"The Painful Path To Becoming A (w)Holy Ghostwriter: An Introduction To The 5-Part Short Story Series of Kathleen (Kasper-Kat) Armstrong..."

"The Painful Path To Becoming A (w)Holy Ghostwriter: An Introduction To The 5-Part Short Story Series" of Kathleen (Kasper-Kat) Armstrong, (w)Holy Ghostwriter? September 16, 2024; ? September 18, 2024, ? October 17, 2024; ? October 18, 2024 and ?October 24, 2024

Note: Final edits combining the five-parts of the 5th story in this Halloween Short Story Series began today (on October 24, 2024.) *Path To Where I Am First Posted on October 16, 2024

Intro To The 5-Part Halloween Short Story Series of Kathleen (Kasper-Kat) Armstrong, (w)Holy Ghostwriter:

The day I began this series it was precisely 77 days until the first Advent Sunday in 2024. What had me thinking about this Halloween Short Story Series was a couple of reminders I wrote to myself in the AM that day. One of these reminders was (and is) for my motives in writing to be honorable.

I specifically created a brand for ghostwriting, calling myself a (w)Holy Ghostwriter, rather than the "ghostwriter," for a specific reason. Someone I met in 2016 (when I began writing online consistently) noticed I was posting songs about God, and asked what I thought about calling myself a ghostwriter. He thought the name Casper Kat would be good. Knowing about the friendly ghost named Casper, I thought it was a sweet idea; yet, I learned just enough (at this point) to know that I needed a unique brand that set itself apart from the cartoon character known as Casper, the friendly ghost. Maybe you've seen him before! He's been around a long time.

I wanted to teach people in a different way than Casper the friendly ghost does, and I wanted to do something different than typical ghostwriters do. Typical ghostwriters write for another person; when the other person purchases the ghostwriter's writing, the person who bought the notes changes the author's name to their name (or a brand name they use). Unlike a typical ghostwriter, I write for the one true God I know (who oversees the multitude of saints). Do you know where this ghostwriting idea came from? Well, I can't prove this to be true -- however, if you read the "Holy Bible," you will learn about another ghost known as the Holy Ghost. In the Old Testament Scriptures (also called the Tanakah by Jewish people), the Holy Ghost is called "the Spirit of the LORD " or "The Spirit of God" but in the New Testament of the "Holy Bible" the disciples called God (in us) "the Holy Ghost" or "Holy Spirit". This is who I write for. People call him by many names; some people call him "the God of Israel" some call him "Jesus," some call him "Alah," maybe you call him something else.

Now you have a different way of seeing Casper the friendly ghost too. Truth be told, ghostwriting is a business that can make a person considerable profit (money), rather than being prophet-able. What might "prophet-able" be? Those of you who have read the table of contents in the "Holy Bible" may not seen the prophet Able, but maybe you know the story about Able, found in Genesis chapter 4. Did you ever notice that the names of people found in the "Holy Bible" reveal something to you about their character? For example, Moses -- had more to say to others about God that many other people do. Moses was a prophet (spokesperson) found in the "Holy Bible" you may have heard about.

Able can be found with the other prophets, in the Hebrews (chapter 11) of the "Holy Bible." This is often called the "hall of faith." Maybe the disciples of Jesus knew people who believed in Allah--and that's why they referred to this "allah faith" in order to show them they believe in God too. The Bible says that Able was (able) to present an offering to the LORD that got Cain all fired up (mad). If you've ever picked up sticks and made a campfire-- maybe now you can see how Cain got his name also. You could say that Able, Cain and Moses' parents were great at creating a "brand" name for their kids that matched how God would use them. But what if God knew what would become of Cain, Able and Moses and so God told their parents what they should name their children? That's very possible. Here's something else you may not know about branding. Did you know that a cow and a bull are imprinted with a brand also? If you visit missions in California (or read about them online) you can learn more about these "brands" that helped the missions keep track of who's cattle belonged to them. I guess you could call a type of "birth-certificate" they received, so that everyone knew who they belonged to. Though this is only the beginning of this different kind of Kat-tale, here's a good thing to know: you can belong to more than one person. Your mom may say you belong to her; and your dad will say this too. God can say you belong to me. Don't believe it? You can read about this in John 14 of the "Holy Bible" and the Psalms. Did you know that Psalm 47:9 in the "Holy Bible," is Psalm 47:10 in the Hebrew Scriptures? This isn't the only place you will see God calling someone his beloved. Isaiah 43:1 says much the same as what King Solomon wrote in Song of Songs 7:10 of the "Holy Bible" and Song of Solomon 7:11 in the Hebrew scriptures.

Although I hadn't planned to go into details about understanding some points in the "Lord's Prayer" just yet, that note about who I write for is a revelation I had when "considering the weight" of what Jesus said in the book of Matthew, chapter six about "our father in heaven." This paraphrase "overseer of the multitude of the saints" is something I had been writing in my personal notes that reminds believers of why Jesus may have said to pray to "hour father in heaven." If you reviewed the new "accounting book" planner page I prepared, now you can see how "the Lord's Prayer" coinsides with this idea of "numbering our days "-- found in Psalm 90 of the "Holy Bible."

I hadn't plan to do any writing; however, maybe it's the (w)Holy Ghostwriter thing going on in me that makes me a sucker for the Holy-Days! Once I counted out 77 days until Advent Sunday, I decided, now is the time for this Halo-we-in post! If you haven't heard the song, "Citizen of Heaven" by Tauren Wells yet, I hope you'll do so today. It's a great pick-me-up, whether you are feeling down or not today. I'd say to check it out; however, I don't know if your public library carries this yet or not, so I'll input the link for itunes here, so that you can hear this.

Here's what's up with the five short stories:

Although I didn't (exactly) choose to write 5 short stories because of the bible verses about the five stones found in someone's satchel (at first) or the Amazon song by Brian Duncan called, "Five Smooth Stones," you may want to hear that here today. Seeing that there will be precisely 5 Thursdays (in October) leading up to Halloween, and then 5 Sundays leading up to Advent after Halloween, I decided to write precisely 5 short stories aimed primarily at children who would be going trick-or-treating. The stories were planned to be written in the reverse order they are found here; however, plans got changed, just like you. Every minute we change; before you know it we're all grow up! Knowing this, each story was written to convey life lessons that were meant to be helpful for people of all ages to keep in mind regularly. The short stories are:

1. "Grandpa's Favorite" -In this story, much like the unknowing grandson, an unknowing grandaughter who gets a vision of what true love looks like through a small (yet memorable) choice her grandfather makes when she comes to visit with him.

2. "A Father's Love Story" - Follows the life of a part-time sailor who teaches a life lesson to his daughter when she is young, only she doesn't understand the life lesson until she reaches adulthood. Wishing she understood this important life lesson earlier in life, the sailor's daughter decides to share the lesson she learned from her father long ago, so that others can learn this life lesson early in life.

3. "A Son's Brilliant Vision" -Tells the story of a young son who doesn't know he is gifted, and an unknowing mom who gets a vision of it through one small choice he makes. One small choice made by each of them teaches them a life lesson they may not have understood at the time; however, this just may assist them and others for years to come.

4. "Creativity At Work In the Unknowing Grandson" -Much like a favorite grandfather teaches his grandchildren through everyday choices he makes, an unknowing grandson chooses his calling when creativity strikes him and he prepares a table that reveals a grand life lesson his sister has the vision to see, because she herself understands the calling. The story reveals the way small things we do may have a grandeur purpose that we have not yet seen.

5. "The Painful Path To Becoming a (w)Holy Ghostwriter"-Though it may strike a painful chord with readers when learning about the challenges that encouraged one writer to take a leap of faith into the unknown (w)Holy Ghostwriting industry, the story is also meant to encourage both young and old to carefully weigh what they know about themselves, so that they learn about a few of the "favorite things" that shape who they are and cast an accurate vision about their future, when willing to think more creatively.


