OX Seven Newsletter
OX Seven Talent Partners R2R
Generally considered to be the best Rec2Rec agency in the western world.
Sunday again.
Here are 3 hills i'm prepared to die on:
2. On demand TV has made Sunday evenings a lot shitter. Heartbeat, Antiques Roadshow, Songs of praise, A touch of Frost etc. I really miss all those programmes - felt like it really set up the week. Now I am forced to watch Squid games and other Netflix wank.
3. Nobody should dread going to work the next day (commonly known as the Sunday scaries). I'd hate that. Like really would. It's slightly recruitment cliche 101 - but if you are genuinely dreading going in to work tomorrow - book a call in with us and tell us why.
Anyway, we genuinely get asked quite a lot about videos; how we do it, what tools we use, what software to edit etc, so I thought i'd pass on some of my very limited wisdom to all 4385 of you.
We're dropping some of our latest roles down here - but we do not advertise all of them (always at our clients request), so if you're potentially interested in seeing what is out there, give Will Grashoff, Dan Beecher or Josh Withers a shout!
A selection of our current roles:
We appreciate this is only a tiny snippet of info, so if any of the below piques a bit of interest, please get in contact with us. You can reply to this e-mail, find us on LinkedIn (easy ennit) or give us a bell on 01280 505 980.
Funny things this week:
Value added content:
Be Kind:
We go again:
If you refer us to one of your esteemed peers we will pay you up to £1000 as a thank you (10% of the fee once rebate over). If you’re ?feeling super charitable we will pay it to a charity of your choice.
E-mail Will for anything (I especially love memes)