Col (R) Hassan Yousuf
Trainer Futurology, Smart Management & IT / Digi Tech at Pakistan Institute of Management
Dear readers sensing the gravity of the offenses /errors /pathetic attitude & misconduct of some of the diplomatic staff at various Embassies, PM Pakistan addressed them very rightly/timely but instead of mending their ways they spoke nonsense ,taking lead from cockeyed misinterpretation of some of the latest adjudication made by the Supreme Court and Lahore High Court in last three weeks and Shahbaz Sharif given permission to leave Pakistan. This conveyed saga of the Judiciary activism has again created an impression that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE IN PAKISTAN & PAKISTAN IS A BANANANA STATE, Thus Diplomats have continue having their isolated Pakistan under their kingdom abroad. Most of them thus conveying impression that Pakistan has been bankrupted,Zardari/Nawaz etc are the real leaders and Imran Khan has failed, so do the Nab, resultantly PM would step down as failure, the courts are BIKKAYO MALL/ VERY ASSERTIVE therefore Army can not do anything except to accept the money launders again as their bosses. Unbelievingly there is very strong rumour abroad that Army top Brass is divided and they know they have to fall back to the same corrupt leaders after retirement so their sympathy are always with Zardari /Nawaz/Maulana/MQM/ANP/JI/MALIK RIAZ/PROPERTY GRABBERS group. Unfortunately our Diplomat are not countering such a big rumour /conspiracy abroad. This alone make all Pakistani hopeless about Imran Khan determination and Pak Army loyalty to the Nation?
Honorable PM, Chief of Army Staff and dear readers we the Soldiers &Veterans are very upset, angry and dissatisfied. When we come across or get engaged with our students, relatives and friends abroad we get such a pathetic picture of Pakistan that we feel like twisting tail of our Diplomatic Staff, Consulates, Embassy Staff, High Commissioners & similar other Foreign Policy promoters. Most of them have no updated Foreign Policy Agenda, immediate/short term Diplomatic Objectives, Current Geogstrategical Affair Knowledge, no worthwhile data on Pakistani Patriots & non- patriots, available at their place of influence/duty. If we proceed further we get amazed that the politically oriented handpicked, primitive minded (redundant) people are still sitting in our Embassies/Consulates/Foreign office being rotated again and again in the foreign affairs offices. All these people mostly have no love lost for PTI Govt.(Pakistan) On the contrary they hardly do anything to offset negative image of Pakistan or bothered to portray soft image of Pakistan and they keep propagating that KOI TABDILI NAHI, BERRA GARK HOGAYA HE.
Very sad to say when we write Article on Roshan/Changing and Stronger Pakistan,our friends say “Sir, Na Jhoti Baten Karo or Ye Kia Keh Rahe Ho, YAHAN to Khabren Pakistan ki Tabahi aur Mayishat ke DOOBNE KI pheli hen” In fact our diplomatic staff writes no Article, seldom appear in interview, never rebut the opposition/ extremists / terrorist/yellow journalist propaganda at international forums. They are reluctant to appear on international TV Debate, Discussion, Talks, University level talks /sessions. Why because have shallow knowledge & are incompetent. Therefore why should they talk about the legendry /historic role played by three heroes of Pakistan in redefining Foreign Policy of Pakistan :-
- PM IMRAN KHAN.....GEN QAMAR BAJWA.....SHAH MAHMOOD QURESHI. Their Vision, Acumen, Wisdom& Farsightedness is Commendable. All of them are untiring, highly patriotic and unprecedentedly selfless leaders. Round the Clock they meet, visit and invite diplomats for talks and talks.
- There is no doubt in average our great heroes stabilize Pakistan foreign Policy at least with three new or old friendly/unfriendly countries per month. They enable our delegates to sign at least 20 agreement/.protocols/MOUs and Pact per week. What a great achievement.Is'nt it?
