Paid Advertising From Organic to Cold Traffic Mastery
The "Thunder Hammer" Strategy

Paid Advertising From Organic to Cold Traffic Mastery

The Risk of Scaling Too Fast

Let’s talk about the risk involved when you have paid advertising go from organic to cold…

Digging up what never sprouted?

Stopping your marketing efforts too fast, days before they even have a chance to work. It’s like planting a seed and digging it up the next day because you don’t see a tree yet. Patience, my friend, is key in this game.

Framing Your Offer: The Organic Approach

Now, let’s chat about framing. What happens organically that makes people come into your offer? Think about it. Your organic traffic testimonials might sound something like this:

“I did this podcast with this guy” “I published it on my YouTube (pinned highlighted video)”

These aren’t just any videos, though. This is an hour-long podcast that’s packed with goodness:

  • An interview with real substance
  • A walkthrough of opportunities
  • The ability to articulate the nitty-gritty details
  • Storytelling that captures the experience
  • Sharing case studies (don’t be shy, flex a little!)
  • Talking about delivery times (again, be proud of what you’ve achieved)
  • Showing how well people do with your offer
  • And of course, the results – how much money it makes

Transitioning to Paid Advertising

Using 60sec content and connecting with people who “don’t know you that well“. Transitioning to paid advertising helps aim content at the “warm paid audience”

These are the folks who’ve:

  • Watched your videos
  • Interacted with you on social media (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, YouTube)
  • Where retargeted after interacting with the content.

If you’re working with just one video, you’ve got to condense it down.

If you’ve got multiple videos…

Then break it down and put viewers through a sequence of learning that information.

Condensing Your Key Message to 90sec

Let’s talk about condensing the timeline in terms of action. What is the KEY message being the propagated that gets people interested in the offer. Then, you need to put it into a direct response ad.

Your FIRST STEP is being able to articulate your message in under 90 seconds. You need to say:        

  • Here’s what I do
  • Here’s how I help people
  • Here’s why I think it makes sense for you
  • Here are some common objections that I’m going to handle real quick
  • Here’s the call to action

The Customer Journey

Your deal Client Prospects (ICP) will be driven from the ad, straight to your landing page, often called a "scheduler".         

When it comes to converting traffic, typical funnel strategies include:

  • Call scheduling
  • Webinars
  • DM ads

These usually end in a Video Sales Letter (VSL):         

Best kept to 2-5 minutes, 10-15 minutes max; or a conversation for a sale.

Feeding Information Effectively

We have to be able to FEED information in a way that enables the prospect to MAKE DECISIONS QUICKLY :

  • Help them understand what “things” are.
  • Get them to a point where they’re ready to take action and save their own time.

STEP NUMBER TWO: The Importance of Framing Sales Calls

 This simple little flow of AD > VSL > Call Scheduler is why people often fail with cold advertising. There's a huge gap between the VSL and the actual conversation.        

The Reality of the Customer Path

If I want to recreate a profitable organic sales process via paid ads, I have to become self-aware of the CUSTOMER PATH,

Prospects that buy don’t just watch a video, click on the bio link and show up to the conversation SUPER HOT… that’s not how it works in reality. The Reality of the Customer Path is that they start to consume a BUNCH of your other content, or ONE SUPER LONG KEY video that makes them show up to those calls very excited and framed. Ready to buy

If we run ads and miss that 3rd step between the VSL page and the call happening, we’re missing our Framing Window. This window is critical for success. I just want to disclose, for all of you readers who might want to use any defense mechanism against this advice… remember: We’re trying to condense the timeline here.

Framing Windows are Critical for Success

In this specific Framing Window, somebody has scheduled a conversation. You’ve got until the call time to hammer that ICP (Ideal Client Prospect). This is your Hammer Cycle, where you POUND them with content.

Here's a key strategy: Send at least 7 emails from the point of opt-in to the conversation.        

Don’t let those self-defense mechanisms kick in and say, “Oh, that’s too many,” or “I don’t want to harass people.” Don’t joke around like that. Missing the Framing Window and not pounding the content to hammer the framework IS the main game here.

From Curious to Sold: The Journey

The difference between your organic leads and your paid leads, is “Curious” and “Needing more information”, this as the main level where most creators are generating calls from.

Keyframe is: Going from “Curious” > general interest > high conviction > sold. There are surely at least 17 key questions that need to be answered, making the ICP show up ready to buy.

As time goes on with a lack of additional information and low-quality nurturing, interest drops and people don’t show up. If you suffer from a terrible show rate, you’re probably not nurturing your ICP enough in the Framing Window.

