'Page to Screen' - Walden Media co-founder at XpoNorth
The first of a series of events, Page to Screen is bringing together publishers and producers in an interactive session to discuss how content moves from print to screen from the perspectve of both writers and screen producers.
Chaired by Marion Sinclair of Publishing Scotland, the session offers access to an exciting line up of speakers -
Producer Micheal Flaherty, co founder and former president of Walden Media, founder of Epihany Story Lab. (Chronicles of Narnia, Bridge to Terabithia, Charlotte's Web, The water Horse)
Diana Phillips - producer. (Bad Lieutenant, Birthday Girl, Alfie , Wild Child and was also the former executive in charge of production at Jim Henson's Creature Shop)
Jessica Fox - Writer / Director (Waterstone's book of the month Three things you need to know about rockets, TV, Animation, music videos and former official story teller for NASA!)
Eden Court Theatre, Inverness 10am Wednesday 27th June 2018. Entry free but requires registration. www.xponorth.co.uk