The Painful Path To Becoming A (w)Holy Ghostwriter (Section 1) Challenges In Growing Up:

Have you ever thought about what you want to be when you "grow up" before? Children are asked this question often. The sad truth is, when I grew up I became aware that "grown-ups" know far less than I thought they did. Whether you are young or "over the hill," chances are you've had to manage some challenges at some point in your life, me too. The reason I decided to write this short story about the painful path to becoming a (w)Holy Ghostwriter isn't to scare people for Halloween. I'm writing about the painful path I've been on to be helpful to others like you.

Whether you are aware of this or not, every small choice you make tells YOU something you need to know about yourself. I am honestly amazed to see how all the choices I made in my life have revealed my unique calling. When I write about a "calling," I'm not talking about someone calling you on a telephone; however, when I taught 2 and 3 year olds in a church group known as MOPs (Mothers of Preschoolers), I did have them make a telephone, so they could call God up and have a heart-to-heart talk with God. When I write about a calling--what I am saying is, I believe there is something each person was meant to do with their life. These things people were meant to do may even be a series of things they were meant to do that reveals to them and others the purpose for them being here.

I've heard that adults can remember when they were very young (as little as two years old). I'm not one of them. Most of what I remember about my childhood happened around when I was seven and older. Infact, I'm not sure if I was seven or eight when I stood on a dark pathway and had a conversation with this entity my mom called "God," whose supposed to be very powerful and can see you at all times. I was upset that night, and I looked up at the moon. I noticed the moon seemed to be following me. Keep in mind I was upset at the time, so I asked this God guy--"Why are you following me? I don't even know if you are real." This probably isn't the best approach to take with someone who is all powerful, but fortunately I was speaking to someone who is also very kind (at least that's my opinion of God today.) I didn't get a direct answer that day, but I did remember our conversation. Little did I realize, that was probably my first genuine prayer to God. Even though I went to church, I didn't really understand much of what we were taught. I heard stories about some guy named Noah who built a boat and saved a bunch of people, cause God told him to, but I honestly hadn't thought much about what I was supposed to learn from this story. Maybe you haven't thought much about that either.

A short time after that, little did I know I began to get a vision of where I am headed. You know how you see things when you open your eyes? Well, we also have this internal vision -- a type of map for helping us find our way to where we need to go that is called a vision also. To see the vision, you must know that you must be open to seeing it first; just like you can't see unless you open your eyes first.

I was eight years old and I lined a bunch of chairs up in our house. I pulled out a pen and a pad of paper and began writing tickets. These tickets were very special; they weren't given to people who were doing something bad, they were given to people who wanted to go to "the happiest place on earth," just like me. I was both the ticket-master and the stewardess that made sure you got to your destination safely. If you haven't heard about this happy place; in chapters 21-22 of the "Holy Bible" you can learn more about the "happiest place." The "happiest place"on earth you may have heard about is somewhere I was fortunate to have gone to also, known as Walt Disney World and Disneyland. I happened to have a set of grandparents that lived near each of these two Walt Disney parks and was often sent by plane to visit my grandparents who would take me to these fun-filled places. Seeing how much fun people had at these places, I determined to do likewise. Around that time, having just moved to a new neighborhood, I invited all the neighbors I met to come over so that I and some new friends could put on a special performance for them; cause that's what they do at the "happiest place on earth," right?

After that, I imagine many people were sure I'd become a famous actress or something, but they'd be wrong. Although I like many movies, I don't like a bunch of drama around me, and even worse is asking me to speak in public. But that's not all I did that revealed my purpose in life. I also rounded up these new friends and had them create beautiful works of art that we sold to make lots of shiny pennies. Surely, I was meant to be a great art dealer and salesperson, right? Well, I did take more than one job when I grew up where I sold things to other people. Sometimes I sold people food, sometimes boxes that holds food. Selling things is hard work; it's a lot harder than it looks, and requires you remember lots and lots of stuff. There was a small problem, my memory isn't all that great, but I did meet lots of great people, and I loved to get to know them when I sold them things they were looking for. Believe it or not, some customers came to me and told me stories about themselves: like how one of them was fixing up a old car, and how another one had racoons visit him at his house, and how a little girl who waited in line to see me when she came to the store took yoga--and she even showed me her yoga poses when she came to see me at the store. One customer even brought pictures to show me of artwork he did. As much as I loved the people there, it was very physically challenging for me, so I didn't stay there for the rest of my life.

When I was young, I was also told I would be a good teacher. Well, that made sense, because I did love kids (and animals) and lots of other things too. So, I did that for a while too. I found out about this job after I had been helping a friend of mine who had a disability. Some people don't like it if you use that word to describe them; the point of the word, is simply to say that some people have challenges that requires special assistance. So, that's what I did. I wanted to help people be happy, remember? What better way to make people happy, than to help them learn, right? Oh, boy the things I didn't know that teachers need to do besides write up lesson plans on how to learn to read and write. I found out the hard way, I wasn't the only kid that had challenges when going to school. In fact, I had plenty of troubles just trying to get out of school, and here I was trying to get back in school. What was I thinking? If you haven't ever had to deal with people being unkind or bullying you around, I am certainly happy about that. That wasn't my experience, and I came to see firsthand that kids who have disabilities not only have problems learning, they also have problems with being treated kindly by others -- even more so than kids who can do much more than they can do. Being their teacher means you must be on your toes, in order to keep them safe, and here I already got kicked out of ballet school because I was told "flowers don't talk." I think that's why Steven Curtis Chapman wrote the song "Declaration" about the talking flowers in the Small World Walt Disney ride. Who knows, maybe he wanted me to go back to school, because he thought I could learn about being on my toes enough to be a better protector for the kids with challenges. Little did he know I'm one of those kids who needs a protector too.

I thought I might be able to help people who were sick and hurting in the hospital, but that didn't quite work out very well either. It's a good idea for you to not get all upset and frantic when someone gets hurt if you do that, so there went that idea. I thought maybe I could be a vet, but I found out I'm allergic to tons of animals. Go figure that a woman who calls herself Kat, is allergic to the other kind of cats. What was there left for me to do? It seemed as though every single thing people said I could and should do wasn't working out very well. I could work in an office and type things up for other people--the only problem is, if you read through all of my work, you will find enough spelling and grammar problems that you'll see why that didn't pan out either. But then I went to this "networking group." A networking group (I thought, was a term that means a group where people meet and help each other) not a group where tech people connect a bunch of wires together so that you can get online, although technically that could be called a "networking group" -- and there were plenty of them in our network group also. Truth is, I tried to learn computer "coding," and lets just say, I'll stick with what I do now to help people to learn de-coding, also known as understanding the word of God.

Have you ever heard the song jingle by Huggies that says "I'm a big kid now?" Well, I haven't quite written the book on this, but I did jot a few notes about a book I planned to write about adults being big kids with itty bitty desks. That's kind of the point of this portion of my story. Being an "adult" now, I've learned that kids aren't the only ones who face challenges, when it comes to growing up. Sometimes "grown ups" make child-like choices that aren't so smart and make friends that aren't always so friendly. This can cause enormous problems for people who really want to make wise choices but get confused by the messages they receive from other people they trust. I know the challenges of growing up because that's been a goal of mine for most of my life, and it still is something that is easier said than done. Time and time again, I've been lied to, had people I trusted steal from me, encourage me to do things I shouldn't do, and the list of bad things that have been done seems to get bigger and bigger the longer you live.

