Ozempic: Wonder Drug, or Typical Pharmaceutical Poison?

Ozempic: Wonder Drug, or Typical Pharmaceutical Poison?

There are a few objective facts about reality many people willingly chose to ignore. Well, there’s way more than a few, but a few are most applicable to this discussion.

  • Energy and matter cannot be created out of nothing.
  • If you do enough work to burn more calories than you put into your body on a daily basis, for enough time, you lose matter, meaning you lose weight. This is in accordance with the laws of thermodynamics.
  • Ozempic slows down digestion, people feel full more often, they eat less, & they lose weight.

Currently, about 80% of the United States Population is overweight, obese, or morbidly obese, according to government data. This is bad. It means at least 80% of the US population is living with chronic sympathetic autonomic nervous system hyperactivity with simultaneous chronic parasympathetic autonomic hypoactivity. If I had to pick one simple way to progressively destroy as many aspects of my mental and physical health as possible, being overweight is 100% what I would choose. Chronically carrying excessive weight around, and the more it is the worse off you are, wreaks havoc on every single aspect of mental and physical wellbeing. It exponentially increases the likelihood of almost all disease, absolutely destroys your joints, organ systems, nervous systems, heart function, brain function, and is one of the best ways to ensure you die early.

The primary underlying neurophysiologic mechanism through which this devastation occurs is chronic sympathetic autonomic nervous system hyperactivity, as is the case with basically all states of human pathology. As far as we currently understand, the autonomic nervous system functions kinda like a seesaw. In one seat is the sympathetic autonomic nervous system, and on the other end in the other seat is the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system. Overall, we still understand very little about the intricacies of the inner-workings of the autonomic nervous system, but it appears we do understand some things at least somewhat well:

  1. In general, the sympathetic side is more excitatory, while the parasympathetic side is more calming, or inhibitory. “Fight or Flight” is commonly used in school to describe sympathetics and “Rest & Digest” to describe parasympathetics.
  2. In general, both sides of the seesaw cannot go up or down at the same time. As one side goes up, the other side goes down.
  3. Almost 100% of all disease is both caused by, and further causes, hyperactivity of the sympathetic autonomic nervous system, which simultaneously inhibits the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system. This becomes a detrimental feedback loop at the heart of almost all chronic disease, including obesity.
  4. Every aspect of mental and physical health improves as the homeostasis of your autonomic nervous system improves. To improve homeostasis, the typical human requires a depression of sympathetics and an elevation of parasympathetics.
  5. Overall, the autonomic seesaw should be in a relative state of balance.
  6. The parasympathetics should be more active while sleeping, relaxing, and typically stimulate hunger.
  7. The sympathetics should be more active during the day, activity, and typically suppress hunger.
  8. Neither side can function optimally without proper input, inhibition, regulation, or communication from the other side.
  9. The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis and the Gut-Brain axis are primary axes of the autonomic nervous system and are closely linked to the regulation of many hormones, including the ones controlling hunger and satiety.
  10. All 12 of the “12 Hallmarks of Aging” are driven by a single underlying, base level dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system: Chronic sympathetic autonomic hyperactivity, which Ozempic makes worse.

Below is a snippet from a paper titled: Physiology, Obesity, Neurohormonal Appetite, & Satiety Control: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK555906/


“Originally, ghrelin was discovered as a growth hormone-releasing peptide that acted on the hypothalamus. Subsequent study results then showed that levels of ghrelin increased before meals and had a role in increasing body weight, thus earning the name “hunger hormone.” The lateral area of the hypothalamus is responsible for hunger and becomes stimulated by ghrelin. Since then, many studies have attempted to adjust the balance between ghrelin and leptin for therapeutic uses. Although ghrelin is most prominently known for its role in stimulating appetite, it is also involved in regulating sleep-wake rhythms, taste sensation, and glucose metabolism. Studies continue to explore the growing relationship between ghrelin and glucose metabolism, showing ghrelin’s ability to decrease insulin release.”


“Leptin is perhaps best understood as the opposite of ghrelin, acting as the body’s satiety signal. Together with ghrelin, leptin exists in balance to regulate energy homeostasis. The ventromedial region of the hypothalamus is responsible for satiety and is stimulated by leptin. Furthermore, leptin inhibits stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus to inhibit the effects of ghrelin. As an adipocyte-derived hormone, leptin sends signals to the medial hypothalamus regarding energy storage within the body. However, leptin also has many other roles within the body, such as reproduction, blood pressure, and vast effects on the immune system. These additional functions of leptin have an overall impact on energy metabolism and act to change the balance within the body.”

Just as with everything in the human body, what we currently know about the neurophysiology of appetite and appetite suppression is a minuscule percentage of everything there is to know. Leptin and Ghrelin appear to be primary controllers of metabolism, hunger, and satiety. They seem to have relatively opposing effects on hunger; ghrelin makes you hungry, leptin makes you not hungry, and we know some of the pathways they work on. We do not understand too much aside from that.

