1.?Dear readers ,WE DO NOT CHOOSE TIME THE TIME CHOOSES US. Smart Diplomacy refers to mutual coexistence ,similar to what Hillary Clinton called "21st Century Statecraft” the Global Diplomatic Forum have defined the concept of?Smart Diplomacy?as the practice of smart power beyond traditional diplomacy, with the employment of new technologies, public and private partnerships, as well as diaspora networks at the center of diplomacy. Smart power ‘is a concept that emphasizes the necessity of having a strong military, but also invests heavily in alliances, partnerships & institutions at all levels to expand an state influence and establish the legitimacy of sovereign obligations. More plainly, smart power is a combination of both hard and soft power approaches to diplomacy.Today while in forecasting futuristic trends /events to base our diplomatic ovrtures /foreign policy fundamentals, the tool most often used are:-
- Possibility of occurrence. (Yes or No or may be).
- Probability.(if yes or may be then give threshold i.e. 60 to70 % 10% etc,etc.
- Prefer-ability.( what is the priority of acceptability .Is it matter of immediate ??survival or not. Do we have time resources, money to accept it.What is the risk involved diplomatically (loss/profit).
- Classification of the decision to be taken i.e. most immediate, urgent, short term, long term.How to minimize risk?
2.????Likewise, in the third decade of 21st century a country’s foreign policy must not be confrontational, inflexible &contradicting with the 4 ‘Constraints….
- Mother Nature (Environments, climate, resources, capability, demography and geography)….
- Market Forces (Economic Strength, automated productivity, infrastructure, currency, earning, per capita income and net value of the human living there,etc,etc)…….
- Moor’s Law Adherence…(i.e. best use of Digital Technology/AI coupled with Biotech and Nano tech use,to the best of ones capability)…Refer digram # 1 above
- ?Military Might…..(modernity and smartness of its men and strategic patience of its Top Brass)….likewise the FP fundamentals i.e. Principal Stance, Planned Response and reaction to Crisis /sudden incident (wild card event) all three must be manageable , rather having well poised stance, forward looking policy, adaptable to the 4M ,positively opportunistic &progressive ,likewise rigitity, friction or inflexibility and disengagement from diplomatic activity is disastrous?
3. Unfortunately, we the majority of Pakistanis are one of the unique nations despite living in very blessed environments&Geogstrategical location yet our demography, and mental caliber is as low as cockroach (limited, opportunistic, ignorant and egotist) Equally bad is majority of our leadership, capitalists & intelligentsia, who happen to be the most hungry, undignified, brutal ,incompetent, least decisive & highly selfish. Our common man has least cognitive ability to select, elect or opine for social ethics /merit i.e. voting for futuristic leadership of Pakistan. To them Money and Food matter most. The flora of Media, Bureaucracy &most of TV based Think Tanks is not worthy of comments (mostly insincere, incompetent and opportunists).But by the grace of Allah our Deep State leadership is more competent and patriotic. Most of updating of Pakistan Foreign Policy through Military Think Tanks is being done with Strategic Patience and Cognitive/Technological insight? Let us see few perspectives where we are losing sense of proportion/heading for error of judgment in all sections of the Governance & Foreign policy:-
- Do we ever listen to what matters to most to the people of Pakistan & what do they want? Isn't it money & debauchery or do the care for ethical deficit (loss) in our highly corrupt society? Has our PM identified this mismatch till now so as to set our objective and direction right, ever?Has he ever thought what is affordable/doable and widely acceptable?
- Do we have some idealistic sense of purpose in Tehrik-e-Insaf’s slogan of Riasat-e-Madina or not (Sense of purpose is the motivation that drives you toward a satisfying future) Hence, the sense of purpose helps you to get the most of life conserved for better purposes and it helps you achieve what matters most to the society.Most importantly, it feeds intrinsic motivation and it creates meaning from life. Purpose is the most vital driving force. Certainly, purpose is a fundamental component of a fulfilling life. In Islam our purpose life is “how far our obligation to others extends i.e. help others (feed others, you will be fed automatically). democratic opinion of illadvised, unaware masses are not the strength of Islamic system since it leads to injustice & moral turpitude of the haughty & egocentric pseudo leadership?
- Does our leadership understand what principals should govern the relationship between Individual and Society, Nation and State or State and Govt? If yes then why so much lawlessness/irregularity/mismanagement? Shouldn't we think in harmony with all the stake holders and the perspectives of our next generastion growth matching with world class competitors?
- How much the Govt should regulate the market /price control and tax collection (80-100%).Why not doing it, isn’t it criminal?
- How the social change will ever happen,( isn’t it through justice, merit, competence, accountability) Will democracy ever succeed in Pakistan. No, never? unless it is purely western in nature? Moving back and forth in search of electable and electorate is wasteful and criminal as per the religion & social justice in Pakistan? They will never ever be sincere, just & competent leaders for our people.