1 .Worthy readers I appeal to PM Imran Khan & Gen Bajwa to put our house in order first i.e. starting from media and screw them for talking ill of Pakistani Govt. Those judges who give shelters to criminals, money lauders& established corrupt judges, criminal politicians must be placed under watch till the time they are compelled to do justice. Our hopes about “Pakistan Image Abroad “ & woe in particular are as follows;-
- Pakistan Army is one of the most organized, highly prestigious organization. Here we have no concept of RIZQ-E-HARRAM.We spill our blood round the clock to save Pakistani nation from evil. disaster, terror or from enemy of Pakistan, why then our repute is being molested by Nawaz Sharif, Maryam, Judges Qasim, Judge Faiz Esa and in the past by Justice Ifthikhar. This weakness when seen abroad people would take it as PTI Govt has failed. Or Establishment is criminal?
- Malaysia has a good ambassadors but the embassy is oblivion to the anti-state rumors mongers, money lauders and their agents, chronic mafia dealers, anti-Pakistan network targeting expatriates in sowing seed of hatred for PM Imran Khan Govt. in their mind. Not only that Army image is portrayed as Demon, Dictators, Dacoits and Masters of Evil and the wealthiest class who are involve in land grabbing and looting Pakistan.
- PTI Regime may think everything is goody goody since lot of remittance is pouring in. True, but by no means it could be taken as Pakistan Image is not being destroyed by most of the ill will Pakistanis
- PTI GOVT is shown as most incapable/incompetent Leadership. They may get overthrown any minute or PM himself may dissolve assemblies any moment. Pakistan's image is always projected as a failed state and close to Bankruptcy & Economic disaster; specially in Malaysia, England, India, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, France, ME ,EU, Germany ,Iran, Afghanistan, Canada, USA, Turkey, China, Russia, Nepal ,Bangladesh ,Bhuttan, Korea, Taiwan, Veitnam, Thiland etc,etc. We are sure these feeling are spread by PMLN/PPP/MQM/ Banned Party’s activist and numerous sleeping cells abroad.
- Majority of Pakistani in so many countries specially in Malaysia, sell vizas, get extended vizas, sell work permits and thus loot Pakistani abroad & threat the victims not to disclose their name or embarrass them otherwise they will be killed. Later at a point when they are helpless (victims) in most of the countries such illegal immigrants are trapped to do undesired menial job or join terrorists and smugglers and money launders cells.
- Most of the Embassy have small record of Pakistan having dual citizenship i.e. what are they doing abroad besides getting huge stipends from Canadian/other Countries as Berozgari /unemployment allowance whereas they are the Directors /CEOs of big companies in Pakistan. Paying no tax since our SECP, Chamber of commerce, FBR,FIA sincerely very busy in other pursuits. So such Swindlers are proceeding ahead scot free.
- There is hardly any Ambassador shown on TV talking about Namoose Risalat & Discouraging Islam-phobia. Similarly Pakistan elimination of terrorism & banning all extremist organization is seldom highlighted at international forums.
- Pakistan most successful drive against eradication of poverty.Sehat Sahulat Card, Roshan Pakistan Housing & lot of other initiatives are unknown to Pakistani abroad. What our embassies are doing? Can't they remain in touch with Pakistani abroad.
- Pakistan Booming industry, Stocks and thriving Banking Sectors are not well known to Pakistani abroad. Why where is EMBASSY NEWS LETTERS. Whatsapp etc,etc.
2 .Nation Foreign Policy.
- In Pakistan the trend of Foreign Office shows lack of knowledge about the Foreign Minister latest Success or Foreign Office Staff disowning the Govt. of Pakistan Official Stance saying that they were not taken into confidence earlier, this tendency should be discouraged at all cost. Likewise all new initiatives,(if felt safe) back door diplomacy blueprint & our latest /current security and survival imperatives, change in present /short/long term objectives, changes in Geogstrategical Environments due to friendly/enemy moves or change in diplomatic stance be shared immediately with foreign office and diplomats abroad/home
- Rapid changes in the character of modern diplomacy are well recognized by those who are accustomed to being active in diplomacy, to be affected by it or to observe it, and the fact that diplomats are trying to navigate the implications of rapid changes is demon-strated by several recent developments. The fact that even China is dealing with ques-tions of modern diplomacy highlights the significance of the emerging changes in the nature of diplomacy(pre-Covid & Post Covid World etc) such shifts in the focus of diplomatic activity raise questions about which changes in modern diplomacy will have longer term impacts, as well as if and how governments should respond to those changes. Four aspects concerning diplomacy seem to be of central importance:
- The competence ,experience ,command on language personality of the individual dip-lo-mat& his vast knowledge of Environments, Economy Parity ,Market Forces
- Fundamental changes that come with tech-nical developments, especially due to Digitization &Artificial Intelligence & Nanotechnology Use
- The knowledge of Diplomatically Active Actors, Pressure Groups, Back Door Channels
- The new/current sensitivities of various publics to foreign policies.
