The Painful Abundance of Personal Growth

The Painful Abundance of Personal Growth

We get it that there's a trade-off between risks and rewards. As well as a link between comfort and confinement.

However, "getting it" doesn't guarantee that we're willing to engage in the risks, thus the pain, that comes with personal growth.

Fact One: I see new possibilities for my life by moving out of my comfort zone.

Fact Two: Personal growth is both painful and demanding!

Fact Three: Personal growth can be a source of significant abundance!

So, for a few minutes, let's look at the painful abundance of personal growth.

We choose wisely when we intentionally choose to grow. But, we must be conscious of how we're using the time we have if we are to see measurable growth.

What Comes First?

We don't change our current, often habitual, behavior until we recognize that the behavior is happening.

Then, we must ask ourselves: "Is this habit serving me well?"

Now, if we're being honest we should be prepared for some unpleasant answers to that question! Conversely, significant growth can occur during those painful times of confronting who we are - right now!

Therefore, regarding "First Things First" the First Thing here is to decide if I'm willing to change WHO I am - right now.

Creation of a new self is a choice. In fact, creation is divine - Genesis 1.1: "In the beginning God created..." Better yet, creation is the beginning of good for us, Genesis 1.4.

The Role of Intentionality

Intentionality is critical. Why? Because we build character daily by the deliberate choices we make. For example, we can choose comfort or choose growth.

Actually, our intentional choices build character. Similarly, our character is reflected by our choices. From my own experience, those two - choices and character - reinforce each other.

For example, I make a tough decision in the face of opposition. Thus, I'm building, and reinforcing, the character that already exists inside me.

As such, my choices change WHO I am - right now.

More importantly, my choices reflect WHO I am - right now.

"Therefore choose life" is a 3500-year old invitation for us to intentionally enter into an abundant life. See Deuteronomy 30:19-20.

Elements of Personal Growth

So, I'm willing to change, and I intentionally choose to grow. I suspect there are at least three critical elements of personal growth:

1). Self-belief,

2). High motivation, and

3). Persistent efforts.

Then, I pair these three with clarity about life purpose. That is, I know I'm heading in the right direction. The outcome? I will witness dramatic transformation, thus growth, in my personal and professional life.

But, we do need to be conscious of factors like the right place and right time for us personally. That "place" can be in our head. And, that place can be a physical location.

However, we best recognize opportunities when we're prepared to step into those opportunities. Moreover, personal growth equips us to act on those opportunities.

Do I choose abundance or comfort? Well, my mother and grandmother often told me that actions have consequences. I choose consequences by choosing actions! Choose wisely!

What Abundance Looks Like

Ok, I choose personal growth over the pain associated with that growth. So then, what does the painful abundance of personal growth look like?

Here are some terms or phrases that describe what abundance looks like:

Inner peace, great joy, fulfillment, living in balance, self-discipline, self-awareness, a deep sense of self-worth paired with self-confidence, having a positive impact in the lives of others, persistence, a much broader perception of what's really possible for me, and a clear vision of my best self.

Therefore, personal growth opens us up to a world of new perspectives and different possibilities.

As such, the painful abundance of personal growth produces a very high return on the investment we made in that growth.

"Who I Am Right Now" at this point in my life will become "WHO I Once Was" in the future IF I'm committed to personal growth.

Six Takeaways

The discomfort of growth is the price of abundance. Thus, the painful abundance of personal growth is a deliberate trade-off.

Actually, embracing discomfort indicates we have a growth mindset. As a result, we're envisioning who we can be.

Our existing, and often limited world view - our current perception of reality - can really impact the potential we envision for our life.

Growth must take us to the right place, not just a place. Huh? We've heard "activity is no substitute for productivity." But more importantly, productivity is no substitute for knowing and pursuing our life purpose.

Time perspective is critical. How so? Because comfort is focused on the immediate. Conversely, embracing change is uncomfortable. But, the resulting growth from that change is extremely rewarding. Ha, in the long-run!

The painful abundance of personal growth means we're grateful for who we are - right now. And, for what we have - right now. While, at the same, we're growing beyond where we currently are - right now.

#beginwithWHO #thebalancedlife #thinkandgrowwise #preceptdrivengrowth #livewithpurposeonpurpose

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I like the title of your article Dale Young. Well, personal growth can be painful, if one doesn't follow a PERSONALIZED growth plan but tries to measure themselves with someone else's metric and always compares themselves to others. It's all about setting up realistic goals and a timeline that is achievable for you at your own pace.

Carmel Murphy

??Goodbye Fear, Hello Fun!?? Coach | Speaker | MC | Connector

1 年

The going through is never easy but the results speak for themselves. Understanding the process and knowing that it will take some work but ultimately it will be hugely beneficial is my biggest win Dale

Ahmad Hussein

Operations Manager .Hospitals Management

1 年

This is a great. I love it

Amy McCae

Transformative Leadership & Well-Being Coach | Helping Engineers & Executives Cultivate Resilience, Self-Awareness, & Stress-Free Workplaces

1 年

It does tend to seem that growth occurs outside of our comfort zone. I look at it as how you might lift weights and that puts stress on your muscles and even bones but it's a good kind of stress as when it's done with awareness there are countless benefits.

Kristine Bell

Successfully Convert Customers with Human-Centered Growth Strategies | Business, Brand, Communication & Innovation | Consulting, Workshop Facilitation, Co-creation | Tutor @ UNSW Business School

1 年

Getting honest and real with ourselves is key to our growth, but that doesn't make it easy. Awareness requires us see things we may not like. Acceptance includes loving all of what we are including the parts we taught to judge and be ashamed about Dale Young