This is probably starting to sound like one of those SCARY GHOSTSTORIES rather than a story that is encouraging. Well, it's true that the things that happen in life can be scary sometimes, but that doesn't mean everyone does mean things to others, or that people go around lying all the time, and that everyone will encourage you to do things you shouldn't do. Being truthful about the challenges of growing up is kind, because it helps people to know that people who say they like you make mistakes sometimes, maybe often. Grownups aren't perfect. Grownups may even have problems you don't know about--that causes them to make bad choices too. I guess that's why the "Holy Bible" says, "Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12 KJV

In essence, what that means is this:"Don't worry about being too young to help others. People who are older than you make plenty of mistakes; so learn what you can about making good choices in everything you say and do, and pure-heartedly loving people, whilst having faith in the things you truly can learn to do well." 1 Tim 4:12: KKV (a paraphrase by Kathleen (Kasper-Kat) Armstrong, (w)Holy Ghostwriter.

Remember the list of all those things I did that didn't seem to work out? Well, those were only a few of the things I have done in my life that helped to reveal my true purpose for being here, just like there are many things you will do in your life that will reveal your true purpose for being here too. Here's a few things that ARE NOT listed on my Linkedin or Facebook or other social media profile pages that helped me to see the good plans God has for my life:

A Bible Study Leader who helped adults and children learn more about God for more than 20 years.

A Recovery Leader who overcame many of life challenges such as loosing over 100 pounds of weight and keeping over 100 pounds of weight off of me for 20 years.

An Advocate for people who are dealing with a variety of challenges and has learned about various disabilities and solutions by working with psychologists, social workers, rehabilitation specialists, nurses, physical therapists, doctors and occupational therapists--who are consulted in order to put together individualized treatment and assistance plans for those in need.

The daughter of a freelance writer and lay-speaker for churches, in addition to being the daughter of a retired US military veteran who led, conducted and taught music to others for over 20 years.

A family member whose parents were born on the east coast, but somehow met when working at Disneyland in CA when it first opened, and who has other family members who also worked at Disneyland when it first opened.

All of these things shaped me -- sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse -- yet everything has and will work together for a good purpose. If you've gone through your share of challenges, maybe you'll review the next part of this article about where my hope comes from and be encouraged by what has brought me hope that has shaped my future.


The Painful Path To Becoming A (w)Holy Ghostwriter (Section 2) Where My Hope Comes From:

It's a Friday, as I write these words to you today. It's not a typical writing day for me. Yet, hope isn't typical -- not when you face one challenge after another. Knowing Halloween is going to be here soon, I decided to tackle the task today. No need to wait for another weekend to pass, before getting back to the business at hand. I began my day this way: I know the challenges; the constant interruptions that constantly pursue me. Here's the thing, when I put pen to page to jot some brief notes for this post today, the first two words I wrote were this: hope notes.

That was the plan, was it not? Next up in this not so short story about the painful path to becoming a (w)Holy Ghostwriter was and is to write about hope. Hope-nots: Have you heard of them before? I no sooner finished my tangled-up story, and the first two words I wrote were connected to yet another children's story I know. "The Song of The King" by Max Lucado. It's one of many stories that are housed with the book I purchased long ago called, "Tell Me the Secrets" by the same author. It's a book you can purchase alone, or within the pages of a beloved tale that is told to some kids. I wanted to flip the script, and start with my hope for you, but the truth is, I think I am meant to help others see where my hope comes from first.

1. Become Willing-- To Step Out In Faith

I could quote you the verses from the scripture as to how you and I are meant to answer this question. In this world we learn to play by the rules for the most part. It's safer that way. I understand the need to safety. If you don't think so, you clearly don't really know me. I am someone who genuinely believe rules were created to keep us safe. I genuinely have believed people in charge are good and are trying their best to keep us safe. I also know that sometimes people with power make bad choices. Sometimes rules get manipulated, to do more harm than good. I'm old enough and honest enough by now, to tell you the truth about how things really are.

Ok, I'll admit it, I did flip the script here slightly. I planned to tell you about this step of faith, as my third point: and it just so happens to be related to the 3rd Step of Alcoholics Anonymous. Here's something important you should know. You don't need to struggle with alcohol to appreciate the 12 step program. Many people who struggle with various challenges turn to the 12 step principles to free themselves from a variety of problems. In fact, despite the fact that the 12 Steps came from a couple of men who were alcoholics that wanted to be free of the constant urge to drink, when it was clearly harming them a number of groups based on the same principles have been helping people get free of a number of problems: such as overeating, sexual misconduct, in addition to the use of illegal narcotics. Not everyone who goes to these groups recover, and yet many do.

What may surprise you, is that I didn't start out with the 12 Step Program. I lost over 100 pounds with the help of a 12 Step Program for overeaters, but this wasn't how I first got recovery. Before this, I read the scriptures. I believed the scriptures were in fact inspired by God and meant to help believers to overcome problems they would face in their lives. Here's why I moved my number three, up to number one here. Though I didn't know it at the time, I struggled with a lot of fear. There's a good reason for this. For whatever reason, I have had to deal with stuff in my life that people shouldn't have to deal with. I choose not to go into the details of these things, because sometimes the more you say -- it only turns into more drama, teaches people how to do things they shouldn't do, and so on.

And sew on--I've been stitched up more times than you can imagine, from hurts I've had to deal with. People who I thought were friends who deceived me and led me astray. I had a 20 plus year cigarette smoking habit because of more than one of these "friends" I met. I'm thankful to say, that I kicked the habit about thirty years ago by believing God could help me do so. One man wrote a book that told me where in the scriptures it says that God can heal us; and that we must believe, even when we don't see it happening. I had to take a step of faith to believe -- and when I did, it worked. It didn't happen overnight and it was harder than you probably want to know; however, let me tell you this, my hope went way up after this. Yours can too. As Max Lucado might tell you, "don't let the hope-nots convince you that God can't do what he said he can do."

2. Just Be Inspired By Love

So, this was actually the first point I wrote in my journal pages today, and here it is: I became a parent. This was entirely the backwards way to go about finding God, but the cool thing is, I don't think God cares HOW he can convince you of his love; God only cares that you know it's true.

For me, the ultimate believer in "following the rules," I looked at that little babe all swaddled up and realized, I need to grow up. I need to make sure this child has what he needs.

Now let me see, what did my parents do? Take me to church. I had every plan to go and get my son baptized. The funny thing is, I was the one who got baptized. I've said this before, and I'll say it again. True baptism isn't about merely having someone pour some water over you and pronounce you saved. True baptism isn't about following the cardinal rules of sainthoodism. I know someone thinks I need to correct how this is spelled--trust me it's a word. It's a noun that's connected with saints. You've heard of the sainthood of priests, haven't you? Well, the sainthood of priests aren't the ones with the power to get you in good with God. They can love and encourage you, but you must become willing to be inspired by love.

Genuine LOVE is one of the surest signs that shows you, you that you're heading towards God; rather than away from him. John (in essence) took what Jesus said and paraphrased it, so we could see this more clearly. Jesus said "I am the bread" (see John 6:35) and "God is Love" (see 1 John 4:8) Still don't see it yet? Have you heard of the (loaves and fishes) Jesus shared among the people? You know where you will see this don't you? Matthew of course. If you read my most recent post, you must know I'd eventually post something about what he said. (review Matthew 14:19) and see how the LOVE is found in the LO(a)VE-s.

Did you ever read my story about Awesome One and Awesome TOO -- and how that whole thing got started? It all began with this middle name that just so happens to start with an "a." Would you believe the story actually began before I ever told the story at Linkedin? It started when I was at this safe place -- where a coworker and I were chatting one day in the break room. It just so happens that after I had left this place, that something someone said reminded me of our conversation -- so I put one and one together -- to come up with TOO. TOO is this lovely character you're sure to love, once you get to know her. I've included the notes about Awesome One and Awesome TOO in the link notes below.

