Owner Representative Overview
Duane C. Barney
I help builders scale their businesses and make more money while working less. Need a speaker for your event? Let's talk.
Based on the specific project requirements the objective is to assist the client with the entire operational processes of the project.
Land Acquisition
If property is needed, we will assist in retaining a local realtor for the acquisition of just the right property for your new home. Whether it is vistas, seclusion or just the “right spot”; we will advise on options for home sighting, access and research zoning, wetland and local ordinance issues
Architect Selection
If construction is a new process you will need an architect and the right architect who understands your vision and can translate it to paper is a key step. Based on your desire for modern, Victorian or country charm architects will be interviewed for just the right fit.
We don't build your home we make building your home easier for you
Managing the bid process is a momentous step in the timeline of any project. The success or failure of a project can often rest upon contractor selection and ensuring the entire scope of the design documents is covered. As the bid process is much more dynamic than just taking the low bid, utilizing our services from this stage is encouraged.
Selecting the right contractor is essential to the success of your project. Contractor Manager will assist in interviewing and pre-qualifying contractors for you. Spending the last decade working with hundreds of contractors of all trades has given us the knowledge and expertise you need in selecting the best contractor for your project.
We constantly monitor the schedule to assure that major milestones are met, and the project remains on schedule. Time is money and anything that impacts the schedule needs to be clearly identified and justified. Part of our weekly site meeting is to direct the contractor to submit revised schedules when the project is impacted by design changes, weather or any other conditions. We feel the schedule is a major factor in the success of a project and we will hold the contractor accountable to it.
Consultant Coordination
The Architect and Contractor will not be the only assisting you in the construction of your home. Landscape architects, interior designers, art consultants and an assortment of other firms will be working with you to build your dream. The work of each consultant must be coordinated to work in concert for the completion of the overall project. We will be there coordinating, guiding and directing for a smooth flow of information and process.
It is important to ensure that all stakeholders of the construction project are living up to their expectations set before its start. This service typically encompasses the entire construction timeline, as we diligently monitor and enforce contractual requirements. Ensuring total invested capital is equal to the value of the project is a fundamental expectation.
Only paying for goods you have received, or work that has been completed, seems like a basic concept in construction. However, often payment requested is not equal to the current equity of the project. Maintaining the balance between completed work and capital dispersed is integral in the financial health of your project, as it leaves you with the least amount of risk possible. We review every payment application, ensuring you are only paying for work which is equal to the equity of the building. In addition, we also ensure all billing is being done according to contracts and the contractors are submitting all the required paperwork, insurance certificates and lien releases. This is a critical part of the project and we are experts in this field
Throughout the course of your project you will have hundreds of people participating in some aspect of it. Making sure everyone is carrying the proper insurance coverage will drastically reduce your exposure. We will have a designated person responsible for maintaining all the policies from each vendor or subcontractor. We will also ensure policies are renewed and new documents are provided naming our clients as additionally insured. I cannot stress the importance of this task.
Ultimately, almost all projects will have change orders. A change order is when a contract must perform work at an extra cost on the project which was not expected. Contractor Manager will ensure no change order work is approved or paid until the contractor has gone through the proper channels. All change orders need to be presented, reviewed and signed by the owner prior to any work being completed. We will work with the contractors to ensure they are submitting the proper paperwork, so we can present it to the owners for review.
Part of our site visits will be to continually evaluate the contractor’s safety practices and look for any potentially hazardous situations. Any hazardous situation will be documented and reported to the contractor and project manager. Safety practices start now, even before construction. We should strategize what safety issues we will have when demo begins and what security measures need to be taken prior to that happening. This could be installing fencing, security cameras and potentially security guards once construction starts and we have tools, equipment and materials onsite.
Closing out a construction project is a daunting task. Operation and Maintenance Manuals (O & M’s) must be collected, punch lists finalized, and contracts must be closed out. Contractor Manager can guide you every step of the way through this process. We collect and review O & M’s and closely monitor the punch list operation. Equally as important, we perform contract close-out functions, such as warranty work, ensuring the close-out documents are in order, and authorizing release of retention.
General Manager at Rigwealth Engineering LTD
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