For example, we know the gut microbiome plays a massive role in regulating the production of these hormones, however, we know hardly anything, or nothing at all, about all the different species of bacteria in our gut responsible for producing and regulating a multitude of substances that directly or indirectly affect the production and action of ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin and leptin also appear to play less understood, but equally major roles in mood, mental health, immune function, and more.

In the realm of biology, nothing is free. Generally speaking, the stronger the effect a substance has on the human brain and body, the stronger the side effects are from continued use, or from discounting use following prolonged utilization. You know what else basically guarantees weight loss by making you less hungry so you eat less? Daily use of high-grade cocaine and methamphetamine. Mixed together, or separate, whatever paddles your canoe. The only issue is those pesky side effects, so annoying…

If you are laughing at the extreme comparison, you shouldn’t be, although it is kinda funny, in a sick, twisted way… Anyway, the pharmaceutical companies track record on weight loss drugs is about as stunningly abysmal as their track record on Covid “vaccines.” They have previously unleashed drugs to the market almost exactly mimicking the effects of both cocaine and methamphetamine. And who could have possibly guessed, these drugs were subsequently banned for widespread, serious adverse side effects that were never disclosed to the public prior to them being prescribed or taking the drug.

Drugs which were only banned after millions of people had taken them, after millions of people had suffered and many had died, and after the pharmaceutical companies had made billions of dollars. Sound familiar to anyone??? This is the rinse and repeat cycle, especially with drugs that have the potential to make the most money. For example, I present to you the millions of children and adults who are currently being prescribed and are taking Adderall, which has the exact same neurophysiologic effect, including addictive properties, as low-grade meth.

Ozempic is derived from the natural peptide semaglutide, which humans have had in their bodies for millennia and intimately know how to process and regulate. Why did we never hear about semaglutide, which is more or less 100% safe and free of serious adverse side effects? You mean Just like BPC-157, GHK-Cu, Thymosin beta-4, thymosin alpha-1, nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), and other natural, safe, and effective substances the FDA and USDA is currently trying to ban? Because they are safe, natural, and effective, the three words that place absolute terror into the cold, twisted hearts of the megalomaniacal psychopaths who have been controlling mainstream medicine for the last 50 years. Like Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, Rochelle Walensky, Robert Redfield, and other criminals on the top of the stand-by list for a one-way trip to Hades.

When you take a natural peptide like semaglutide and exponentially increase its half-life and potency by altering its molecular structure, the product, Ozempic, is no longer natural and no longer free of serious adverse side-effects, because it is now a non-natural, supercharged, long-lasting alien substance your body has never encountered before. Natural peptides and other substances cannot be patented, and therefore cannot make the criminally medically negligent public health agencies, government, or pharmaceutical companies, but I repeat myself, money. If there is no money to be made, even if the molecule did something like cure all cancer with zero side-effects, I 100% guarantee you it would be labeled as extremely dangerous, ineffective, and actively disappeared, to the extreme detriment of public health. Does the word Ivermectin bring any similarities to mind?

When there are natural molecules like vitamins, minerals, and peptides that show massively helpful health effects and are more effective and way safer than any pharmaceutical, when our “healthcare” system finds stuff like this, they make a huge media campaign and tell the public that it’s super dangerous, they put a black label list on it, then at the same time they put hundreds of millions of dollars into research so they can change the molecule enough to be able to apply for a patent. As soon as the patent goes through, all of a sudden, their synthetically altered, alien substance with a ton of side effects, which always include death, magically becomes safer than the natural substance.

I know there’s a lot of like positive talk about Ozempic out there, and people losing weight is a good thing, in and of itself, but I can I can guarantee you guys right now this drug is going to be taken off the market just like the majority of previous “miracle” weight loss drugs. Drugs taken off the market because of safety issues. Should you trust somebody when many of their products are deemed not safe for human beings to take, after they said it was safe and gave it to millions of human beings, and who have absolutely zero liability?

Ozempic is a GLP-1 (glucagon-like-peptide-1) agonist. It basically slows down the rate your intestines process food. It slows down your digestion, which alters the amount of leptin and ghrelin hormones, which changes how hungry you are, so people eat less. The only way for this to occur is for the sympathetic autonomic nervous system to become elevated and the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system to become depressed, which compounds the already existing pathologic state of chronic sympathetic autonomic hyperactivity over 80% of Americans are currently living with. Mark my words, it is scientifically impossible for this to not cause long-term, devastating health effects.

For all of the brain-dead doctors out there who like to say that obesity is not a calories problem, well, 100% of those same doctors will say that Ozempic works because it makes people eat less. So, if people lose hundreds of pounds on Ozempic because they’re eating less, why don’t you just help people eat better, and eat less? I’ll answer. That doesn’t make people billions of dollars.

