Own Your Story
Neha Gupta
Founder Alchemy of Organization Development I Leadership (CXO) Coach I OD Consultant I Diversity & Inclusion I Leadership Development #alchemyofod #awakeleadershipcoaching
“You either walk inside your story and own it or you stand outside your story & hustle for your worthiness.” ~ Brene Brown
I came across this statement by Brene Brown today and am struck by the story in it! By the profoundness it holds.
We all are a collection of stories. The narrative in our head about our own story creates our reality and an expression of us. It is easy to get caught up with the best version of ourselves and disown parts of our stories, which are hard, painful or simply don't go down with our own self image. How painful can that be!
- So much of our energy can go in filtering out and disowning parts of self which don't conform to our self image
- It takes away so much of our self-integration and may make us seem inauthentic to others
- Our gifts which come from the weaving of all parts of ourselves, from our own unique stories can keep lying untouched, undiscoverd
Imagine, for a moment, if one could own one's own story. If one could begin to talk about it, share it, accept the feelings that come with it and see how one is progressing with each subsequent telling of one's story. How would that be?
Let me tell you, how it would be - liberating!
And of course,a tad risky. Some people may accept you, some may reject you, make opinions about you (those they will in any case, by the way), lable you, love you, avoid you, embrace you, make a role model out of you (either way! to be or not to be). All sorts of things, that happen but most importantly what happens is within you..chew over it, think about it, give it a shot! Experiment..
This reminds me of a little cartoon I once saw and loved. A butterfly driving a car is stopped by a traffic cop. He shows the cop his driving license. But the license has a different picture - that of a caterpillar and he tells the cop, "Sorry office, but I've grown since then."
~ Neha