Painterly Ponderings
I have decided to share some random thoughts I have when in the flow of art. I have noticed there are certain ways I begin the process, sometimes avoid, and how my thoughts change as I work through each project. Some paintings really find me lost in thought, and it is not always about art…but inspired by the art, or because the art process allows my mind to wander. So here are some things I have learned. I would like to preface this by saying these are my personal thoughts. I am not a licensed doctor or counselor.? Let me know if any of these resonates with you.
Don’t wait until you (emphasis on “you”) think you are perfect before you try something new, or teach others a skill.
I have dabbled in drawing all my life. I don’t have formal training (except a minor in art). I look at other artists who are more established, or artists who have a huge following on social media…..and then I ask myself…who am I to say I know anything about art? Have you heard of Imposter Syndrome? What is good art? It is so subjective. These two combined, seem to creep in all the time. So what do I do? I pick up my paint brush, and start the next project. I might not feel the best inside some days, but I know if I stop any movement going forward, it will send me into a deeper spiral of self doubt.? Just keep moving, take risks, even if taking a risk means taking a chance on yourself.
Get out of your head and just do.
I can just imagine the expression on my husband's face if he read that! I am the world’s best over analyzer. Other times, I would argue it has been very beneficial to sit and think through things first…weigh my options. For me though, I don’t give myself the credit that I should. I tell myself “Tara, you know stuff. Now get out there and do the art, learn and grow.” Then my response might be:
Whatever lies your mind feeds you, don’t nurture your soul with them.
“I’d be starving if I ate all the lies they fed”
-"Get It Together" by India Arie
Protect Your Energy
I think this is important for everyone, but as a creative, it is imperative. If I am around negative energy or people I find that my creative flow is interrupted for a moment. I am an empath and can be very affected by other people’s energy. This is great when there is a positive vibe. This seems to nurture my creative channel. I know I cannot avoid all negativity out there, because life happens. People get sick, loved ones go through hard times and you support them through it. What I am talking about is more toxic energy. If I am around someone who goes on and on about how life is not working for them, and they are not seeking solutions…and they just want to use me as a sounding board EVERY time we cross paths- THIS is what I am referring to. Protecting your energy can also mean being careful what you listen to…or what you view.? If something (environment) is not feeling right, I remove myself and seek things that bring me peace. Again, I know sometimes it’s not that simple for everyone to do that, and the way you do this might look different.
If you have made it this far, I really appreciate your time to entertain my thoughts for a bit. I know some of this might be things you have heard before, but hopefully it offered a different take or perspective. If you enjoyed this article, or it resonated with you please click the like button, share or comment below. It’s always more fun for the writer when there is engagement.