It is scientifically impossible to not lose weight If you consistently put fewer calories into your body than you burn during the day, for enough time. Unless someone is hiding the math that proves the laws of thermodynamics don’t hold true in the human body, but hold true everywhere else on planet earth. Anyone???

One argument that people will make about this is, well, not all calories are the same. That does not change the equation people. If you do enough work to burn more calories than you put in, you’re going to lose weight. They say, not all calories are created equal, some calories take more energy to burn than others. That’s for sure true. That’s one of the main reasons ultra-processed food is so detrimental to people, it’s an alien substance full of poison, so your body is trying to deal with it, it can’t, and everything dysfunctions.

Ultra-processed food calories do require more energy to burn than a calorie of real food. You are basically eating plastic for fucks-sake, what do you expect to happen? Would you be befuddled if your car kept breaking after you filled up the gas tank with salt water? A Little-Debbie calorie requires more energy to burn than a steak calorie. However, that does not change the fact that if you burn more calories than you put in your body during the day, for enough time, you lose weight. This is a non-arguable, simple addition and subtraction problem.

Ozempic is treating a massive problem, there is no question. Neither is there a question that this massive problem has been intentionally created by the exact same people profiting off you taking Ozempic. Ring any alarm bells? It should.

Everything is about risk vs reward. Unfortunately, our public health system has removed the word “risk” from their vocabulary. The only word they understand is “reward”, in the form of billions of dollars, and to hell with risk! If you’re 300 or 400 pounds, the question you need to ask yourself is, if you lose 200 pounds, which you can easily do without Ozempic, BTW, are the side effects you WILL experience from Ozempic worth it, as far as overall health outcomes, because being obese is one of the most detrimental things you can do to your overall mental and physical health that there is.

The only problem with this? You can be 100% assured that all the worst side effects of this alien substance have been, and are currently being, actively hidden from the public. Which is a clear and blatant violation of the Nuremburg code, and of ethical medical practice in general. Again, all you have to do is look at the last 40 years of history to see this is the standard of practice for our criminally medically negligent public health organizations.

Nothing in biology is free. Once again, cocaine is a hell of a weight loss drug, and its far more natural than Ozempic. it’s only a few steps away from the natural plant, where Ozempic is hundreds of steps away from the natural semaglutide peptide. Cocaine is also a super awesome way to absolutely destroy every single other aspect of your mental and physical wellbeing. Based on the pharmaceutical companies track records, not to mention their stunningly obvious scientific lies they continuously vomit up to the direct detriment of public health, I don’t trust anything they put out there. I can basically guarantee there’s going to be massive problems with this drug and it’s going to be taken off the market. Oh, did I mention that per our pediatric societies and per mainstream medicine, Ozempic is now a standard of care for children?

So, let me get this straight… American board-certified physicians and medical associations think the answer to about 50% of kids and 80% of adults being fat is to change nothing about anything they are doing. Change nothing about what they are eating, change nothing about their physical activity or exercise, change nothing about their lifestyle habits, don’t educate them in proper nutrition, no, no, no. The obvious answer is to let them continue to poison themselves, but we will just give you a pill that allows you to put less poison into your body each day. What in the everlasting fuck??? That is the literally answer from the “medical experts” in public health. Golly gee, I wonder how the health of our country is worse than it has ever been, at the same time out technology and capability is better than it’s ever been.

If you want to optimize your health in today’s society, you must take it upon yourself to learn what epigenetics are and what the epigenome does, in order to understand how and why thoughtful nutrition, supplementation, and peptide therapy are key to maintaining a healthy epigenetic and genetic expression, and how to achieve autonomic nervous system homeostasis. The key to health.

The only problem with this? Basically, zero of this information is taught in any medical school in the country. It wasn’t taught in 1924, and it’s not taught in 2024, as if we have failed to make any medical progress over the last century. There are essentially zero full semester courses on any of this stuff in DPT, MD, DO, DC, or any other medical program. You will not learn this information anywhere else, and if you don’t know the information exists, you can’t possibly utilize said information to improve the health of your patients.

Understanding the vital role of nutrition, supplementation, epigenetics, the epigenome, and peptide therapy will dramatically enhance your ability to improve your own health, and the health of your patients.

Our 5-course online nutrition certification is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to integrate nutrition into your existing practice, begin a cash-pay practice, or to simply improve your ability to improve your healthspan and lifespan.

Don’t accept living with “idiopathic” chronic health impairments. This is what our “public health” system desires, and unfortunately, they have succeeded. 95% of the US population is vitamin deficient, 80% is overweight, and the average life expectancy is dropping for the first time in a century.

It doesn’t have to be this way, there are cheap, simple, effective solutions.

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DISCLAIMER: The content on the blog for Intricate Art Spine & Body Solutions, LLC is for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice. The information contained in this blog should not be used to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease or health illness. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. Please consult with your physician or other qualified healthcare professional before acting on any information presented here.


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