3. Diplomatic Change /Turnover . It seems as if our foreign Establishments have not been thoroughly scrutinized .The proxy of previous regimes still continues to perform same old jiggery pokery to prolong their comfortable stay abroad . Not only that Pakistan’s Interest, but Soft Image Changing and emerging Pakistan Economy, Control on Terrorism/Corona, Reduction in Price Hike, CPEC, Mega Projects, Climate Change,20 Billion Tree programme , Kashmir Issue, Afghanistan Stability and strong relations with Iran are the issues that must be highlighted at all forums. There needs to be reshuffling of Diplomatic /competent/vigilant staff is urgently required in other words the system needs faster purges and strict monitoring and vigilance. Those Ambassadors where Pakistan false image is not discouraged must be called back. All Embassies should be asked to keep files open on undesired and anti-state elements abroad & share it with agencies to keep an eye on their tentacles in Pakistan besides deporting such evil doer back to Pakistan for proper repair/maintenance
4 .Modern diplomacy extends its activities into many spheres, but today it is subject to unprecedented in-fluences and restrictions. An example of its diversifying influence is reflected in the expansion of the framework and themes of traditional multilateral diplomacy. .The new expan-sions of and restrictions on diplomacy deserve aca-demic consideration, if only because of its influence on the politics of modern states Modern diplomacy is in the midst of a process of change, and that rate of change is likely to approximately match the pace of general change in modern industrial societies. However, diplomats’ responses to modern challenges often fall under the radar of gov-ernments and the public, precisely because they do not conform to what is traditionally considered to be typically diplomatic. Nevertheless, at the same time they have a strong influence on the actions and self-understanding of governments, and probably also on the public’s understanding of foreign policy.
5. The heterogeneity and pluralism of thinking about modern societies impacts the diplomat’s personality and their work as much as anyone else. An example might be what occurs through the use of social media: even the way a diplomat uses social media constitutes a ‘message’ from the diplomat’s society to the outside world beyond what a government wants to officially communicate. This changes the appearance and pre-sumably the orientation of diplomacy and must be taken into account in the recruitment, training and employment of diplomats.
6. As a matter of course, governments are always using new technical instruments. The means of digitiza-tion, for example, thus intervene in the functioning of administrative action. Such intervention can hinder or accelerate diplomacy, for example in the collection and processing of information. Furthermore, digiti-zation influenced by social media in turn influences the preservation, gain, and loss of trust in the public of a country and its international partners.
7. A number of new actors involve themselves in diplomatic processes on their own initiative and/or are deliberately involved in dealing with new tasks of diplomacy. These actors include other national insti-tutions, such as other ministries whose tasks extend into foreign policy, to international organizations – mostly UN sub-organizations – or, for Europeans, to EU institutions. They may include transnational com-panies and non-governmental organizations. At the same time, when diplomats appear more visible to the public thanks to the digital revolution, they stand more in the shadow of other foreign policy actors. In fact, professional diplomacy as a whole tends to be overshadowed at least partially by the activities of traditionally non-diplomatic actors.
8 .Lastly, and incessantly, new and often highly emo-tional sensitivities of publics arise, and these too make use of social media to communicate with one an-other. When making demands of governments, and when governments wish to accommodate those de-mands, the problem of the democratic legitimacy of such publics and their demands immediately arises.