Here's how James fits together with this story about love. James 2:17 says that there are two attributes that must go together, for one's faith in God to be genuine. Though he notes "works" -- to be sure the work he is encouraging in the believers is none other than what comes from love. That's why it made the top 13 list in 1st Corinthians. Isn't it funny how we often quote the top ten -- not the top 13; when there was thirteen disciples? Trust me, there is one of them you definitely want to do better than, but if you could top the deeds of all thirteen-- now that would be an accomplishment.

3. Learn To Listen:

It all started at a little Nazarene church near where I lived. It didn't actually begin here and yet that's what started the process of becoming a firm believer. I recently tried to find this small church, and it was not to be found. Maybe there's a reason for that: by now my faith had grown. For all I know the church had outgrown its building and found elsewhere. I don't know what drew me to that little church. It's amazing to say the least. I was near some huge churches--yet something about this little place spoke to me. Got any reason why that might be? Could it have been Jesus? Jesus of Nazareth? I looked to check, and it appears that although Matthew was the only one who notes that the prophets would call him a Nazarene in the King James Version of the "Holy Bible;" you will find the term Nazarene in other New Testament books (when reading versions other than the King James version.) For those unfamiliar with the term, a Nazarite is also a Nazarene-- who is set apart for God's purpose.

If you've ever walked into a church and felt out of place, if someone from the church showed up at your door and you weren't prepared to spend time listening to them, I understand. I think listening isn't as simple as it sounds. I'm not even getting into the way the Jewish believers define listening as being different -- in that rather than merely hearing something, you obey what is being required of you. What I'm saying is, learning to listen is about being aware of what goodness really truly sounds like, and knowing that when you really care and really are trying to choose goodness, God knows it, and he responds to what others can't see--your true intention. The same is true when we could care less, but we try to lead others to believe the opposite is true.

I believe LOVE helps with learning to listen well. It isn't about perfection, it isn't about fear, it's about honestly caring. Some of us need to learn how to genuinely believe we are worthy of love; we are so concerned about loving others well, that we put aside something God wants us to do. Yet, some of us believe we are more worthy of love than others -- because others don't measure up to specific standards we believe make people worthy. The loving choice isn't always easy, and that's why it's not so popular to do sometimes.

I'm aware I come from a rare breed who somehow was better about loving others than I was at loving myself; being convinced this was true--took more courage than you know. I could show you this is true, by way of ignorant choices I've made in my life (for the sake of love), but doing so may not help you. Think about it. There are lots of things God could do to prove himself to YOU--but he decided it wasn't the best thing to do. The thing is, I am the one who needed to learn to listen and learn this is true. THIS is the listening I believe you need to do too.

People can tell you what they see about you, or you could tell yourself what you believe about yourself. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I know this to be true: both you and others can be wrong. I've seen this too. For me, learning to listen was inspired by others, but I really learned to listen when I read the word of God for myself and I really truly tried to understand what God wanted to say to me, by way of this itty-bitty book he had written. Seems so big, when you just start out. But if you look at the galaxies and the world around you, you'll know that's not true. I'm not going to share my hope for you today, as I planned when I started on this today. I will tell you this -- part of my hope for you is connected to this point about the way many people view the "Holy Bible."

Everyone doesn't listen the same way that I do. Does that make them wrong, if it's different than me? I know this for sure, God is the one who gets to decide that, and you are the one who gets to decide what you believe too. People who really care, really hope you learn to listen to what you truly need to hear and tune out those things that will get in the way of being who you were made to be. Learning to listen well involves a desire to fearlessly seek the truth in love. I only know one way (at this moment) to show this to you -- and it just so happened to be something that was pointed out to me by the friend of another John I once met named Henry Cloud.

You may think I'm referring to Henry's friend Dr. John Townsend, whom he wrote the book "Boundaries" with. Yet, when I mention another John I met, the John I met, and who knows Henry (I believe) are two. Dr. John Ortberg had Henry come to visit the believers a time or two at Menlo Church in Menlo Park, CA years ago. But that's not all folks, in the first chapter of the book "Changes That Heal," Henry includes the best description of a life with only grace and a life with only truth, and he show where in the Bible you will see what he says is true: none other than in the book of John chapter one: where it says that God is both gracious and truthful.

4. Seeing the Truth About Honorable Honesty Firsthand

I believe we know this instinctively; yet, somehow we tend forget: unkind-honesty is almost as bad as lying. I could tell you stories that you may or may not relate to about people I've seen honorably be honest and those who did not. Instead, I'm merely going to point back to that book about "Changes That Heal" I included in these notes here today. If you pick up a copy of the book for no other reason than to tear out and keep the first chapter nearby, for when you need to hear the difference between a life with only truthfulness and a life with only grace, to see how you need both, then you will have done something good for your soul.

Here is something I learned (first hand) in my relationship with God about honorable honesty: no person you meet will ever be better at this than God. If we're really fortunate, some may come close to knowing how to do this well, but none will compare to the author of grace and truth -- who created this in everything we see. Here are a couple of examples of how grace and truth shows up, when "God Is In Control."

I knew someone personally who had lost over 100 lbs when joining a 12 step group that provided a specific food plan. Not all overeater 12 step groups have a food plan, in fact you will see literature that says they do not endorse a specific plan for eating. That does not; however, mean that there are not 12 step groups that don't follow a specific type of food plan that has been proven to work. This person I knew struggled with overeating for all the years I knew here (which was more than the 7 years I watched her keep off the 100 pounds before I was willing to join the group myself.)

The literature read in meetings indicate that God is the power that makes recovery possible; not a specific food plan. Does that mean a specific food plan doesn't work? No. This person I knew was rather gracious when it came to sharing hope with me. When you know something works, after you struggled for years to do something you couldn't do--and suddenly something unlocks the door to the prison you've been in, it's easy to be completely convinced that you found the one and only way there is to be free (from whatever it is that's been causing you problems.)

Fortunately, for me--I had gotten relief from other problems with the help of God alone before stepping into those rooms. This room was filled with people who had lost more than 100 pound, eating natural, everyday foods you buy in the grocery store. No special vitamins, no surgery, no high priced meals that was specially prepared: everyday foods available every where you shop. Then I got stuck in a place where I was told I couldn't follow that food plan. Remember--this is the "rule follower" that's telling you this story. They said no -- so I said, "ok." I tried playing "by the rules," but it wasn't working. My weight started to go up, up, up, and I was feeling down, down, down about it.

There's one thing I had with me, by the grace of God: I still had my faith. God could make a way--where I could not see a way through this. I found an app. Guess what? God helped me see HOW I could maintain my weightloss without the food plan I had started with. It still contained everyday foods you can purchase at the grocery store -- but there was a catch. I and the person I was working with had to agree on the plan. And it worked. As long as I and the other person I was working with continued to agree with the new plan, I was able to lose the weight I gained, and as soon as this plan was changed-- up, up, up my weight would go again. Only this time, I had an app that was tracking it.

There were lots of people who didn't believe me, they didn't believe there was another way. THAT is a picture of honorable honesty that God provides. God knows exactly what your weaknesses are and what you are capable of being able to do. People may believe they know too, but sometimes they don't. Honorable Honesty isn't simply about telling your friend (in a kind way) that she looks better in a certain outfit she wears than she does in the one she loves most. That's how many of us see gracious truthfulness. Gracious truthfulness sometimes is willing to ignore one problem, when seeing something more important to attend to now.

5. Planting Seeds:

Although this is a well known metaphor found in the book of Matthew of the "Holy Bible," this was also a project one of my son's sunday school teachers gave to my son one day. I remember the day clearly. He stood before me and claimed that he was a "B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L F-L-O-W-E-R" (or I should say, he was growing up to be one -- because of some seeds of faith others had sown into his life. Can you see him holding his arms out wide to show you how big of a flower he'll be? Trust me, if it was your kid -- you could.

