Pakistan HEI & graduate employability – A Marketing Challenge

Pakistan HEI & graduate employability – A Marketing Challenge

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Change is inevitable; and in recent years along with other social sectors higher education has also seen change in policy, governance, delivery method and even its structure. There is however inclusion of privatization, internationalization, diversification and increase competition among higher education that drives marketization. Privatization of higher education institution has lead to increasing competition of being distinct in offering; since non-existence of private – public partnership in either academic delivery or cost sharing in Pakistan. Last year only one Pakistani University made it to QS Ranking 301-500 in partnership with employers. Rising question is to what extent Pakistan Higher Education Institutions understand importance of Graduate Employability and projecting its marketability.  

Graduate Employability; Simple understanding of graduate employability is student’s possession of understandings, necessary skills and certain attributes required as a graduate level work to build a career (Hillage & Pollard, 1998). In western countries graduate employability is mostly predominated to increase human capital development; both by government and employers across to increase certain skill level to be industry ready (Cole & Hallett, 2019). Universities tend to develop curricular and co-circular opportunities at campus or some study tour, sometimes emphasizing on work integrated learning experiences for their students.

Importance of graduate employability and its projection will be felt by Universities in Pakistan when they have learning outcome in their syllabus offered. Students learning Engineering, computing, life sciences or humanities in higher education without certain outcome. Universities in UK, Australia and other part of the world have internships, placements and international study program included in their offering; which encourages skill development for graduates aiming for employment. We have just started to build very basics of internships from various businesses looking for fresh graduates in finance, engineering and some software development projects. Government has also started competitive program to encourage young talent in National Internship Program as step forward. Pakistan HEI’s - although very young against its regional counterparts in age; are also learning to evolve the marketing phenomenon. Public sector HEI’s depend mostly upon their prestige and traditional teaching methodology with limited seat of learning; and with Asian population boom with greater demand for admission ; are less keen on developing any communication or market strategy. With Pakistan population still struggling with low income group population; higher education is very much in demand. Public sector HEI’s having no practical policy placed to distinguish itself; will tend to realize impractical approach to teaching and students struggle of its own market distinction. Since funding source of public sector is government; they are no mechanism of gathering customer preferences, inter-functional coordination and customer responsiveness. Universities having such mechanism also will improve research outcome.       

Industry & Graduate Employability

HEI’s successful enrollment depend also upon how accelerated courses are communicated to target audience or students. We must realize that students will spend a lot of money and time to their studies; and they expect efforts to be rewarded after graduation. No wonder, in every counselling session attended by far; first question from high school student comes out “will I get a good job after this course?” Although graduate employability is much talked about; but seldom considered part of HEI’s industry liaison approach in Pakistan. Reason for such divide is academic’s approach to education is more classroom – book scenario being taught for many year; with less connectivity to real world problems. Quality of teaching staff are less industry experts to realize emerging challenges; and industry requirement for skill workforce. This is why COVID-9 teaching delivery challenged the very existence of classroom delivery methodology; where staff and students experienced gap in technology usage.

In western countries, graduate employability is mostly government policy driven; to ensure economic prosperity. HEI’s must realize by giving higher level of education is way forward towards technological change and future skill requirement of industry. Educationist like Holmes (2013) emphasized the process from where students go through identity development during employment and certain professional engagement; which they latter position themselves in labor market. 

 Research Projects & Industry will drive knowledge economies; that tend to survive on very concept of higher education institutions preparing next generation of students on jobs yet to be created and technologies need to be invented. Once these graduates venture into the job market and secure their positions; they would need to continuously build on their learned skills to consolidate their standing. With growing population and changing industry demand; the very social and economic pressure will compel government policy makers and Higher Education management to reinvent and strategies their academic approach. Publication of academic articles based on minor variables evaluating proven facts may not be the ultimate solution for future academia. Key to success is connecting research area of higher education institutions and workplace. Research competencies may differ in academia but skills learned through such process has to be industry related. HEI’s in Pakistan must consider the multidimensional perspective to achieve level of competence required in concepts studied and its operational factors; knowledge gained and what has understood through it and most importantly the ability to learn and how to learn for future progressions. In Pakistan, we need more work-based learning concept to enhance employability factor among graduates and post-graduate students. Research degree will have to be industry driven rather paper-based conceptual driven in major accelerated industry such as agriculture, manufacturing, service industry and IT. Industry must be encouraged to have learned leadership in human resource and quality assurance to come with work-based learning solution for their organizations connected with HEI’s young researchers to develop future business projects. This will yield tangible business success and incentive for young researchers to continue with industry.

