Painting the picture...
Dr. Tangela D. Harris
I’m dedicated in helping individuals and organizations achieve balance in life. With 15+ yrs of experience in coaching, mentoring, facilitating personal and professional development, I empower my clients to THRIVE!
Often we tell students to get A's... but never tell them how that looks; extra study time, partnering with another student that under the subject better or setting a positive atmosphere that will help them to focus.
Or we make the major decision to join lives with another human being and we tell them "Good luck for a happy marriage." We never share how that looks; how does a healthy relationship look. How does active listening look or healthy communication; HOW DOES THAT LOOK?
We have to paint the picture for people. If you have the wisdom, paint the picture.
Starting that business looks easy from the outside looking in but when you hear the story of the beginning; painting the picture, your mouth would drop open. Your employees want to connect to their job, but you never shared why you use certain processes and procedures. It only takes time.
In ministry, we tell people to trust God and lean not unto your own understanding... what does this look like? How do you do that? I use to think when people said "walk in the spirit" I pictured I would be glowing somehow. It sounds crazy? Looking back... it did sound crazy but it was my truth. The same is true with our kids, we are telling them to choose right but do not paint the picture for them... that leads to failure. And in some cases rejection. I remember asking a young lady to purchase me a soda. She went to the store and asked for soda water. Well, the cashier did know what that was. She comes back to the office and said they did not have any. I was confused. They did not have Sprite? Curiously, I asked her what did she say? She told me and I gave her specific words to use. She came back with the Sprite soda. She was from up north and there are different terms used for soda. After taking my time and paint the picture for her... she succeeded.
It might seem simple to you, leave room for someone just not seeing the picture. Let's take time to paint the picture; clearly. This is in business, ministry and in our home.
So, this project is to interview people; leaders, pastors, politicians, educators, veterans, business owners, celebrities, athletes, etc..., willing to paint the picture in different areas of life. My signature speaking topic is "Living by design, Not by Default"; Some people are living in default because they do not have the tools to get on the path of living by design. Living by design is living out your passion and achieving your goals. Some people are stuck! Some people are embarrassed that they are stuck; after a divorce, after rejection, after a loss, after a failure and the list can go on and on.
If you are interested, please message me at [email protected] or through messaging. Enjoy!