Owning our part in managing a "bad employee"?

Owning our part in managing a "bad employee"

Last week, I shared a story about a “bad employee” I called Chad and my contribution to the situation.

Thank you to everyone who contacted me after reading the story.

I’m always amazed by the feeling of freedom following the action of owning our part of the story.

Once we own it, we circumvent the need to protect ourselves.?There is no longer a desire to defend, make excuses or explain why we did what we did. ?

We no longer have to hide behind the fear, wondering what others will think of us or how they will see us.?

It requires vulnerability and courage to own our mistakes, our shortcomings, the moments when we are less than our best.

After owning our contribution, the next step is to imagine who we want to be in the relationship. ?

How we want to behave in the role we occupy.?

How we want to reveal ourselves so people see us the way we see ourselves. ?

One of my favorite quotes is, "You can never outlive the image you have of yourself."

If we want a team where everyone is excited and engaged, then we must see ourselves as the person who can lead an excited and engaged team.

These are our priceless opportunity to grow and lead more powerfully.

Are you looking to put action to managing the Chad’s of your world? Join my invite only email list to get insight delivered directly to you inbox.?Request an invite.

I’d love to connect with you and do some great work in the world.?


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