The ONE Strategy: The Thunder Hammer

The One Hammer To Your Outreach

Let me introduce you to the “ONE Strategy” Thunder Hammer used in profitable ads at scale. The game plan is to take the people who took action and nurture them. This could be any sort of signal:

  • They booked a call or DM back.

Targeting the prospects that DMs in the most recent days, having enough people (audience) to get the ads fired up. To master cold paid advertising, to a point where you successfully go from Organic to Warm to Cold Ads, you need to condense the customer path:

  1. Direct Response Ads Mastery
  2. Warm Paid Ads Mastery
  3. The Nurture Window
  4. Needing more information.

If you've mastered that, it's because you have dominion over multiple keys: From "Unaware" to "Aware" to "Nurtured" into "Sold"        

Scaling with Cold Paid Ads

Master these elements, and you’ll be well on your way to scaling your business with cold paid advertising. Remember, it’s all about understanding your audience, nurturing your leads, and providing value at every step of the journey.

ICP Showed Up

Here’s the thing about organic leads… they’re not sold yet. When they show up described as “HOT” and probable to buy, their interest has reached a point where they have enough conviction to “Pull the Trigger”. They’re saying, “This is for me,” “This makes sense,” “I’m excited to buy it,” “I’m looking forward to the opportunity.” But there are a few levers that could occur before they’re truly sold:

  • High Conviction
  • General Interest
  • Curious
  • Needing more info

When you look at the difference between your organic leads and your paid leads, “Curious” and “Needing more information” is really the level where most of you are generating calls at…

This is what most do:

Most work up the leads to a point where they’re just “Curious” or “Needing more info” and then just wait… idly just wait… with those overly used and inefficient reminders:

“Hey {{}} you have a call coming up at 3pm on Tuesday”

that is everything being sent them!

Or some are like, “Oh, nah I don’t do just that. I send them two Emails that are a little bit educational and helpful”…

Do you know how many questions people have, that got answered between “Curious” and being “Sold”, that the organic leads went through? A LOT!

And just to be clear, if the usual scheduled call cycle time is “72hrs”, in between that window, for organic leads it might take weeks to consume in organic information…

14 Key Touch Points, 10 Key Moments, 17 Key Questions        

Don’t look at it as some spammy thing that you have to watch 18 full videos, think of it like:

“To Go From Curious To General Interest, To High Conviction, To Sold” there are surely at least 17 questions that got answered making the ICP show up “sold”.

From Ad to VSL to Schedule: The First 3 Steps

Going from Ad to VSL and into Schedule is what’s really being done in the first 3 steps of the process. Generally being anywhere from 2 to 10 questions that got answered.

Some of these questions that get answered CREATED ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS. That’s typically what makes the ICP book a call, having further questions to ask. They’re not necessarily booking a call like most of you would think:

“Oh, I want to book a call because I’m ready to buy”…

NOOO! No. That is not why people book calls with organizations from paid ads.

They’re Booking Calls Because They Have Additional Questions They Need Answered.

Ads that Answered All Questions

If you have a lead who books a call to show up ready to buy, that means we have to answer all the questions that come up between booking the call and the conversation. That’s where those questions have to be answered, so 7 Emails per day I honestly think it’s light work.

  • It’s Informative
  • It’s Educational
  • It’s Answering Questions
  • It’s Setting Expectations
  • It’s Feeding Testimonials & Results
  • It’s Handling Objections

Instead of the numb business approaches: “Hey your call is coming up”. It’s selfish and inefficient because it has nothing to clear the waters out with ahead of any type of proposal, wasting yours and the ICP’s time.

The Lack of Additional Information

As time goes on with a lack of Additional information, a low quality nurture… the Interest Drops and they don’t show up. So, if you suffer from a terrible show rate, you my friend are one who practices Not Nurturing the ICP enough in the Framing Window, nurture cycle.

Someone selfish: "These people are booking a call", "OFC they are sold", "OFC they are going to show up", "They want what I got"…         

There will never be scalable actions available for a mindset like that. Horrendous mindset.

Cold Paid Advertising requires you to take the ICP from “Unaware” to “Aware” to “Nurtured” into “Sold”. When you leave out the greatest part of Nurture thinking that the ICP jumps from one to the other you are shooting for the lowest percentages of minds out there, and if you have limited ad spending budget… it will hurt you.

But to be clear, you want to make a greater return, with a TON of money, the “Big Dawg” money! You want to have multi-million dollar months let alone million dollar months. So remember:

from "Unaware" to "Aware" to "Nurtured" into "Sold" is the process, that's what we have to master.        

