Pacific RVSM Aircraft Approvals Updated 28 FEB 2023 by PARMO
Robert Miller III
Aviation Safety Specialist RVSM / Senior Information Technology Analyst at CSSI Inc
New lists of RVSM aircraft approvals have been released!
The Regional Monitoring Agency of?PARMO (Pacific Approvals Registry and Monitoring Organization) have released updated aircraft lists of RVSM approvals and monitoring status.
These lists contain the most current RVSM approval status for Commercial Operators' aircraft, PART 135 or PART 91 Section 3 Operators' aircraft, and aircraft monitoring using ADS-B* PART 91 Section 9.
Below are the websites for viewing and downloading the latest RVSM Approval lists for aircraft that are registered in the following countries:
RVSM Approvals are updated monthly around the 15th so check back often.
If you have any questions about RVSM monitoring or require service, please contact us at [email protected]?