesson to eliminate /reduce difference between socio economic sectors all classes rich to poor.
·????????Islam give lesion that do not cheat others & don’t use others assert/wealth for your own use without informing or informing them.
·????????Islam strictly stop bribe
·????????Now we move towards the basic points which needs to be implemented and we should not forget that Almighty Allah principal is same for all & for any individual or group of people or specific religion group or nation it will change.
·????????ISLAM strictly banned Interest in trading. on same lines lottery, drink, casino as these are declared as “Ablees” related works and “HARAM”
·????????Corruption in quantity and adulteration in products /commodities considered to be big disaster and in past Almighty Allah gave punishment & totally eliminated those nations as for GOD It is one of the major sins of society resulted in past in shape of GOD biggest punishment to Nations.
·????????ISLAM doesn’t allow at all that we will store silver & Gold or we used to store & do not spend for Allah and distribute according to ways told by Almighty Allah and Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon him.
ISLAM DIDN’T LEFT POOR PERSONS ALONE, “ZAKAT” is one of the 5 major part of ISLAM and through Zakat, people get their portion
ECONOMY +PHILOSOPHY Part 8 (Basics) In continuation of Economy + Philosophy for common public knowledge & their understanding was necessary, here in Communication ways other than educational institutions we can try which will hit the target as every Pakistani can differentiate main terms & his/her own standing in Islam Republic of Pakistan. We used to hear word Economy almost more than 100+ time daily along with corona Virus/ COVID19 followed by Major countries’ economies which are in process of revitalizing. 7 parts written in very lighter form to keep interest of the readers as every time they become to know new terminology or what are the facts & figures. Part 8 will briefly discuss few nations and how they established & run their economic activities followed by little detail that what was the opinion of initial philosopher of wet about Religion & Economy
Sr. High Level Business Executive | Independent Consultant | C-Suit Executive | Business Strategies, Development, Operations | Oil & Gas,Petroleum,Renewable Energy,FMCG,Foods & Agriculture, Livestock & Dairy, Real Estate
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