P2P Marketing – The Ultimate Strategy
To understand P2P Marketing we’ll go through the basics and talk about the definitions that are related and that are larger in scope.
B2B Marketing (Business to Business)?is when we, as a company, direct our strategy and its content towards another company or organisation.
B2C Marketing (Business to Consumer) is when a company or organisation directs its strategy and its content to the consumer, being the consumer the last player in the Consumption Chain.
There’s nothing new here, and everybody in and out of the Marketing world knows these concepts quite well, but some new trends have come along to somewhat improve the basics and tackle the “relationship” aspect. They are:
H2H Marketing (Human to Human) is when we acknowledge that behind every relationship in the Consumption Chain lies a human being. That being said, we should promote closer relationships. So H2H is located inside B2B and B2C acknowledging the Human aspect of the players.
P2P Marketing (Person to Person):?this concept goes into more detail than H2H. P2P brings in the individuality of the person on each side of the relationship and the fact that the Company or Organisation pursues emotions to establish loyalty. It is based on the fact that no one person is the same and that the players in the relationship have to adapt to reach its full potential.
If we sell one single product but have two different salesmen, is our product the same?
Physically, the product is the same, but the perception of it could be altered. The way our salesmen “relate” ?can make this product better or worse, and shut or open the door for the competition. If we work P2P correctly, we work by triggering emotions, perusing our client’s needs, and ultimately triggering loyalty to our product. We need to study our client but also study ourselves so that when both are put into the same equation, the result is positive.
The ultimate goal for P2P is that content (strategy) can be personalised to reach our client’s individuality and give them the “feeling” that the product is also theirs.