Own Your Life! Own Your Growth!

Own Your Life! Own Your Growth!


Before I begin sharing weekly tips and insights to inspire YOU to be the Leader YOU wish you had, allow me to introduce myself as I believe in the power of building relationships! Tell me about yourself as well in the comments or share a story from your childhood that defined who you are today!!!

My name is Olga Lucia Patarroyo Vargas.? I am a first generation Latina, born and raised in Bogotá, Colombia and thanks to my parents and my grandmother, Anna Victoria Vargas (our dearest Matriarca QEPD), I came to the US to visit for the first time when I was 8 years old.?Two years later, my parents decided we would move permanently to South Florida and becoming a U.S. Resident opened my eyes to a whole new world of wonder and opportunity!?

First life lesson and defining moment...

"returning to life after a coma, was one of the scariest, yet most calming moments of my life!"

One morning, while I was having breakfast before heading to school, out of the blue, I got a major headache that was excruciating when I sat down, yet would completely go away when I stood up and walked around. After three (3) trials of sitting/standing, I got concerned and went to tell my mother; she sat me down and then I began to speak out of context, lost consciousness and fainted. By "coincidence" (we all know there are no coincidences) and unexpectedly, my uncle walked into our apartment unannounced and was a life-saver as he immediately took control and helped my mom to carry me to the car and drive us to the hospital. While in the car, I began having convulsions, and when I got to the hospital, I went into a state of coma.? We had no insurance coverage as we had recently immigrated, but my parents were very grateful as they took me in immediately due to the condition I was in.

I can narrate this now, but I did not find out about most of the above until a day and a half later, after waking up in a CAT SCAN, completely unaware of the occurrences. That ten year old girl had no clue why she came out of a "tunnel" to a very bright room with strangers all dressed in white and she was being told to stay still and that it would be over soon! I recall wondering if I was being sent back to heaven, as that was the logical explanation for me. Nonetheless, they completed the scan and got me out! I immediately asked the whereabouts of my parents and they took me to them and gave them the good news! I can certainly say that returning to life after a coma was one of the scariest, yet most calming moments of my life.??I thought I either died or was in the process of dying but I was not afraid then, that part was actually very peaceful. I did feel fear, however, once I finally came to my senses and realized I was surrounded by strangers and had no idea how I got to that place! All was well once I saw my family and thereafter, although two things stood out to me: (1) we never got a diagnosis as all the results came back normal and (2) I could not believe everything my mom told me I had said before fainting! lol

"events in life happen for us not to us!"
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Today, I tell this story with deep gratitude and appreciation for that event! Waking up from a coma sure gave me a different outlook and perspective in life; which has certainly helped me to manage other moments of fear and uncertainty with resilience, courage, belief and trust that everything happens for a reason and that events in life happen for us not to us! What defines if the result is positive or negative depends on the story we tell ourselves about those events! We all have the choice to learn, to grow, and to respond positively to unforeseen events, no matter the difficulty.? All the lessons I have learned, and there are many more to tell, had led me to become the:?

Wisdom-seeker, Optimistic-outlook, Love-guided and Faith-decision-making and spiritual person that I am. Why do I use a WOLF acronym? Those of you who know me well, have certainly heard various stories of serendipity around this topic for me! For now, I can refer you the Cherokee proverb (see below). I use this image as part of self-discovery with clients I coach and discuss the option we have to choose good over evil, positive over negative, understanding and acknowledging who we are and making the decision to feed the good WOLF.??

Note: The top right image is a tattoo I got during another life defining moment, at age 40.

Note: The top right image is a tattoo I got right after a career defining moment and decision I made at age 40.

I want to hear from you! What is one childhood defining moment for you? Did your family immigrate to the US and experience difficult situations upon arrival? What resonated the most for you? Do you have any follow up questions for me? Share your thoughts / questions in the comments.?

Time To Reflect: Each week I'll leave you with a little something to make you ponder:

"There are three things in life that will pass-by and will never return: time, words and opportunities" - All three are important! (1) Use kind and uplifting words (2) take advantage of opportunities and take inspired action and (3) learn from the past, but live the present moment as that is our most precious gift.

If this newsletter is resonating with you please hit the subscribe button so you don't miss any more of them! Also, when you go to my profile tap on the new BELL and you will be alerted anytime I post on LinkedIn!

With love and gratitude,

Olga Patarroyo

Valerie L.

Fashion Designer & Business Leader | Master's in Fashion Studies | Multilingual Fashion Designer & Strategist | Expertise in Trend Analysis, Branding & Visual Merchandising

2 年

Absolutely resonates! A childhood defining moment for me was when my first sister was born. I had waited for her for seven long years and I now had my own doll to take care of. My family immigrated to the US and we went through many challenges, however, it changed our lives and gave all of us the opportunities we have today. What resonated the most for you is how when we channel our fears into good, whether it’s growth or being there for someone. It makes all the difference and makes us who we are today. Looking forward to the next editions! ??

Adriana Vargas

Administrative Assistant at Tailor on the Move

3 年

Thanks for sharing


