Own your own security
Frances Russell
Managing Director | IT strategy, solutions and support helping businesses achieve their goals
Controlling cyber risk for your business
As a trained and experienced professional, you spend years learning your craft and nobody expects you to also learn the crafts of all the specialists you depend on… Except one: turns out you ARE expected to be an expert on IT security, and if you are not, you might get fined, lose your reputation, your ability to earn a living, your business. Not a comforting thought to wake up to one day.
In the last few years, governments around the world have ramped up their attention to cyber security, trying to stem the tide of attacks from other nations, businesses with no morals and of course the vast dedicated criminal element. The Australian government is on that band wagon and has just signed a deal with Microsoft who will invest 5 billion in Australia to improve cyber security infrastructure, training and strategy – with an emphasis on further developing AI technology.
That sounds great! We don’t have to worry anymore! Microsoft and AI to the rescue!
The big BUT
Whatever happens at the big end of town (governments, multi-nationals, bleeding edge technology), it is at the intersection where the targets (your business, your staff) and the bad actors (cyber criminals, state-based perpetrators, intellectual property thieves) meet that the actual attacks occur. National legislation and security investment are all ineffectual unless the vast army of small businesses actually takes action. So It’s you at the coal face, or where the rubber hits the road that has to OWN YOUR OWN SECURITY and make it happen for your business.
Governments and regulatory bodies are crystal clear on that point, and are ramping up fines, penalties, obligations and responsibilities for business owners and managers to make certain you are crystal clear too.
Some fines for you
Everyone knows unless it hurts, most people treat rules casually: comply when it is convenient. Hence the shifting ground: there are now a whole raft of opportunities to fine you if you have inadequate security in your company. Here are a few that can apply to you:
Governments and regulatory bodies are holding businesses to account. Here are a few recent examples:
Here are the two MOST COMMON ways businesses fall short on security and risk, scoring fines, losing precious data, or losing the whole business:
This is a horror story that happens all too often. The simple rule: don’t trust anyone, do these things:
2. Lack of understanding of the value of data
A comment I often hear is “our business doesn’t have high value data”. Or: “we don’t have industrial secrets, therefore nobody would be interested in our data”
These are not valid comments: the value of data is almost always related to the value that data has for the OWNER of it, not to the world at large.
Your business is paying salaries and delivering services to clients. What is the impact on you as a business owner or manager if you can’t keep doing these things?
A cyber crook knows that small businesses are MORE LIKELY to pay up. Why? Because small-ish businesses are MORE LIKELY to:
And why does all this happen? Typically small/medium businesses are low on security resources and expertise so they:
Notice most of these risks are around what you do as a business, they are not specifically technology related.
IT security is a business function
Hang on, isn’t IT security a black art that only specially trained experts can understand and manage? Nope. Your IT security starts with your business plan. The key questions are NOT IT related, they are business related:
None of these questions are IT, they are business related. You as the business expert have to answer these questions, then invite your IT partner to the business planning meeting so they can help with picking the right technology to do what YOU decide the business needs.
Critical systems and risk
Each business function needs tools to do the job. Make a list of them. For each one:
Ask: how long your business could function if that system was not available? 1 hour? 1 day? A month? On the worst possible day of the month/year: eg payroll day, deadline for delivery of a project.
Ask: how much you can afford to lose? Is it okay to lose a whole day’s work? If it is, then a backup once per day is enough. If you can’t afford to lose more than one hour work, then your backup needs to support that.
Ask: what is the plan to recover this system if it is somehow damaged?
Third party risk
Just about every company has these. SalesForce, Practice Management systems, Microsoft 365. A typical comment I hear is: “It’s in the cloud, so we don’t have to worry about it. The cloud provider looks after it”
Most cloud providers do not take full responsibility for your data. They look after their cloud servers and platform, but you are expected to look after your own business requirements. That includes solutions for recovery of your data to meet YOUR business needs.
That means you need to understand your third party risks.
Third party risk – primary cyber risk for business
At the Australian Financial Review Cyber Summit on 18th September 2023, Joe Longo, ASIC Chair repeatedly identified third party suppliers as the primary cyber risk for business:
“Third party suppliers are the primary cyber risk for business. A business cannot “set and forget” their security. There is no vaccine for cyber attack. All businesses must act now. Lack of activity, planning and ongoing management is a potential breach of Directors’ duties: the duty to act with reasonable care”
AFR Cyber Summit 18th September 2023, Joe Longo, ASIC Chair
Prove you can recover
What makes an adequate disaster recovery plan?
Once you have a critical systems list, and the plan for recovery is documented. Go ahead and test it. Check it off to see if everything works:
If it doesn’t work as needed, having done a test, you now have a clear roadmap for what you need to change so it will work.
Questions for every board, business owner and manager
The answer to all these should be YES:
Build the planks of security into your business
If you would like help to make this work, contact me today. FooForce can help you with all your IT and security needs.
Contact me for a chat: [email protected] or phone us 02 9234 1234
Frances Russell is CEO and Managing Director of FooForce, a leading Australian Managed Service and Security Provider.? Frances is highly qualified in networking and security and has 20+ years experience advising organisations on business risk, IT strategy and security FooForce provides cyber security, IT strategy alignment, information security audit including cloud security, cyber risk awareness and full IT support services to companies across many industry sectors.
Reservoir Engineering Consultant at Irrgang Reservoir Managemen
1 年Good list of tasks Frances Russell, daunting though. Read it all, definitely worth 7 mins, could save weeks
Did they quote Elanora? He asks admitting he's too lazy to read the article. I'm retired, you know tired more than once