Once again, 7 Emails per day. That’s just 1 piece of how we are going to hammer the ICP, one detail of what we are going to do in our hammering cycle…

Profitable Ads at Scale Strategy

I want to be clear in this section, we are not about to go through the technicals of how to set it up. We are not going through the technicals of what specific pieces of content need to be within it, you won’t see examples of it in this post, if you want the examples follow the links.

I will explain the premise of it, if you’re smart enough to take action on it, you will get killer results, it will work and you’ll be able to thank me later.

Thunder Hammer Rooting Into The Earth

Strategy to Focus On: “Hammer Them”

I present to you the “ONE Strategy” Thunder hammer used in profitable ads at scale. The gameplan is to take the people who took the action to where we nurture them. This could be any sort of signal:

  • They Booked a Call
  • They Answered a Direct Message

The prospects that DMs the most recent x,y,z days. as well as enough people to get the Ads retargeted to.

If you are running on a low volume WIDEN THE WINDOW.

If you are operating on a High Volume TIGHTEN THE WINDOW to the literal timeframe of when they scheduled and when they actually have the call on average.

Rule: The minimum people needed to get ads fired off is 100.         

So, if I have a custom audience that has 100 people in it and I get that within 72hrs or it’s Greater Than 100 People, that’s best. I’m now able to have my timeline of “Booked Calls” be, entered into specific audience & after 72hrs dropped out of specific audience, if you do not have 100 people within 72hrs you are going to have to LENGTHEN the window of time.

When we as creators, business owners are starting off, spending “Test Budgets”, respectfully. We have to WIDEN THE WINDOW to a 30 day volume just to capture 100 people within that audience;

“100 people enter when they take the action, 30 days later they get dropped out of that audience dynamically with marketing automation… Cycle the audience and generate new interest”

Making sure to have the audience set up on the people that took the specific action. For all of us doing DM outreach strategies, this would be people who messaged the page, PUT THOSE PEOPLE IN AN AUDIENCE, remember, same logic:


As long as there are 100 people in there that definitive timeline should be the literal window from “When they Schedule” versus “When they “Booked”. Or for a message campaign, a conversation that happens on average for 5 days, then 3 Days after that Being an 8 day cycle in which they Entered by Messaging to when the call actually happens.

It has to be a minimum of 100 people, if not… then expand it out, WIDEN THE WINDOW.        

Once you Target that specific audience you are going to put AS MANY PIECES OF CONTENT (that are helpful and nurture your sales process) AS YOU POSSIBLY ARE ABLE TO for these people (your ICP).

Profitable Ads & The Frequency

Frequency represents the amount of times that somebody saw in whatever campaign or ads set placed on outreaching sequences.

If I take fifty pieces of content that help nurture the audience of choice, I’ll use a PODCAST to then repurpose into dozens of short content reels using AI.

If I want to get any sales or affiliate commissions out of it, I need to be able to provide context that reasons with the prospect in mind the exposure of services or products….

Using those 50 pieces of content, that the ai created, and sending ALL 50 of those pieces of content out! within 72 hours of lead opt-in,


When they Book the call.

And by the way… you don’t have to do it just from the time they Booked the call:

  • Use it to shorten your sales cycle by including a little bit of time for after they booked the call for whatever your sales cycle is.
  • MASTERY: Separate campaigns with one set of content to age your show rates. One set of content in the second campaign AFTER THE CALL OCCURS to aid the sales process and SHORTEN THAT WINDOW where the ICP is willing to buy.

Now, to be clear: THAT “CONTENT“.

The content needs to fall into a few specific categories, let’s recap on what we have so far:

  • There are Questions
  • There are Questions that come from the Questions.
  • There are Expectations (Timelines)
  • There are Objections (Money/ financing)
  • Ask Your Sales Team to Spot Any Other FAQ.

If you have a lot of people that need finance but in the sales call you get a lot of resistance around the interest rate, or like “Why Would I Finance It”, “It’s Irresponsible”…

Why Would I Finance It?

In a piece of content you could just reason with them using math in a different example of why it makes sense to buy something with financing that is able to make them revenues, especially when there is a high probability of being able to make the money with whatever they are going to finance. It’s not a car….

But even using that example, you could finance a car for personal usage, you could finance a car for commercial usage, the commercial usage loan is typically going to have a higher interest rate but at the same time that person is making money with a vehicle in those instances.

When financing a cars for a personal use (all that additional interest is essentially negligible and lost money) there is no real money being made, unless transportation from home to work and from business meetings is leveraged. This is not professional advice.


In a few different pieces of content. That way by the time the sales call happens and they start talking about financing:


I see it every day as a Media Buyer, propagandist, webmaster, marketer & architect. For propaganda distribution.


