Pakistan National Game – Pissed Off Motives
Muhammad Shabir
Reporting, Documentation, Project Management, Coordination, Food Security Analysis, Information Management, Program Operations of emergency, development and corporate sector
The world’s most countries were came into beings after utmost tiring freedom-movements by the people or group of peoples. The people had been putting their demands for independent and separate homelands for them to spend their life in view of their common interests based on believes, faiths, religion and practices in the geographic areas. In the result of their struggle, they had become successful in establishing the independent country or state, they had also continued to legislate the some national events in recognition of country representation to the world’s countries. There had been many national events regularized to continue till the country existence, for example, dress, song, animal, birds, game, currency, languages and etc.
The sports activities usually are playing important role in health and physical fitness of people of the countries. There are many games in the world that are contributing into people physical and mental health. Pakistan had become an independent country in 1947, had decided to select the national game that significantly represent the people interest and massively contribute into people’s health and fitness. The Government of Pakistan concluded the Hockey as national game of Pakistan. The government had been strived enough to promote this Hockey in Pakistan till 1990s. The government’s intentions were to see the Pakistan on the number one team in the world.
The outcome results of the continued intentions of government, Pakistan had become the most successful team in the world and had won four times the Hockey World Cup till the 1990. The Hockey had been become the number 1 game in Pakistan. Simultaneously, there were a penetration of other influential games in Pakistan, and Cricket was one of them. The intention of government was diverted towards the promotion of Cricket due to national and international trends. The downfall of hockey had started after 1995, this is a valid and potential reason that was lack of government’s interests and intentions. The matter of fact, Pakistan was unable to win the Hockey World Cup after 2000. It is very shocking for a country who had been continuously winning the three time consecutively the Hockey World Cup.
The Pakistan Hockey team performance is big question mark for the government and Pakistan Hockey Federation. Pakistan hockey team has already reached to the down level, even sometime, they unable to meet the criteria for world champion ship qualifying round. Though, there ae many reason, but the federation and team management has usually been pissed off in between government officials. It has strongly observed, Pakistan national game hockey had hoarsely affected by week and poor governing strategies and policies like the other government departments. The performance trends analysis of government departments and institutions has clearly highlighted the significantly week and pathetic governance system.
Being a foresighted and futuristic nation, Pakistan government should had to think and empower its national games, they had been involved in destroying the structure of governing bodies for hockey like the other national foundation’s strategic institutions and departments. The expected results and performances of government owned institutions are visible and in front of us to analyze and think as a citizen of Pakistan.
Clarity with visions and intentions would help the government to establish a roadmap for efficient and excellent exemplary governing systems that facilitate to strengthen the country development and national spirits. National enthusiasm can be cherished and boosted by promoting the national events through real and true intentions and powerful will.