Here's the good news I want to plant in you. You don't have to worry about WHO planted the seed of faith you have to grow in faith. If the person who planted a seed of faith in you becomes an atheist, or decides to renounce their faith to follow Satan, it doesn't change the faith in you. Remember who's telling you this, the person who has struggled with fears most of her life: yet somehow lived long enough to tell about it. Honest to goodness, my number one prayer for years was: help me to live long enough to raise my son until he is old enough to fend for himself, and the second was like it: help him to stay alive (at least until I am finished raising him). I honestly wondered if one of us would die before my son left home. Parenting is challenging to say the least.

Let me put that another way, "parenting is challenging: I say to the least." I can't tell you where (exactly God said that) -- but you can start in the book of Genesis where God has had enough of the way things are going, and sends a flood that wipes out quite a few of his kids. Yet, we did get the grey rainbow after that! If you haven't heard about the grey rainbow, that's in the last article I posted. Look for the link for (section 3) of this current story to learn more about this other rainbow we've been given.

This leads me to one more link note, that you will find in the link note section of today's post: "An Adventure In Color: Mathmagic Land." I had been thinking about this idea of magic and hexes and other portions of the scriptures that get people concerned, for good reason. In the scriptures we hear this long list of dos and don'ts and it's difficult to know what is right from wrong sometimes. If you read through the book of Leviticus, you'll understand what I'm saying. Heaven forbid you're a woman--and you're forced to stay away from everyone until a priest says it's safe for you to go home. These days many of these customs seem outrageous, and yet -- I imagine these rules kept people from horrible sicknesses, and what-not for years.

I'm here to leave you with one last thought from Romans 14. This seed is the seed of grace and truth working together for your good and mine. In essence this chapter speaks of how grace and truth should work itself out in our lives: knowing that what you need may be different than what someone else needs, but that the most beneficial seed we can plant is (knowing) to be careful with those stones in your pocket. Regardless of where you are in your faith, we were meant to help one another grow -- not to cause people to stumble and fall. Although I've written a number of things related to rocks and stones, I included this "Writing In The Sand: A Teacher's Tale of Triplets" in the link notes below, for those who have not read this yet. The story (though written on Linkedin) tells the story about some young children I've assisted when working in a classroom some time ago. This will give you yet another perspective about those 5 smooth stones, that are mentioned in this series.

That noted, if you've ever wondered about why the Jewish people wear a 6 pointed star (and have this on their flag); whereas others may use a five pointed star (on their Christmas tree) may boggle the mind, when you consider that a six pointed symbol is a hexagram; and a 5 pointed star is used by the church of Satan. That noted, I did notice some people call the 6 pointed star a hexagon--which is a sweet thing to know--as putting a hex on someone would be considered unkind. Leading me to point out something BEFORE letting people know about another resource they may want to review, or may not, depending upon their belief on the matter at hand. Within the video "An Adventure In Color: Mathmagic Land" the scientific explanation about the pentagram. Keep in mind in the US flag not only contains a flag with 5 points, but also one of the primary buildings (for defense) of this country is called the pentagon. So, does that mean that the United States worships Satan? I hope not.

Did you know WHY I decided to write this set of Halloween Short Stories in a series of 5 primary tales? This was based on my knowledge about those 5 smooth stones, that King David kept with him, when he needed to defeat a giant (problem) in his life. See 1 Samuel 17 to read the story about this. The point of this series; however, was and is to encourage people to see beyond the symbolism we embrace -- and even reject sometimes, so that we can fearlessly love well.

When children come to the door saying "trick or treat," a seed of faith has already been planted in them to believe--the person before them will give a treat--not harm them. Jesus said... such is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:14 (excerpt from the KJV of the "Holy Bible."

Bible Resource Notes:

You may notice, within the link notes that I chose to include a Catholic version of the "Holy Bible" here today. There is a reason for this. Though I am a protestant believer in Jesus, what many believers may not know, is the importance of knowing some of the "hidden" scriptures that are found in the apocryphal text. Yesterday's post revealed notes that are found in "The Complete Jewish Bible" by Hendrickson Press, that helps people understand the Jewish context of the complete "Holy Bible," yet for some reason this version does not include the apocryphal scriptures that tell the story of the Maccabees.

Jewish people celebrate a victory the Maccabees won every year during Hanukkah, when many Christian believers celebrated Christmas. Once you realize that the passover supper (that Jesus participated in) was a Jewish Feast, it makes sense to have the scriptures that tell the story about one of the most sacred holy days of the Jewish believers: Hanukkah. Having purchased the bible listed in today's link notes, young and old will appreciate the notes that are contained within each book of this Bible along with the apocryphal text. Those who want to understand how key phrases are used to link what was stated in the Old Testament with what was stated in the New Testament, will be grateful to have this resource to assist them. Like many bibles, there are notes at the bottom of each page that highlight where one biblical author is quoting another biblical author, but it isn't stated in the book you're reading. In addition to this, cultural context is also sometimes included in these notes.


3. The Path To Where I Am:

For those who are just now reviewing the notes here for this series, there's no need to go back and read the previous posts to understand where I'm going here today. In the first section on "The Painful Path To Becoming A (w)Holy Ghostwriter" I provide the readers with information about my personal and professional life that (I hope) paints a memorable picture of who I am.

Maybe it's just me, but have you ever noticed a clue about someone's life that led you to wonder? Here's a great example: I was watching a movie, and I noticed this large scar on the actress' face. Scars are fairly common, as are birthmarks and other trademark qualities we possess. This scar was quite visible, and I wondered: how old was she when she had been injured? Was she young, was she a teen? Maybe she was an adult. I've seen plenty of scars and not wondered, yet every scar tells us a story about someone. Visible scars (and invisible ones) help us understand something about who they are that you won't learn by reading their resume. Looking up someone's birthday may provide us with hints about things that shaped their life. Knowing where someone grew up provides yet another hint that helps us to see the whole person we're observing. Every choice someone makes tells us a part of their story, but certainly it's not the whole story. Do you ever stop and wonder--what's the whole story here?

If you go back to review the posts for this series and see the sporadic way each part was posted, it may be helpful to know why. Each post seemed like the most appropriate next step, though seemingly out of order. This is a great picture image of my life. In fact, after I jotted down some notes for today's post, and then decided to create a picture to go with the post. Maybe you noticed the post and that's why you decided to show up here today. Maybe you were curious and wondered -- what part of the whole story I would share here today.

The first post provides little hints as to where each post is going--yet this is only a hint, not the whole story. Fact is, if I were to try to tell you my whole life story--we'd be here for a long, long time; much longer than I think you'd be willing to listen. Are you aware, you don't need immersive reader to hear me? The truth is, the more we get to know people, the more we hear them--whether we're reading something they wrote, and we notice they emphasize certain words in their writing (in the same way that that they do when they are speaking), or they give us "the look" -- that we all know means --"well, you know what!"

Although the first section provides the readers with a picture story of things I've done and people who shaped me. This pathway section tells those who are listening about the internal stuff you only know when someone has taken some time to understand who they are. Do you ever stop and wonder? What's the hole story here? This idea I'm painting isn't only about scars that happen when we're wounded. This hole story tells people about the stuff that is found in the layers of our being.

We're more than our title at our job. We're more than what we do in our home. We're even more than our talents and quirky traits. The short story series provides people with some hints about who I am, and I believe a few of these hints are connected with who you are too.

The Unknowing Path

We grow up following this dark path, not having a clue where we are, let alone where we're going. I rarely hear people talk about the unknowing path; yet, we've all been down this road.

Why is that?