The most common saying is the following: “Don’t Watch The News Because It Tells You What To Think”, YES! it absolutely is, it %1000 is. There are events that happen, then the news is essentially a stream of data that gives people thoughts to think with on whatever happened.

The sophisticated ways that propaganda is performing is social media posts made by content creators inside open forums, using non obvious ways… where as in, a random person that is dressed like a civilian talking about some random event that happened, giving people thoughts to think with.

What most are doing unaware is inheriting those visuals as data in their head, to them that data consumption (that diet)… starts influencing them into “thought of own”.

That is how human beings operate in the beta waves, when looking for data to conceive thought upon, when done right, it performs wonders that are covered by win-win experiences. – Robert Cialdini

Many are just not self-aware of it.

Scaling the right Data with Cold Paid Ads

If we are able to communicate the right data into the mind of our ideal client prospects before a call for up to 7 emails per day or more if you want… with up to 50 pieces of content in 72hrs. We would successfully by the time they get on that call replicate the organic sales process via paid ads (Condensing the Time Line), accomplishing what we wanted to accomplish, to turn our sales people into cashiers.

Important Note: The Thunder Hammer content strategy is judged based on the ability of raising the frequency as high as possible IN YOUR IDEAL TIMELINE.        

Ideally, I want a frequency to match the content, if there are 20 pieces of content, the desired frequency should be 20; it should be as high as possible. Very important to note, when putting content in front of somebody making sure they don’t see that same content again AFTER 3 SECOND WATCH. That way it gets cycled into the NEXT SET OF VIDEOS that come after…


If you successfully accomplish that Nurture Sequence (THE MISSING STEP) trying to emphasize this enough, that specifically is where most businesses fail at paid advertising, heck this is where most businesses fail in advertising in general. Being cold or warm.

Avoiding the thought of: “organically we are crushing it, we must have an incredible offer, let’s just take this thing to paid ads and see if people will buy it”. Not being self-aware that there is a Customer Path that occurs organically, there is a key set of videos or A BIG video that the ICP consumes that frames them exceptionally well.

In Paid ads you are getting in some instances just minutes per step, when trying to condense the timeline we are trying to bundle up the amount of minutes that somebody sitting there consuming by framing the service or product manifesting in front of them. Consuming the ways to think ahead of the sales call.

The ONE Strategy to Scale

To master cold paid advertising, to get you to a point where you actually Successfully pull off going from organic to warm, to eventually cold ads and literally untapped an infinitely large audience, you have successfully accomplished and condensed the timeline, Customer Path:

  • From “Unaware” to “Aware” to “Nurtured” into “Sold”

If you have mastered that, is because you have dominion over multiple keys:

  • #1 Direct Response Ads Mastery.- Successfully popping up on scrolling ICP screens, getting them interested generated for them to look at your VSL, register for the webinar or start the conversation in DM’s etc.… Getting them on the next step, nurtured enough to ask more questions. The Nurture Window is what amplifies the ROAS, this is what makes the return on your investment as you JUMP substantially.
  • #2 Warm Paid Ads.- This is where you’ve gotten enough audience to retarget them and start hammering them a bit, they are warmed up enough, where they are aware and we have to take them into a little bit of a more aggressive nurture sequence or maybe they haven’t converted them organically and they are ready to buy, start doing that to realize there is a ceiling to bump in really quickly, to recognize that it is completely dependent on the size of THE SIZE OF THE AUDIENCE AVAILABLE TO RETARGET.

Nurture Window Done Right, Mastery

I had a consulting client in Fort Lauderdale FL, we were scaling into the warm up audience, it got to a certain point in revenue where all it did is kind of “spin the tires” in additional ad spend, there was no more growth to be obtained. Because the audience was not growing…

In addition he was not putting in the work on the Organic Side… organically the fluctuations were extreme. There was no backend frequency in being unable to consistently generate organic content distribution.

Bringing swings as big as 60% drop offs of in additional eyeballs come in from the organic side.

During those same windows the paid ads FOR THE WARM AUDIENCE would perform worse and they would have to spend less money.


The significant degrees of difference between an organic lead, a warm audience lead and a cold lead are Night and Day, very polarizingly different if you don’t do this process and respect it for what it is, especially not training your sales people to differentiate from where the leads are coming from.

If a sales representative thinks that every opt-in is an organic lead, he will be set up for failure on warm paid traffic, not just cold paid traffic. I have to be able to train my staff as well around the level of awareness and audience specific that they come from inside the sales process.

Master cold paid advertising.

Read the entire article here: Click Here


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