Pakistan Employers & Higher Education- In a survey report published on April 30th, 2019 – over 78% employers showed dissatisfaction on hiring fresh graduates. High grades will not guarantee any employability. Graduates with high grades cannot justify content or claims made in their resume; and perform poorly in assessments. Industry is not approached either by Higher Education Commission nor HEI’s to collaborate on skills development and project base learning for students. There are mega trends and events in the international markets ; affecting national economy and industries; also known as Fourth Industrial Revolution which will create ripple for Higher Education Institution’s. Pakistan is no more immune to digital revolution, automation, AI, globalization of trade, climate change and pandemics. Industries will now evolve and seek opportunities around such phenomenon; HEI’s struggling now for online education are getting glimpse of new market revolution.  

 Higher Education Institution’s in Pakistan must also invest time to enhance work confidence among young graduates; through industry base projects as part of curriculum. Synthesis of intellectual skills and judgment of achievement is essential for a self-motivated learner. Organizations usually have complex work environment and tight scheduling for deadlines; they require combination of knowledge, skills and personal attributes.

Marketing Graduate Employability – Graduate employment is one the key issues challenging HEI’s with emerging competitive employment sector. Universities ranking are now projected with best performing in this sector as outcome. Country like Pakistan with youngest population among world populated countries; would need work aggressively in such footsteps not only to stop brain drain but also encourage entrepreneurship. Universities concept of placement teams must be recognized part of student services and campus life in Pakistan. Employment fairs are glimpse of industry requirement; process of preparing graduates should be part of learning outcomes. HEI – Industry work base projects must be part of Pakistani universities academic strategy. As seat of learning it-self Higher Education Institutions also focus upon basic market segmentation of student background, consumer behavior towards education, further what product or service is in-demand (industry driven or societal need) to create HEI image , value of service and perceived quality, availability to its consumers or students and exploring medium of communication for its market. Although teaching many concepts of business communication and strategy; most Pakistan HEI’s practice operational side of marketing rather having a holistic approach.

Way Forward – Holistic Approach

Besides knowledge, skill and innovation HEI’s must work with them more professionally to make enterprise and graduate connectivity more sensible. Mere industry visit of engineering students will not suffice as day tour of working conditions with simple inner marketing. Alumni events to project successful story telling are essential but they serve as day motivation events; rather than process of necessary skill development. Universities need to strategies their approach towards work-base projects with industries and highlight circular connectivity to attract students. Career counseling starts with sense of adopting certain subject as industrial requirement rather a degree with no objective. Some leading business schools in Pakistan do manage to advertise their high employability rate due to their reputation and recognized business programs. But most Universities tend to advertise on scholarships and accelerated degree offering only. An academic insight is also required to evaluate drop-out rate among Pakistan HEI’s in first-second semester of degree programs. Global University rankings are also evaluated on basis of graduate employability as their national strategy. In Pakistan where un-employment rises every year among young graduates, HEI’s must re-direct their connectivity with existing industry for future opportunities. Graduate employment as very much important for nation economic sustainability and future growth; has to become part of Higher Education strategy. Studies have shown it’s the generic skills that really matter to ensure graduate employability and its preparedness. Universities in Pakistan are also embarked upon its importance and slowly directing and guiding students towards any opportunity gained. Emphasis should be on building professional network through guest lectures, panel workshops and work-base projects. Establish Placement Offices with industry experienced managers for clear career advice and opportunities in industry. Concept of embedding employability with degree to prepare science and humanities students to prepare for industry related resume and applications.



Kotler, Ph. (1991) Marketing Management, Prentice Hall International

Leonard Holmes (2013) Competing perspectives on graduate employability: possession, position or process?, Studies in Higher Education, 38:4, 538-554, DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2011.587140


Hillage, J. and Pollard, E. (1998) Employability: Developing a Framework for Policy Analysis. Department for Education and Employment, London. for_policy_analysis_London_DfEE

Cole, D., & Hallet, R. (2019). Language of employability. In J. Higgs, G. Crisp, & W. Letts (Eds.), Education for employability 1: Learning for future possibilities (forthcoming). Rotterdam: Brill | Sense.

Munnaza Asif

British Council Consultant & Lead Master Trainer

4 年

Education in current times needs to be diversified to meet the needs of today's learner,the global market is open to those who are creative and have innovative ideas,are independent thinkers ,well collaborators and effective commentators and can harness with techno trends.The role of today's educators is more of catalyst and problem solver and amidst covid 19 ,where online schooling are opening new learning opportunities ,they must also see if their teachers are ready for the paradigm shift !


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