Up, down, up, down, up! I started the image for today's post with this thought in my mind. My life has been a series of mostly trial and error. Sometimes the errors were mine, sometimes they belonged solely to someone else. The weird thing is -- most of my life, I though most every error made was mine. I was so aware of what I didn't know, and amazed at how much others appeared to know, that I failed to see what I did know.

The unknowing path you've been on may not be the same as mine; that doesn't mean you haven't traveled this path. Chances are you've walked down the unknowing path sometime today, and certainly this week. If you said anything to someone and didn't know what they were thinking about what you just said, you were there: sitting smack dab in the middle of the unknowing path, waiting to see if you might learn something you didn't know before.

How often do you notice you're traveling on the unknowing path?

Despite the many times I travel this road, I don't recognize it when I get there. That's the thing about this path, it seems to change, every time you turn around. Click, who turned out the lights? Can we get a light on in here?

Did you notice (that in this short story series) that the stories about a grandpa, a grand-daughter, and a grandson was told at Linkedin; whereas, the story about a father and a daughter (and within time--a son) has been planned for Facebook.

What's the whole story about that?

Truthfully, I don't know. I wrote it--I didn't know why I chose this path--it seemed right. Maybe it won't make a difference, maybe it will. I may learn the whole story--right along with you. Here's the point I'm getting at: to make any progress on the unknowing path, to get to where you know where you are, you have an idea where you're going and you have some clues on how to get there, there's this really important thing you need. It's a metaphysical map called honesty. I've written about this physical dark path I went down as a child many times, where I looked up to the sky and asked God, "why are you following me, if I'm not sure you're real?" What I didn't realize, is that this is the step you must take to go from unknowing, to knowing.

"Fake it, till you make it," might work at fooling others about what you don't know. "Fake it, till you make it," may even buy you some time to figure out what you don't know, but if you're never honest with yourself about what you don't know, you'll never learn what you don't know-- that you could learn when you're honest with yourself about being on the unknowing path.

Up, down, up, down, up.

I thought about making zig-zags and circle back around, but I decided to wait for an idea to emerge. Up, down -- like a rainbow, only it's grey--because I don't quite know where this is going. Ok--how about a row of them? Maybe up the sides? No, not up the sides. Why not a chain of sorts? Oh, yes! A chain is perfect--isn't that what life is like--a chain of events--that are all over the place?

I'm hearing Ann Voskamp in my mind saying, "All is Grace."

"That's what I said! All these grays--reveal a rainbow in the midst of us!"

Like a foggy day, where you're thankful you can see a small portion of the road, but frustrated that you can't see nearly as far as you know you could. I've been on this road so many times before. Here's a few things I encountered on the unknowing path:

I didn't really know (for sure) what my weaknesses and strengths were. Lots of nice people were willing to tell me what they were, so I listened to what they had to tell me. Then one day I realized, "That's not quite right! You see part of the picture, but I think you're missing some important parts." Mind you, this isn't an actual conversation I had with anyone. This was the knowing path that showed up for me, when I wasn't aware I reached a clearing in the road.

Honesty took me here. It can take you there too, if you're willing to go.

As if it's not bad enough to not know what your weaknesses and strengths are, I also found out that I was confused about my passion and what distracted me from living a fulfilling life.

The most well-meaning people try to help us find our way down the unknowing path -- to reach the promise land of overwhelming understanding; however, this can lead you down the wrong path too, if you aren't aware that others don't always know the best thing to do.

Honesty took me here. It can take you there too, if you're willing to go.

I had to realize (when I found the path I needed to follow) that there were many people who thought knew the way to where I needed to go -- but they were only given a small piece of the puzzle of who I am. Not knowing this threw me off course.

Honesty took me here. It can take you there too, if you're willing to go.

Then there was the long path to listening; I've gone down that path more than a time or two. The odd thing is, I've been told that I'm a good listener; and yet, I sometimes listen to things I shouldn't and don't listen well enough to things I should. Having been stuck down this road every so often, I realized:

Honesty took me here. It can show me the way to go too, if I am willing to listen.

Then there was this unknowing path I've traveled over and over, again and again. I get all mixed up and don't know what to do. This is the path to knowing who and what to trust.

Have you been down this path too?

You would think that being a believer would help, but to be frank many times it doesn't. For some reason, we are only given a small piece of this big puzzle, and sometimes it feels as though eternity has passed before we know where the peace we've been given goes.

I found one place that I knew I could trust, so when I'm unsure, I try to remember where to go first. The problem with the unknowing way is this -- it can get you so turned around in loop-de-loops that you forget the path that you took-- when you found your way to understanding before.

Then I remember: Honesty took me here. It can show me what way to go, if I am willing to listen.

Did you look at those lines close in the picture I painted for you here?

It reminds me of something else I learned long ago. It's called knitting. Although there are cables you can knit, would you believe there are no chains? If you wish to create a chain, you must crochet one, dear.

What I loved about knitting (that's different from crocheting), is how closely the stitches come together. Now, I've seen some crochet projects -- where someone has pulled each stitch tightly enough that there aren't these big holes here and there all willy-nilly, yet for the most part, knitting is tightly woven pieces of yarn that keeps people cozy, when it's chilly on that unknowing path.

Now, don't get upset with me if you're an avid crocheter. I know your holes are very-well- planned parts of the pattern you're following. The ironic thing is, with knitting, it's as if the inventor looked at my life and patterned this with me in mind.

Peril -- knit -- peril -- knit -- peril-- knit

I'm not ribbing (or fibbing) with you -- but that's what they call it.

Some of us no sooner finish with one disaster, then we're all knotted up in pieces. That's what my dictionary says that knitting is. It says the Old English term means to create a knot. Maybe they meant, is that we're supposed to learn how to say "NOT!" "I'm not going down that road again." "Been there, done that!" "No thank you madam!"

Ok, granted it says in the good book I bought "pearl, knit, pearl, knit, pearl, knit" is how you create ribbing. It seems to me, the Bible said God ripped one of those ribs out of an atom to make Eve's. That sure sounds like peril to me, not some lovely strand of pearls. Don't you think? And let's not even get started on how everyone is encouraged to go back and do that kindergartener stitch. Listen, I've been to one of those kindergarten classrooms before, and I'm here to tell you that most of them are way back at the beginning of the unknowing road, trying to learn their alpha bet from their omega better.

Seriously, though--when I looked back at my life and figured out what I do know; when I figured out what I am passionate about; when I learned who to trust, and when I became seasoned in listening-- I noticed things that resonated with me. Do you see this now, in the picture I painted here? Those squiggly lines going up and down up and down have a rhythm- it's a tune just for you.

Each time there was something I really needed to hear, something I really needed to know, something I really could trust, the knowing path came into view, and I learned that part of learning to listen well, is being honest with yourself about what fills that hole. It's as if all those stitches see the ointment and get themselves ready for it. Taking all that ointment into those raveled up creases, it's no wonder how people end up with so many wrinkles when they finally grow up.

This is the path to holiness: wholeness is only to be drawn within, when we see what a tangled-up path we've been on, and we're honest about the whole thing. From here, our passions and our strengths, our willingness to listen and to trust join us--because they know they can trust where this honesty will lead them.

Are there people and things that have this way of drawing you in again and again; whereas, other things push you away, only to see that the things that were pulling you close was trying to tell you something that you must know about who you are?

I became aware of this, when I was tempted to tell you today about two people that have shaped who I am today. The two of them were full of wrinkles. I thought of them as two of my favorite people, and then I realized--this doesn't resonate with a strong belief I hold dear.

Why might I prefer one over another, if all are of great value?

And that's when knowing walked up to me (in the midst of that unknowing path) and whispered this truth in my ear, that I needed to hear. Maybe you need to hear this too.

"You were drawn closely to these people at specific times in your life for a reason. Each had something to teach you, if you were willing to listen. That's why you must be drawn close to them. You won't hear what you need to hear, when you're too far away to hear it."

