The Ownership Perspective
My football coach in high school always said it "Excuses are like _______, We all got one and they all stink"
This idea has been ingrained in me from my athletics, through my education, and my higher learning endeavors....the single most valuable lesson ever sold to me was the simple concept of OWNERSHIP.
Early on, my coaches taught me if I was was on me. Not my dad, not my teacher that held me after class, and not my friends....
If I was late to practice there was no excuse, but i did earn some extra sprints.
The idea was simple, a commitment is a commitment. When we do not honor that commitment, It was our duty to own that mistake.
The outcomes we face are simply products of accumulated decisions and moments. Being late to practice could have been prevented by communicating differently or by a multitude of different responses and actions in which i could have done...
My coach teaching us a lesson....
The idea was that if we were to be successful, we were to honor the commitments we make.
This same concept can and should be applied to virtually EVERY aspect of our lives.
Get in a fight with your significant other? Take a moment to breathe, remember your commitment and see your fault in the situation.
Have a repeating issue at work? Take a moment and breath, remember your commitment and see your fault in the situation.
Not getting results with your trainer? Take a moment and breath, remember your commitment and see your fault in the situation...
The odds are that the lack of results, the negative energy and the unhappy relationships can be fixed if we would focus on our role in the issues and how we can better address tham.
It's time to end the blame game and focus on ourselves.
With that simple perception, You can change your life.
With ownership, you can excel in any career simply because you will be willing to learn, adapt and improve.
So i encourage you, the next time a problem arises in your life.
Step back, breathe focus on building that solution.
Mike // Express Pros