Own Your Results
Gregg Swanson, PCC, NLP
Helping High Performers Master Their Mindset?? Unlock Peak Performance & Achieve True Fulfillment!
Did your last important goal or project crash and burn with a vengeance? Take a deep breath, it has happened to all of us at some point in time and you will get through it! Your next step, if you want to avoid this trend in the future, is to take a close look at what you have been doing in your life, are you setting yourself up for success with your actions? Keep these 4 things in mind:
- You are in control of your actions
- Results and actions are closely related
- Change is always a variable
- Anyone can take something from idea to action
You want to know the truth? The powerful formula before will light the way! If you want optimal results you absolutely must be proactive.
Your Leadership + Your Actions = Results
Do you want better results? Evaluate these three areas:
1. Doing
Are the results you desire aligned with your current actions?
Too many times we will await the New Year to figure out the results are nowhere near what we desire. Are you dissatisfied your finances, health, relationship or business? If you are like a lot of people you can check off several areas you are unhappy with. It is time to be brutally honest and ask, "Am I taking steps today that are going to give me the results I desire for the future?"
Before you can align your actions properly you need to have a firm grasp on what you want to accomplish or acquire in your life. For instance, we have a client who desires to relaunch her art career soon. Today she is planning and hosting an art event for close acquaintances that will take place at years end. At least one of her actions will be spending time in her art studio.
When it comes to enhancing your life what are the actions you take on a consistent basis? As far as your business is concerned are you checking out all available networking events? Are you broadening your knowledge base by attending suitable conferences? There is no wrong way to answer, the point is to evaluate where you are and where you want to be.
The good news today is that you and I have control over our actions.
2. Leadership on Personal Level
Take account of your life, are you taking personal responsibility?
It all boils down to responsibility, accountability, good choices and making yourself a priority.
Your life equals a series of choices.
Your time and energy are precious commodities and each day you have to determine what the best investment is for both. Do you want to always allow others to make key decisions for you or will you step up to the plate and become CEO of your own life? It is up to you to be proactive and take an active role in your life, that is if you want to see a specific set of results. Do you need to change jobs? What are you doing at the daily level to make this your new reality? It is up to you to create the new path when you own your results.
No one else should be making the decisions for your life!
3. Your Results
Have you pulled out all the stops to attain your preferred results?
Do not get it twisted, your results are not arbitrary. It is true that the world can be an uncertain place, especially when you think about the future, however you can always be certain to get results. The only question left is will your results be undesirable or desirable?
Look around and ask the hard questions, such as: "Is there even one more thing I can do to change my circumstances and achieve my desired results?"
The common theme in all of this is simple; It’s You!
Do you know exactly what you want to accomplish and are you implementing the actions you will need to take for the journey? Consider your core values, if it is health and/ or weight management do you really need that extra sugary Starbucks drink? Should you be exercising on a regular basis? It is so easy to articulate what you want, a little more difficult to actually put foot to pavement to make it happen. Remember, there is no right or wrong answers here, simply make the best decisions for you and what you want out of life. Finally, do not kid yourself, your results have a direct correlation to your actions.
BOTTOM LINE TOP 1%: Thankfully, you are not a puppet on a string which means you control your actions and by extension the results thereof. Whatever you put your time, energy, passion and effort into is where you will see results. Some people dream of the overnight success, but very rarely (if ever) is success an instantaneous event, more likely it was produced by methodical choices and actions over a period of time.
If you want success in every area of life, it is up to you to make the decisions that will provide it. In short, OWN YOUR RESULTS!
Gregg Swanson is a sales performance consultant and business coach and has authored several books and numerous articles on peak performance and creator of “Sales Strong.” Gregg specializes helping sales professionals develop mental strength for optimum sales performance. You can pick-up your complementary report, “The Most Critical Step in Sales” by going HERE.