Dear Friend & Connections:
Stock-Tips-Weekly.com llc is hereby presenting an additional article as an update to last week’s shorts offer. The list is this week’s shorts.
Last week we used a different presentation format. We deviated from our normal practice by posting on the general LinkedIn board instead of delivering to your private pages. That report covered more than shorts. It included an update of our ongoing series on the Pele-$1Billion-Stock-Notional-Portfolio. The list showed a tremendous performance for our post-corona portfolio, which performed better than all the leading global indexes. Later today, I will re-post that article on the general LinkedIn board. Please stay tuned. Note however, that a special delivery to your LinkedIn of the re-posted article available upon request.
Table 1 below is an update of last week’s shorts. Four (4) stocks have failed to achieve our goals with price increase of 0.4% - 5.0%. On the other hand, the other 16 have declined in prices in line with our expectations including six (6) by 9.1% - 11.2% -- a tremendous performance indeed!
Our rule of engagement is that each set of shorts is held for not more than four (4) during which time gains may be harvested and losses cut back.
Table 1
Table 2 below presents our short list for this week. The list is dominated by commercial services, technology and retail sectors. We have high expectations for these shorts.
Next week we will present an update this list in addition to the other from last week.
Table 2
As always, we invite discussion from interested individuals on these shorts as well as on the notional portfolio.
Thanks for staying connected with me here on LinkedIn.
Anin-Kofi Addo, CFA (since 1989)