- Don’t we understand what is conceivable dividend of changing our life style, culture and governing system? We do, but our leadership hates that since our public is highly crooked, mostly incompetent &vulgarly covetous? (AWE KA AWA HI BIGRA?HUA HE ) why blaming Hassan Nisar?why not reforming the nation?
- Do we not understand that there is no time for diplomatic nonsense, rigidity trials, sheer failures and complacency? ?Why not embracing Iran after latest US-Iran understanding, why saying no to peace with India by placing indelible past hurdles in front of us………why not pushing them aside for the better times and be futuristic/pragmatic?
- Without doubt we have determined tools to carve out a model for our diplomatic response in para 1&2 to lessen our political miseries. Why not using them cautiously and move ahead.
- Our Foreign Policy Stance towards USA has always been cordial /bilateral relation based on respect for sovereignty &mutual interest. So was our response towards US-Taliban talks & facilitating US Withdrawal from Afghanistan. Saying absolutely not to US and nonparticipation of Biden Democracy Summit meant protecting interest of regional allies and neighboring states and caring hoot for others. What is desired is “Improvement of relations with USA and erasing the public image of diplomatic inflexibility and lack of adaptability to the post Covid World western scenario. We must not forget that every word coming out of our mouth is recorded, amplified, scrutinised and disected?Ultimately the loser is the Nation which bears the wrath of eronious notions or diplomatic blunders?We strongly feel that PM Pakistan should be mature enough to know the manners to say "NO"at diplomatic forum,likewise repeateedly mentioning his childhood youth and cricket as well as his personal life stories seems highly irrelevant most of the time. If he is really good then he must prove it on ground/in practical. Anyway his opponents are worse than DEVILS . Yet he is the only choice left to bear with with best wishes for his success and improvement in his attitudnal arrogance?No doubt great Imran Khan has the charisma to mesmerise the Diplomatic Community and apex leadership of the World. He needs to reform his nonnegotiable stern behaviour and be realisticall optimistic & visionary ?This is a brortherly advice. Why I burn is that, Pakistani Military sacrifices should never go unnoticed?
- In case of India our Principal stance is the same as ever, our response however was reciprocated unpleasantly since India was using Afghan borders as a launching pad against Afghanistan so our tenor seemed bitter & bitter. Now when India is standing at a game changing watershed where they need to be advised a peaceful course of action for restoration of Diplomatic Relations with neighboring states & resolution of all pending issues amicably. We now have to revisit our FP keeping in mind three objectives to achieve….1.Saving Pakistan from aggression…..2. Melting down of Sino-Indian tension to safeguard CPEC & Chinese interest in Indo-Pacific Sea….3. Fastest Expansion of CPEC trade route towards CAS with Sino-Russian rapprochement? We need not to remain inflexible and get India engaged in negotiations and restore trade relations and review opening of borders and tourism venues. Likewise cooperate in pursuit of Climate Change and rivers water sharing, also?allow use of Air space & Afghan Transit Trade for mutual interest, may it be gradually. Here our leadership should rely upon that “One in hand is better than two in the bush” i.e. not becoming catalyst of Sino-US-Russia Cold War and ruing peace of SA or Iran- Israel embroil to get Oil price spiraling sky high??Rigidity at this juncture would be killing” Let us see how our PM tackles the SAAR Summit this time? What is urgently needed is “Improving Pakistan's soft image by showing some flexibility towards Pak-India relations and showing visible transparency in governance and accountability?
- Likewise our Crisis management (when the World happens to be reluctant to recognize Afghanistan) equally corresponds to our Afghan-Pakistan relations by raising our voice at all international /diplomatic forums for saving Afghanistan from Humanitarian disaster? Portraying better future of current Taliban regime and improve Afghans Aid package through Saudi and UAE help
- Trying every bit to repel stiffening of cold War notions between China/Russia and USA by remaining neutral on Taiwan and Ukrain Issue,
- At domestic front we need to be realistically accept that there is no room for making blunders. Despite all Roshan Pakistan and Ehsas Episodes people are very unhappy& all is not well. What needed is adopting technological approach in the planning & development of projects particularly in agricultural,water management , transport and industrial sector.
- We must devise some means to convince public as to why the past & present corrupt leadership /elites are not being penalised ASAP. If not possible, then devise a means to eradicate friction between the ruling elites and the nonruling elites, free media &ruling elites ? Since they are the:-
(1) Main hurdles in moving Pakistan ahead while PM team remains loggerhead with them.
(2) They are the main trouble which is hurling aspersionon on PM and his team
name and blaming the establishment for the status qou.
(3) They are giving false hope of grabing power once again, to make the things
like heavenly bliss "what a country"?
(4) Foreign delegates and diplomats are double minded over Pakistan future since the
multiple conspiracies of opposition try to demean current regime of PTI. resultany
foreign investors remain reluctant to invest in Pakistan as well as any formidable
foreign policy decisions remain hung in the air.
(4) Uncouth public is against price hike and opposition is the one who are the main
cause, since they want PTI regime to get doomed for ever?