Packaging with CO2e emissions assessment provides companies with a tangible way to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability
AURIKA packaging
Printing house and manufacturer of adhesive labels and flexible packaging.
Today, more and more companies are inclined to take responsibility for the environmental impact of their activities. One area where companies can make a significant change is in packaging. The packaging manufacturer "Aurika" aims to increase the sustainability of packaging, becoming the first in Lithuania to provide the opportunity to evaluate and control the CO2e emissions of flexible plastic packaging.
Data-driven decisions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Carbon footprint, i.e., the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere due to activities, is increasingly being evaluated to reduce business impact on the environment. The CO2e emissions assessment of the packages produced by "Aurika" covers the entire production cycle of the packaging, from raw materials to utilization. "Calculations show that, depending on the choices made for packaging production, its environmental impact can be reduced by 30% or more," says sustainability specialist Mindaugas Jaku?ionis . This means that companies can make data-driven decisions about their packaging and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Labeling and certification for consumers
Consumer goods manufacturers who have decided to evaluate the CO2e emissions of their packaging can label them with a certified ClimateCalc logo indicating that the package's emissions have been assessed. The logo includes the certification number of the company that produced the package, ensuring transparency and accountability for consumers. ClimateCalc is a calculation tool based on the European printing industry standard for carbon footprint calculation established by the European printing industry association Intergraf. This standard is the only international printing industry carbon footprint calculation standard and ensures that everyone who uses it calculates in the same way. The tool complies with ISO 14064-1, ISO 16759, and the international Green House Gas Protocol.
Commitment to Sustainability
Flexible packaging manufacturer "Aurika" is one of the pioneers in the region offering packaging with CO2e assessment. M. Jaku?ionis notes, "Assessing the CO2e emissions of packaging is a global sustainability practice that is gaining momentum, and 'Aurika' is committed to following this practice." By evaluating the carbon footprint of their packaging, companies can control their environmental impact and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.