Packaging Unwrapped: The Week’s Key Innovations

Packaging Unwrapped: The Week’s Key Innovations

This week, ThePackHub has reviewed the latest initiatives added to our Innovation Zone platform, each reflecting the key trends driving packaging innovation.

From advancements in recycling, refill and reuse systems, and bio-materials development, to enhancements in user experience and the ongoing shift towards paperisation, these innovations are shaping the future of packaging.

Let’s dive into the top trends and explore some of the standout initiatives uploaded this week. We’ve added 30 new innovations this week (6 per day), bringing our total to over 9,100 listed initiatives.

Recycling (7 innovations): Many companies continue to focus on improving recyclability by using recycled materials in their packaging or making their packaging recyclable. Innovations include products made from post-consumer recycled (PCR) materials, such as Kysu Inc. 's new packaging and Angelakis's OliVchicken pack, which contains 30% RPET. This trend demonstrates a significant commitment to reducing reliance on virgin plastics and chasing challenging recycling targets.

Refill and Reuse (3 innovations): The trend of refillable and reusable packaging continues to gain traction ( Wayne Barron will be pleased), as seen in Hermès 's Le Bain collection and the new spirit dispense system from Diageo . These innovations emphasize convenience while promoting sustainability by reducing single-use packaging and encouraging consumers to refill existing containers.

Bio-Materials (10 innovations): The development of sustainable packaging from natural materials continues to be signifiant. Innovations such as seaweed-based pipettes by Citizens of Soil | B Corp and Notpla , and the compostable packaging developed by Parkside Flexibles Ltd for Dark Woods Coffee - Leading B Corp highlight the packaging industry's efforts to develop biodegradable and compostable alternatives that aim to minimize environmental impact. These bio-based solutions are increasingly being recognized for their role in addressing plastic waste.

Paperisation (6 innovations): There is a notable trend towards using paper-based materials for packaging, as demonstrated by 雀巢 's trial of a paper container for Quality Street chocolates and Paboco - the paper bottle company 's introduction of a paper bottle with a fibre cap. These innovations aim to replace traditional plastic packaging with sustainable paper options while ensuring product integrity and freshness.

Enhancing User Experience- (4 innovations): Enhancing user experience is a non-sustainability trend worth noting. This week we saw Quadpack | Certified B Corp 's innovative dispensing cap as well as Securikett Ulrich & Horn GmbH 's tamper evident labels.

These trends reflect a broader industry movement towards sustainability, with companies innovating to reduce environmental impact and responding to consumer demand for sustainable packaging solutions. The focus on recycling, refillable systems, bio-materials, paper-based alternatives, and enhancing user experience showcases the diverse approaches being adopted to achieve sustainability goals in packaging.