When I thought back to one of the two, I realized the first knew how to draw people in. There was not one person I knew that ever spoke ill of this one of the two. Tho it may not seem odd; most everyone I know has had someone speak ill of them at one point or another, but not one. It's taken me a long time to learn what it is I was meant to learn from this.

If you think I was meant to learn how to draw people in, so that they love me and will listen, you're wrong. Most of us would love to learn how to do this; yet that doesn't mean that's something we must do. No, I learned that I needed to learn the secret (this one knew) about listening well, for once you've drawn someone in, if you don't listen, you'll miss the hint of something missing--and know what to do.

Do you see (now) this listening path is a two-way street that all must go through? If you're not the one being drawn in, then you may be the one that's drawing someone in too.

It's ok to walk the unknowing path from time to time. If it wasn't, we would have not had to follow this path for so long. Yet, we also must know when we need to step off the unknowing path, in order to do something we're meant to do and know what we're meant to know.

Up, down, up, down. Up the path we go.

Is it not amazing, that this picture I drew -- happens to also look like the sole of your shoe -- and the grey matter in your brain? I certainly didn't plan it that way.

I know someone who might have planned this, this way -- Do you?

Year after year, I was sure that someone else had all the answers. I was reminded of an old tune I heard years ago. I thought I might begin this story here-- and today I decided not to.

I may jump on in here later to provide you that tune -- however -- I genuinely believe this story alone is something that will draw someone in, real close, and it's not because I'm more important than others. It's not because I am the best writer there is. It's not because my spiritual connection is perfect. It's because there is something they needed to hear.

Up, down, up, down, up the path you go.

You don't need to be a writer to need to hear this. You don't need to believe in all the same things that I believe in, to need to hear this. The only thing you need to know, is that you have a hole that needs filling and your willingness to listen, is telling you something.

Listen, I'm not here to tell you what you want to hear. There are tons of things that draw us close that isn't good for us. That's not the point.

There's an honest truth I'm telling you that you need to know is true: when we don't have all the pieces to the puzzle figured out, peace reminds us--the next best piece we need to pick up, when we're willing to listen. Believe me I know.

I know many things that I don't know and a few of the things I do. The point of me writing this, is to tell the truth to you.

There's another amazing truth that seems to have drawn me in, again and again. Maybe you've been here before yourself. If you've ever heard a quote that you need to hear again and again, then you may love what I'm about to tell you.

I noticed a pattern between two writers I've followed for years. The two are found in the New Testament of the Holy Bible, known as Matthew and James. Matthew (though seen by some as being "anti-Jewish" in some of the things he said, is known for being the most knowledgeable writer (in the New Testament) of the "Holy Bible" about the Jewish perspective, than any of the other writers. This is not something I am saying, this is what was noted in the "Complete Jewish Study Bible," by Hendrickson Publishing.

*Infact, "The Complete Jewish Study Bible" reveals a pattern that is sewn in throughout the book of Matthew to indicate (by way of a precise phrase he uses, five times) he's knowledgeable about the structure and the five books written by Moses.

*Though I can't guarantee these notes will be included in the introductory of Matthew of "The Complete Jewish Study Bible," the information about the pattern Matthew had sewn is found in the 2016 version I purchased. Not listed as "a pattern sewn," the introduction DOES show readers the precise words Matthew (repeatedly stated) and where to see each statement, within the book Matthew wrote.

James is the other writer, whose words have also resonated with me for years, was known to be a rabbi; someone who knew the religious law and apply it well. Here is the passage that has always resonated with me that James has to say:

"If you're unsure of what you should do, just ask God; he's known for being generous to a fault and what He knows will fill in the gaps of what you lack. Whatever you do, don't second guess you will receive what you need for one minute. If you don't trust the process, you'll be sunk-- wave after wave will pull you under, there's no doubt about it! Up and down you'll go, until the wind knocks you off-course." (James: 1: 5-6) KKV-- A paraphrase of Kathleen (Kasper-Kat) Armstrong, (w)Holy Ghostwriter

If that doesn't float your boat, there's more. Do you know what James' Hebrew name?


If you don't know about Jacob, Genesis 25 tells the story about Jacob (the younger of two siblings) -- who was chosen by God for a certain mission.

Many are convinced Jacob became the overseer of the twelve tribes of Israel largely due to dishonesty; however, pay close attention and see who is drawn to him. In order to reverse the way things normally would have played out, someone had to be involved in bringing this about. In other words, someone had to sense a reason for the change in the "the way things are normally done." Yet, that alone didn't cinch the deal for Jacob.

Jacob had to wrestle with a thing or two, before he was chosen by God to fulfill the blessing that he was meant to fulfill.

The reasoning for Jacob being chosen shows through both James (another Jacob) and another chosen, younger sibling: namely David: a shepherd.

James role was and is that of a truthful nurturer who is an advocate for those who are believers and yet are struggling in areas of their faith walk. Here's how I know this. Pay close attention to the first verse in the book of James.

Even though Paul went to great lengths to inform believers (and unbelievers) of his Jewish heritage, Paul wrote to specific congregations, not to the Israelites. James, on the other hand specifically writes "to the twelve tribes." In other words, this was written to people who James knows are currently (strong) believers yet need someone who will encourage them to continue growing in their faith.

Problems Paul dealt with (though written to the churches) were written to churches that encouraged young believers. For this reason, Paul's mission was unlike that of James.

Where Paul had to point out false believers who were causing disruptions within the church, James needed to assist the older believers to journey on -- and see the unknowing path that lies before them.

Matthew (also well-versed in the Tanakh) was meant to learn this, in order to both evangelize to unbelievers, and to shepherd the two distinctive types of believers Jesus prepared him to serve. Both the religious Jews (who Jesus said he came to serve) and the gentiles who God had chosen to include, created a tension--thereby Matthew fulfilled a gap that was needed-- to mediate between the two.

There's one thing I forgot to mention -- about those very layered people I felt drawn towards from the time I was quite young. One (the advocate nurturer), was known for presenting the truth in a very honest and straightforward way; the other (a nurturer who listened well) learned to hear well, so that he could tell others what they needed to hear.

Call it a fluke -- I believe there's more to it. It just so happens that I am the youngest of two siblings: both of us believers, and yet I sensed the pull for many years, before being wrestled into what I do today.

I thought one's "calling" would be different. You know you're being pulled -- and God opens the door. It's as simple as that. Now, don't get me wrong here, but how crazy is that--of all the people in the world that say (it's as simple as that) --I immediately think of Huey Lewis and the News. No, not the Newsboys that sing all sorts of tunes about God; but an old rock-n-roll band that isn't usually thought of when you're in the mood to spread some Good News about God to a variety of people.

Believe it or not, the album (Fore!) Meaning "look out!" not only has the song "Simple as that," about the challenges of finding one's calling-- At the top of the list on this album is the song "Jacob's Ladder." I kid you not! (That's a statement to God, in case you couldn't tell). See what happens when I plan not to include any link notes! Up, down, up, down--and link after link we go! How I'll finish this, God only knows!


4. My Hope For Others *How my current knowledge shapes my hope for others today

Coming Soon!


5. Wisdom I've Acquired (And What I Don't Know) Today

Enough said--because much wisdom is found in what isn't said.


Link Notes For Section 1:

Knowing that some of you may appreciate seeing and hearing how this writing is connected with other artists, I've purposely input a few key ideas in the introduction to the Halloween Short Story Series I'm putting together for young and old to enjoy. A few items related to the 5 short stories here, can be purchased from your favorite retail location, in addition to the places noted here for you today:

1. "Citizens of Heaven" sung by Tauren Wells can be heard and purchased here at Itunes:


2. "Five Smooth Stones" sung by Brian Duncan can be heard and purchased here at Amazon:


3. "ABC" sung by the Jackson 5 can be heard and purchased here at Itunes:


4. "My Favorite Things" sung by Julie Andrews (and found in the movie "The Sound of Music") can be heard and purchased here at Amazon:


5. "The Sound of Music" by 20th Century Fox can be seen and purchased here in the Microsoft Store:


6. "The Nine Kittens of Christmas" Hallmark movie (featuring a charming advent calendar) can be seen and purchased here at Google Play:


7. "A Taste of Christmas" aka: "The Advent Calendar" by Mar Vista Entertainment can be seen and purchased here at Amazon:


8. "Hugo" produced by Paramount Pictures can be purchased at Barnes and Noble here:


*Keep in mind, when reviewing this picture how the clock reveals different things about YOU as a person: with keen vision, a heart that's beating the odds for survival, and helps you to think of the creative things you can do to ensure a better life for you and "all (your) children".

9. "Soap Song" by Carman can be heard and purchased at Itunes here:


*Keep in mind, when reviewing this song is connected to a quote noted above "all (your) children," that will be understood when hearing all of the "Soap Song" by Carman, who weaves the titles of some of your favorite soap operas together to tell a story about God, on the "Radically Saved" cd.

10. "A (Winter) Love Story" Hallmark film (featuring a seasoned writer who assists a new writer to make her mark on the world): can be seen and purchased byway of the hallmark channel here:


*Keep in mind, when it seems as though all odds are against you and you (tarry your way through life thinking you will never win); remember the "tare" button on your scale (as you wait upon God to assist you) and you see how there is something that was created that zeros out the weight of things that are holding you back from achieving the life you were meant to live.


Link Notes For Section 2:

1. The Twelve Steps --of Alcoholic's Anonymous:


2. The Big Book--of Alcoholic's Anonymous:


3. "Changes That Heal" : Dr. Henry Cloud --at Barnes and Noble:


4. "Boundaries": Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend --at Barnes and Noble:


5. "Goliath Must Fall"--Louie Gigleo -- at Barnes and Noble:


6. "The Catholic Youth Bible" 4th Edition: New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE): Saint Mary's Press--at Barnes and Noble:


7. "Learn To Listen" : Josh Wilson -- at Itunes:


8. "God Is In Control" : Twila Paris --at Itunes:


9. "Prevailing Prayer To Peace" : Kenneth Hagin --at Amazon


10. "First Hand" : Steven Curtis Chapman --at Amazon:


11. "Tell Me The Secrets: Treasures For Eternity" : Max Lucado--at Amazon:


12. "An Adventure In Color: Mathmagic Land" : Walt Disney Productions--at Amazon:


13. "The Song of the King" : Max Lucado--at Christianbook:


14. "Jesus Freak" Remastered, "What If I Stumble" : DC Talk -- at Christianbook:


Other Articles By Author Kathleen (Kasper-Kat) Armstrong, (w)Holy Ghostwriter:

1. "Perfectly Paired Partners" : Kathleen (Kasper-Kat) Armstrong, (w)Holy Ghostwriter (at Linkedin):


2. "Writing In The Sand: A Teacher's Tale of Triplets" : Kathleen (Kasper-Kat) Armstrong, (w)Holy Ghostwriter (at Linkedin):



Link Notes For Section 3:

1. Fore! album by Huey Lewis and the News here at Amazon:


2. The same version of "The Complete Jewish Study Bible" by Hendrickson Publishers that I purchased is here at Christianbook: https://www.christianbook.com/the-complete-jewish-study-bible/9781619708679/pd/708679?event=BRSRCQ

3. "God's Not Dead" (the song) at Itunes by Newsboys is here:


4. Many retail locations have the "God's Not Dead" movie series; however, the God's Not Dead (four-movie collection) is here at Barnes and Noble:


5. A trailer of the first movie in this series, along with the ability to buy or rent this at youtube is here:



Today's notes are 4 parts of this 5 part story about the Ghostwriter -- Kathleen (Kasper-Kat) Armstrong, (w)Holy Ghostwriter

When the final part of the 5th story is completed, the whole story will be posted together.

The first post (for each of these sections) before revisions were made to reveal how everything works together,

can be seen here:

1. Original Notes First Posted Introducing the Series:

Linkedin: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/painful-path-becoming-wholy-ghostwriter-introduction-kathleen-0oi7c/?trackingId=O2o7LzU9Se6d%2BpKHcw7wpw%3D%3D

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kasperkatisinhymntogod/posts/pfbid02cJb1GrJipVgiWUrVg8ZG7rsHC2EH7WFSkWnCVCXbZ6wLef48XYm3p9EHuNvPTMHKl

2. "The Painful Path To Becoming A (w)Holy Ghostwriter--Section 1

Linkedin: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/painful-path-becoming-wholy-ghostwriter-part-5-short-kathleen-0kzwc/?trackingId=O2o7LzU9Se6d%2BpKHcw7wpw%3D%3D

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kasperkatisinhymntogod/posts/pfbid02i8GJuVwsLiBxUcgzqP7icEB6LPkbiLpqWAED9khSboegyNkxLEVw1qb97gYzm2t3l\

3. "The Painful Path To Becoming A (w)Holy Ghostwriter--Section 2

Linkedin: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/painful-path-becoming-wholy-ghostwriter-part-5-2-kathleen-3k98c/?trackingId=T04T3MhdSQi5s0UQ1%2FA3og%3D%3D

Facebook: https: https://www.facebook.com/kasperkatisinhymntogod/posts/pfbid0xJjMC8Wet3YAc77i5wUT18NfZs9Lu46RuuNFTztGMUb6Tym4sZ1Kab9i5Spmrx2dl

4. The Painful Path To Becoming A (w)Holy Ghostwriter--Section 3

Linkedin: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/painful-path-becoming-wholy-ghostwriter-part-5-3-kathleen-vqfuc/?trackingId=FMDVRyUSRXaJ0RPFgu3ZaA%3D%3D

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kasperkatisinhymntogod/posts/pfbid0kaErtfHFLHAQNFkF6zhM66GvK9fqZMspRgMkgyevpcGfXB7rsvmDgvTg2yimbFyyl


Links To The Stories:

1. "Grandpa's Favorite: Getting a Good Sense of The Holidays" by Kathleen (Kasper-Kat) Armstrong, (w)Holy Ghostwriter

Linkedin: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/grandpas-favorite-getting-good-sense-holidays-kasper-kat-armstrong-phu4c/?trackingId=vZ9%2B6kj8TD2oiy4r0w53xQ%3D%3D

2. "A Father's Love Story: Teaching Us Further More About Love Than Wisdom Ever Did" by Kathleen (Kasper-Kat) Armstrong, (w)Holy Ghostwriter

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kasperkatisinhymntogod/posts/pfbid0ZYhiaRiRmDrdyEkFuevQnSk8mmdaNXpxGAJnHHvEXJuYfE4g9cv4DVHGuv2MamT

3. "A Son's Brilliant Vision: Within the Unknowing"


4. "Creativity At Work In Tellie" (The Unknowing Grandson) by Kathleen (Kasper-Kat) Armstrong, (w)Holy Ghostwriter

Linkedin: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/creativity-work-tellie-kathleen-kasper-kat-armstrong-fmoac/?trackingId=WScF9bUXQ4ia1z5NkuTrsw%3D%3D

5. The Painful Path To Becoming A (w)Holy Ghostwriter: A 5 Part Biography of Kathleen (Kasper-Kat) Armstrong, (w)Holy Ghostwriter

Linkedin: Coming Soon

Facebook: Coming Soon

*Intro notes: Able (table) update was made on 10 24 24 in order to help it make more sense-- but also to include some extra notes about branding.


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